Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1037: Drive straight

For a ninja, who has rich experience in developing blood relay boundaries, the scroll of mysterious scrolls that records ‘Steam Danger’ is actually equivalent to a guide to developing a blood relay boundary.

And the experience of cultivating 'steaming explosive power' can naturally be applied to the development of 'boiling maggots'.

'Boiling 遁' is not mysterious, it is just the product of the fusion of the water attribute chakra and the fire attribute chakra. The water attribute chakra is the main one, and the fire attribute chakra is the second.

Because it is the most common Chakra nature fusion in the blood succession limit, before that, the sundial mirror has completed the 'ice 遁', 'Yan 遁', 'magnetic 遁', 'burst 遁', 'Lan 遁' Five types of blood relay boundaries and the development of the blood relay elimination of 'dust 遁', so as soon as he got started, he roughly came up with the prototype of 遁 遁.

Uh ...

Suddenly, the shadow avatar responsible for the development of the "boiling pot" in the driving range, like many times before, exploded into a cloud of white smoke without warning and disappeared.

After receiving the memory feedback from the shadow avatar and the pain of the explosion, Nichigami was in pain.

This is his daily routine for developing 遁

'Boiling 遁' is slightly different from other blood relay boundaries. It is a fusion of two chakras of 'water and fire intolerance', so it has a fight with 'magnetic 遁' in instability, and is dangerous. On the more Sheng 'dust'.

Because once the 'dust' Chakra has runaway, the practitioner can rush to shape and release the brain of the 'dust' Chakra who ran away from the body. When he developed the 'dust' on the beach before the sun mirror, he took the The line of cliffs along the coast was not badly damaged.

Once the ‘boiling sacrifice’ Chakra leaves the body, it will appear misty and quickly cover the operator.

So as long as the ‘boiling chuck’ Chakra is out of control, it will be very ugly to die whether the surgeon releases it out of the body or injects it back into the body.

The shadow avatar's ability to control Chakra is naturally far less than that of the main body. Using the shadow avatar to develop the ‘boiling 遁’, the probability of Chakra running away is very high, so it is difficult to avoid the frequent explosion of the shadow avatar.

Fortunately, for each explosion of the shadow avatar, the sunburst can receive the cause of failure when suffering, so over time, the frequency of the explosion of the shadow avatar has been significantly shortened.

It can be said that after practicing these days, the Sunward Mirror has roughly mastered the mystery of the Ghost Lantern family and the ‘boiling 遁’ blood succession limit. What is lacking is just the skillful use ...


Water country on the western coastline.

Uh ...

Along with the sound of wind breaking, a group of misty ninjas passed through the diffuse water mist and successively reached a lighthouse hanging on the coast.

After the secret signal, the misty ninja inside the lighthouse shouted, "Hey, why are you guys here? It has been more than half an hour since the shift!"

A misty ninja outside the lighthouse smiled: "Sorry, the fog is too heavy on the road, it took a while."

The foggy ninjas inside the lighthouse opened the door without question.

Suddenly, the misty ninjas outside swarmed in, and launched a **** killing of the unsuspecting misty ninjas inside the lighthouse. Only a moment later, the entire lighthouse was washed by blood. The misty ninjas guarding the lighthouse even All the warnings were sent out before they were resolved.

Soon, a twisted vortex emerged out of thin air, and the soil came out of the vortex.

At this time, the misty ninjas who launched a sudden attack on their colleagues faded their camouflage and revealed their white bodies. Needless to say, these misty ninjas who came to the lighthouse for shifts were all disguised as Bai Jue.

On the way, they intercepted the Hidden Ninja who was really coming for the shift, tortured the secret code of the joint, and immediately broke through this Hidden Coast stronghold.

Glancing casually at the bodies of the foggy ninjas inside the lighthouse, he confirmed with the soil: "This should be the last foggy stronghold on this coast?"

Bai Jue nodded and nodded: "Well, clear here, we can drive straight in."

"Go ahead!"

After commanding a sentence, the body shape shrank, as it came, and disappeared silently into the twisted vortex.

After receiving instructions from the soil, Bai Ju's clone immediately turned off all lighting on the lighthouse.

Not long after, one after another Bai Jue avatars protruded from the rough sea, and stepped on the land of this country of water wetly, looking at the layers and denseness.

After landing, relying on the ability to camouflage and the intelligence advantage of the "Shenwei" with the soil, the 10,000 Bai Jue army was unimpeded along the way, reaching the tens of miles away from Wuyin Village before being noticed by Wuyin. In the case that Wu Yin accepted the proposal of the Five Shadows Conference and opened up the state of combat readiness, otherwise, Wu Yin would have to wait until Bai Jue's army killed outside the village.

However, Wu Yin was eventually one of the five big Ninja villages. When the tens of thousands of Bai Jue army was found, he immediately mobilized the village's ninjas and started a saw with Bai Jue army around the strongholds around Wu Yin village.

Wuyin Village Water Shadow Building.


Elder Wu Yin shot the table again and shouted, "Go back to contact, no matter what method, you must contact me for four generations! Now the village is experiencing a life and death crisis, how can he hide this water shadow!"


The hidden parts of the fog had to nod one by one and say yes.

Boom boom ...

Suddenly, there was a series of explosions outside the Water Shadow Building. Then, loud screams and panic warnings came at the same time.

The elder misty elder stared for a moment, and a gleam of surprise flashed in the opaque pupils, shouting at the shadows around him: "Why are you still wondering, go and confirm what is happening outside!"

As soon as the voice of Elder Wu Yin fell, a twisted vortex appeared in the hall, and then took the soil out of the vortex. The elder Mr. Wu Yin chuckled in a playful tone: "No need to confirm, it's me."

Elder Wu Yin's face sank ~ ~ Angrily: "It's you !? You guys dare to come to us, but this time I will get rid of you, the shame of the four generations of Yixue being controlled by you ! "

After all, Elder Wuyin stopped talking nonsense, and led the hidden part of Wuyin directly to the soil.

The fighting erupted in an instant and ended a short time later. After a great battle, the ground building of the Water Shadow Building was completely razed to the ground, and the ruins were filled with corpses of hidden fog.

Standing in the ruins, glanced at the ground almost unscathed, and glanced at the distance. He fell into the ground with blood, and also broke one leg of the misty elder, chuckling: "The previous failure was really not my strength problem!"

At this time, the misty elder pours into the pool of blood awakens his last strength, and a psychic emerges from a sea bird, and sends it away instantly.

Watching the seabirds leaving, with the corners of the soil slightly raised, without any thought of stopping ...


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