Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1049: Can I use my own?

From the moment Xiao Xiao started working with Daming, there were no shortage of keen people in the five big forbearance villages, and he realized the motivation of Xiao Xiao, so since then, Koba has been trying to contact the God organization.

Because in the perception of everyone, only the leader of the Ninja organization, 'Yan Luo', can match the leader of the leader of the organization. As for other ninjas, even the shadows of the five ninja villages who once stood at the pinnacle of the Ninja community, it is difficult to resist. The long door with reincarnation eyes, so whether or not to get the support of God's organization, has become the key to whether this leaf can resist the attack of Xiao organization.

Seeing the Itachi shook his head in disguise as a mirror, a group of consultant elders looked dignified.

Everyone at the scene was clear that without the support of God's organization, it would be difficult to resist the attack of Xiao organization by the strength of the five big forbearance villages.

At this time, a dark person rushed into the Naruto office and reported: "Three generations, five generations, you elders, the intelligence team sent news, and after their verification, they have confirmed that the information returned by the front patrol is true! And. .. "

Tsunade immediately urged: "Don't spit!"

The shadow had to bite the bullet and said, "And the actual situation is worse than the patrol reported!"

After learning the information returned by the front patrol team, Yamanaka Hayashi immediately performed the "Heart Turning Technique" and controlled a communication eagle to fly to the scene of the incident quickly, confirming with his own eyes that the information returned by the patrol team was true.

Not only that, but he also found that the information returned by the patrol was not exaggerated, but incomplete.

The detonating rune cloud that was coming towards Muye Village was not just a cloud, but a whole piece of land, with a wide range and a large scale. It would be impossible to imagine without seeing it with your own eyes.

Three generations murmured to themselves: "Is Xiao Xiao going to start a decisive battle?"

After turning to bed, Xiaochun, also since then, Tsunade's faces were also full of sorrow. At first, they thought that the information returned by the patrol was exaggerated, but now they find the opposite.

Everyone was shuddering at the thought of a large cloud completely composed of detonation signs approaching the village.

Itachi, who pretended to be a Hyuga mirror, immediately took the initiative and suggested, "Let the villagers move!"

The three generations groaned a little and then nodded: "Well, this time, regardless of whether Xiao organization is going to fight against us, we have to deal with it as a decisive battle!"

Several consultant elders nodded in unison, approving Itachi's proposal and the three-generation policy.

Then, three generations looked at Itachi.

Itachi consciously said, "Your experience is richer than mine. You should deploy it!"

The time was urgent, and the three generations did not postpone, and immediately started deployment: "Mirror, the village has assembled the Ninja Army, and now you are in full command! Tsunade, you are responsible for transferring the villagers! Xiaochun, you go to notify several other shadows and inform them of the war Coming soon! "


Itachi, Tsunade, turned to bed, Xiaochun responded one by one, and then left the Naruto office together.

After the others left, Zilai also asked, "Teacher, what about me?"

"The goal of the Xiao organization is Naruto and Fu!" After a pause, the three generations watched Zi Lai and asked: "From now on, the safety of both of them will be left to you!"

Zi Lai also nodded heavily: "I see!"

The three generations of Naruto also stopped the self-willing to leave: "Don't worry, before that, I need you to do another thing!"

From the beginning, he looked puzzled for three generations.

Stepping to the window, the three generations glanced at the bustling crowd on the street outside the window: "It takes a lot of time to transfer the villagers, so we must find a way to delay the attack organized by Xiao!"

With a frown on his face, what did he think about: "Teacher, do you want to implement the plan proposed by Kakashi?"

Three generations nodded softly: "Yes!"

He has also been a little hesitant: "But God organized ..."

The three generations said: "Rest assured, if the God organization is to hold you accountable, everything will be borne by my old man! Don't think about it, go ahead and implement it!"

Since he stopped talking, he immediately left the Naruto office.

Itachi side, who left Naruto's office, did not take over the Konjac Ninja Army as soon as possible, but sent out several ninja crows at a time in an unmanned place, and informed the village side of the situation in detail. Mirror, and asked Hyuga mirror to respond.

Tsunade rushed to Muye Hospital immediately, mobilized all the medical ninjas, and carried out an orderly evacuation and evacuation of the villagers according to the previously set plan.

Since then, they have also caught up with Zhuan Xiaochun, and rushed to the dark base together. The news of the upcoming organization of Xiaoxiao informed the three generations of earth shadows, the fourth generation of thunder shadows, and the four generations of wind shadows. .

For a time, the peaceful and peaceful village fell into a noisy, and a rush of sharp alarm bells echoed over the village.

In the driving range next to the Uchiha family.

Stop the water, the kaleidoscope of these two Uchihas, Shinichi, is guiding Sasuke's technique of writing round eyes.

Sasuke may have some shortcomings in his personality, but his ability to learn absorption skills is beyond doubt. After two weeks of targeted practice, his use of kaleidoscope to write round eyes has gradually become more sophisticated. The use of skills is also handy.

Just then, the masterpiece's alarm bell ordered Sasuke to stop practicing. He looked around blankly and asked, "Well, what's going on with this alarm bell?"

Zhishui and Zhenlian glanced at each other, and a dignified expression appeared on their faces at the same time.

As the captain and sub-captain of the police force, their requirements for the village to ring the alarm bells are very clear. At present, the alarm bells of this level only ring when the villagers encounter a major crisis and the villagers need to transfer immediately. .

Uh ...

Suddenly, a figure landed on the driving range.

The visitor was not someone else. It was just the one who had just arrived from the dark base. He swept the water stop in the field, Shinichi, Sasuke, and said, "Just you are all there!"

Zhishui quickly asked, "Master, you have come, what happened?"

He also told Xiao about the upcoming attack of the organization. He told the three kaleidoscopes Uchiha in detail, and then said, "The situation is very urgent. Xiao may launch an offensive against the village at any time!"

Sasuke is eager to try: "Teacher ~ ~ What do you need me to do?"

Zhishui also stated: "Sure, Lord, you need to order anything!"

Zi Lai also looked at Zhishui and Shinichi and said, "The village does have a mission and needs your help!"

Zhishui asked, "What task?"

Since then, he has also taken out two cloaks that are very similar to the black-golden gold cloak of the God Organization system, and two flame-patterned masks: "It will take some time to transfer the villagers, so we must be slow to understand the organization ’s offensive. You two need to pretend to be the **** organization 'Yanmo' and stop Xiao organization! "

After taking over the cloak and mask with a rough workmanship that was also handed over from him, a thought came to mind in the water-stopping heart: "Can I use my own?"


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