Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1026: 3 elements!

"Well, when you are inhaled by another member of the Xiao organization, I have agreed with my Airo. If the enemy cannot be resolved within ten minutes of the overload mode, use the" Earth star ". Overload mode is available Immediately after the reincarnation, the reincarnation eyes seemed to be out of control, so I failed to perform the 'Earth Explosion Star' ... "

The phosphorus was lowering its head, and the voice was getting quieter and quieter until the end.

"out of control?"

Hikaru mirror frowned.

Obviously, after losing the aid of biological armor, it is still unable to afford recurrent eyes alone based on the physique of phosphorous itself.

In this regard, although Hyundai Mirror is slightly disappointed, it can also be understood, after all, the band of soil that had been obtained in the original time and space of Nagato's reincarnation eyes was only transplanted with one reincarnation eye.

Of these, although there is a reason why the kaleidoscope of the kaleidoscope with the soil to write the eyes is very practical, but the more reason is that the soil cannot bear the burden of two recurrent eyes at the same time.

This point, belt soil is acknowledged personally.

And the soil is the Uchiha people who successfully transplanted the first generation cells. To a certain extent, he can be regarded as a replica of the Uchiha spot. However, he can only bear the burden of a reincarnation eye. How terrifying the burden of reincarnation is on the ninja.

"It seems that although Phosphorus is more special than Nagato, Nagato is better than Phosphor in terms of Chakra amount. It is indeed a whirlpool tribe!"

In terms of the resilience of reincarnation, Nagato is undoubtedly the best performer among all ninjas who have transplanted reincarnation, better than phosphorous, and the soil in the original space.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Hyuga asks again: "If you have biological armor, are you now sure to perform the recurrent eye pupil technique at the level of" Earth Explosion Star "or" Reincarnation Born? "

Xiang phosphorus bit her lip and shook her head: "I ... I don't know."

Seeing Xiangxiang still guilty, Sun Xiangjing patted her shoulder: "I encountered such a powerful enemy for the first time in actual combat. Your performance has been very satisfying to me, so I don't need to feel guilty or disturbed. "

Xiang Phosphor asked: "It's been so long, but I still can't use reincarnation eyes freely! My lord, am I very useless?"

"Useless?" He chuckled and said, "The whole Ninja circle can withstand reincarnation, and it can be counted with one hand, so there is no need for frustration. You just lack a clear understanding of reincarnation." . "

Phosphorus stunned: "A clear understanding?"

Sunxiang Mirror laughed: "Do you know, your fellow kin, the leader of Xiao organization, took more than ten years to slowly adapt to reincarnation. And he can really use reincarnation and master it. All pupils in his reincarnation eyes are still after the fusion of the primary cells. "

Xiang phosphorus looked surprised: "It took the leader of Xiao organization more than ten years to fully adapt to reincarnation?"

Hei Xiangjing nodded softly: "Well, this is still in the situation where he overdrawn his life."

In fact, let alone the level of reincarnation, even kaleidoscope writing of reincarnation is not something anyone can bear. For example, a ninja at the level of Kakashi is burdensome to write a kaleidoscope.

"I understand!"

The phosphorus sounded a lot better.

"This battle is a valuable experience for you. You have to sum up the gains and losses in the battle, and do n’t slack off in the development of reincarnation. I need you to master the normal situation as soon as possible." I can't wait for more than a decade for the ability of the two techniques of "Earth Explosion" and "Reincarnation"! "

Xiang phosphorus nodded quickly: "Yes!"

After soothing the phosphorous, Hyuga came to the laboratory alone.

After changing back to Yin Yin, he placed Lei Yu on the operating table. While checking the physical data of Lei Yu's avatar through various instruments, he used the reincarnation eye to check on Lei Yu's body. damage.

He originally planned to spend a week to master the Thunder Thunder Chakra Mode to complete the development of the Thunder Thunder avatar.

However, he never wanted to bring this unexpected surprise attack, so that he was in a crisis situation and had to break through himself. He had completely mastered the "Thunder Chakra Mode" in the "Shenwei" space, saving a whole week.

"The bones were not injured, the main damage was the muscle tissue and the meridians in the body ..."

Under the insight of the rebirth eye, everything Lei Yu's clone was exposed in the field of vision of the sun mirror.

As the so-called gains and losses must be made, too hasty breakthroughs have also led to the serious damage of Lei Yue's avatar, but fortunately, there is no harm at all. As long as it is thrown into a large nutrition trough, it can be fully restored in no time.

While recording the physical data of Lei's avatar, Hyuga mirror recalled the fighting just now.

This unexpected battle allowed him to see for the first time the real appearance of the "Divine Power" space, which made him understand a lot, and at the same time caused more questions.

But one thing is certain, once a ninja who does n’t know ‘space-time ninjutsu’ is dragged into the space of ‘sacred power’, the chance of escape is almost zero.

There are many special factors in his successful escape this time.

For example, he has mastered the "Thunder Chakra Model", and with the "Thunder Armor" he barely blocked the end of the power of space, but the general ninja could not bear the weight of the power of space at all.

Secondly, if you want to escape the space of ‘Shenwei’, it ’s not enough for your own speed.

Because the force of space can offset this speed, the sun-reflex mirror exerts traction through the giant rebirth eye in the Ninja Realm, and pulls him out of the ‘Shenwei’ space.

In the end, a lot of pupil power was consumed by the scented phosphorus, which led to the slowdown in the performance of "Shenwei", which is also one of the important reasons for the successful escape of the "Shenwei" space.

In short, general ninjas need three elements to escape from the "Shenwei" space. The first is that their physical fitness can withstand the force of space ~ ~ The second ninja has energy. To perform the co-operation of the partners of 'Mixian Tianyin' or 'Rotary Ruyi', thirdly, it takes a lot of pupil power with soil loss, which leads to a decline in status.

"If you can do this, in addition to me in the forbearance world, I am afraid that I only have the healing physique, and I have the phosphor of" Vientiane Tianyin ", and I will escape these points out of the" Shenwei "space later. Element tells her that maybe it will be used in the future ... "

Each battle is carefully summed up the gains and losses, it is the habit of sun to the mirror, and summing up here, he suddenly picked a corner.

In order to test whether Kakashi's "Flying Thunder Surgery" can cross different spaces, he deliberately hid the "Boundary Sword" gifted to him by Kakashi in the "prestige" space.

And in order to ensure that the soil will not be found, he did not lift the seal on the 'bond sword'. According to his experience, the seal on the 'bond sword' can only be maintained for about two weeks, and after two weeks, the soil It should relax its vigilance, and will not double-check the interior of the 'Shenwei' space ...


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