Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1039: Not much time left for you

Before long, Kakashi took a clay bird that Didala made for him, and hurried toward the kingdom of water.

At the same time, after the Five Shadows Conference ended, Itachi immediately sent out a communication ninja, informed the fog of the attack, and the village's rescue plan all informed Sunward Mirror, and patiently waited for the instructions from Sunward Mirror.

In the practice ground next to the Uchiha clan.

Sasuke, who was receiving real guidance, used kaleidoscope to write round eyes, suddenly looked up at the sky.

Since the last time he offered to compete with his elder brother Itachi, and was defeated by Itachi ’s illusions, Sasuke has slightly converged on some arrogant temperament, followed by Shuizumi and Shinichi to learn the kaleidoscope of writing rounds.

Pointing at the sky, Sasuke asked, "Is that the village's communications eagle?"


Really glanced, then nodded.

Sasuke was a little curious: "What has happened in the last few days? Why are communications eagles coming and going so frequently? Is there something important going on?"

In the past ten days and a half, I rarely saw a communication eagle, but in the past few days, the eagle screamed continuously. If I looked up, I could see the communication eagles flying over the village. Perceived something wrong.

Shinichi didn't explain more, but urged: "Let's continue to practice, we don't have much time left for you!"

On the driving range at the other end of the village.

Bai did not disturb the five shadow avatars in the field, and at the same time absorbed the natural energy of Naruto. Instead, he stood on the crown of the tree and looked at all kinds of communication birds shuttled over the leaves.

Uh ...

Jun Maru then fell to Bai's side and said, "Somewhat wrong!"

Bai said, "Well, Chongwu said that Koba has suddenly strengthened patrolling recently. Outside the village, the patrol team in the village has tripled, and the communication between various communication birds is more than twenty times the usual."

"It should be that there is another action on the Xiao organization." After a pause, Jun Ma Lu Wang turned to Naruto who is practicing immortality in the field: "He is one of the goals of Xiao organization, you must be alert!"

He nodded whitely and asked, "How is your body recovering?"

Jun Maru shook his fist: "Rest assured, there is no problem in general combat! Lord Osumaru let us stare at Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, so I can't let them both go by anyway!"


Inside the air fortress.

Staring at a clump of cell tissue in a petri dish, Sun smiled at the mirror, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

After not knowing how many times he failed, his cell fusion test finally achieved phased results. In an accident, he discovered that the giant reincarnation eye could suppress the primary cells and prevent the primary cells from getting out of control, so he immediately mobilized the giant Chakra, the reincarnation eye, escorted the cell fusion and finally harvested this embryo.

"Fusion is normal ..."

"The cell data is normal ..."

"The embryonic body is normal ..."

After recording the data of the embryos one by one, Hyuga mirror carefully pushed the petri dish into the culture chamber.


After all this was done, Hyuga mirror carefully exited the breeding room, and then breathed a long sigh of relief.

Although only one case was successful, all the values ​​of this embryo body were perfect, and the ultimate survival rate, estimated from the experience of the sun mirror, was at least 80% or more, which is very worth looking forward to.


At this time, a roar came from outside the laboratory.

The habitual Hyuga mirror put the ninja in and took off the communication scroll on the ninja leggings.

But after a quick glance, he suddenly stared: "Ten thousand white avatars !?"

He naturally knew that Xiao organization, or more accurately, was a territorial army, and he had a white army of about 100,000, but that was the time of the fourth Ninja war in time and space. It is after three or four years.

At this stage, there must be no one hundred thousand troops in Baijie, who is in the hands of the soil and masters, and Xiao organization has sent 10,000 Baijies at one time, which is obviously beyond the expectations of Hyuga.

"I haven't done anything recently, what kind of stimulation did Xiao organization have?"

At first, Xiang Xiang Jing was very certain that the target of the organization must be the nine and seven tails in Muye, and the attack on Daimyo was only a cover, but now he is not so determined.

Thinking of this, Hyuga mirror sighed, and immediately put on a black-bottomed golden cloak of God's organization, and put on a mask with a flowing pattern.

Even if Xiao's attack on Wu Yin is still a shot, he must go to Wu Yin, because he can't contact Citrus Yakura now, and once he learns about Wu Yin's current plight, It is bound to rush back to Wu Yin to preside over the overall situation.

Because in order to avoid the strange behavior of Citrus Yakura at the beginning, the water-stopping effect on Citrus Yakura's 'Don't God' did not modify the character of Citrus Yakura, and other sensitive things, just implanted a section of Citrus Yakura Cang secretly added the false memory of the 'god organization', so in the personality of the citrus Yakura, he is both a member of the **** organization and the four generations of water shadow of the misty hidden.

With the character of Citrus Yakura, once he knew that Wu Yin had encountered the critical danger of overturning, then he would certainly not sit idly by. Heixiang Jing even suspected that Citang Yakura had now returned to Wu Yin.

After leaving the laboratory and withdrawing all the shadow avatars from the driving range, Hyundai Mirror recruited Phosphorus and I Arora to the side: "I'm going out for a while, remember what I told you before, once I send it remotely Signal, you have to implement the arrangements I explained immediately, understand? "


Xiang phosphorus and I love Luo Qiqi nodded.

Speaking of it, Hyuga no longer said much, went directly to the fortress in the air, jumped to the sea, and then his body turned into a clear ice mirror in midair, and then the ice mirror alternately turned towards Before, like a gorgeous Guanghua flew in the direction of Wuyin Village.


The fog is hidden on the battlefield.

call out...

With a shrill scream, a tail-beast jade cut through the dense mist from far to near, and hit the position of Bai Juejun suddenly.

Boom boom ...

Suddenly, a huge squeal came to and shook the earthquake.

Then a figure fell from the sky and landed on the battlefield.

This figure is not someone else, it is the fourth generation of water shadow citrus Yakura!

"It's Master Water Shadow!"

"Four generations are back!"

"Master Shuiying did not give up on us! He did not give up on the village!"

After seeing the figure of Shuiying appearing on the battlefield, the foggy Ninja Army with low morale burst into cheers!

far away.

Listening to the cheering in the ear, the face with soil in the blurry state teased: "The guy hiding in Tibet is finally willing to come out!"


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