Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1051: Confrontation in the air!

At the urging of Didala, Jun Malu and Bai jumped on the clay bird of Didala, and Shushui and Sasuke jumped on another clay bird.

Soon, two white clay birds fluttered their wings and flew to the sky.

The forest in the forest has been watching two clay birds disappear at the end of his field of vision, then sighed quietly, and then disappeared in place.

Although worried about the safety of Disciple Sasuke, he must now reconcile his mind and arrange a plan to protect Naruto and Fu.

High altitude.

A group of five people disguised as members of the God Organization, sitting or standing, scattered on top of two clay birds, and a cloak of black-rimmed gold, hunting in the wind, at first glance, quite a bit of power.

In fact, due to the rush of time, the set of cloaks and masks prepared by the village on a temporary basis was significantly different from the genuine ones made by the sundial mirror.

This is not only a manual gap, but also a technical gap.

On the cloaks and masks of the authentic God organization, there are seals written by the seal master, a sunblock mirror, which can isolate pupillary and perceptual ninja exploration to a certain extent.

Especially the mask is very technical.

The angle of the eye opening on the mask, the internal seal arrangement, and so on are all the results of rigorous experiments of the sun mirror, which can very cleverly cover the pupils of the wearer, even if they are close to the enemy, the enemy is very It is difficult to directly observe the true appearance of the pupil under the mask of the wearer through the line of sight.

The masks made temporarily by the village have no such effect.

It can be said that, in addition to the appearance and surface pattern imitating, no matter the workmanship or technology, there is a very obvious gap with the genuine one.

But just bluffing is enough.

Because it is difficult to detect such a difference in details except for those who have used the authentic God Organization cloaks and masks.

After playing with the cape and the mask a little uncomfortably, Susuke instructed Sasuke, who was eager to try, "Sasuke, this is not an exercise, wait for a while and don't act without permission!"

Sasuke nodded: "I understand!"

Then, Zhishui amplified the volume and said to others, "Dear everyone, our task this time is to slow down Xiao's offensive, not to fight hard with Xiao, so if we can avoid the fight, we should try to avoid it."

Didala, sitting cross-legged on the clay bird, muttered, "I hope that the skin of this **** tissue on our body is really as useful as you expected!"

Jun Maru asked: "If the fight is inevitable, what should we do?"

Zhishui replied without hesitation: "When we really reach that point, we will temporarily evade. In short, this operation is mainly containment to avoid any unnecessary fighting!"

Sasuke poked his lips: "Brother Zhishui, your tactics are too conservative!"

It ’s rare to stop the water. "Sasuke, the enemy we are facing this time is likely to be the leader of Xiao organization. Even if you and I have a kaleidoscope to write chakras, they are far from his opponents. God's leader, 'Yan Luo', can match it, so don't take it lightly! "


After waiting for Sasuke to finish his speech, Shizumi interrupted him: "No, but I am the captain of this operation. You must obey my arrangements!"

Sasuke nodded and said, "Yes!"

"If you let Yan know Sasuke pretends to be her, I don't know if she will get angry." After a secret sigh, Zhishui said to Sasuke again, "Remember, the **** organization 'Flame' you are posing as is facing Xiao's members haven't lost so much, so don't lose her reputation. "

Sasuke is confident: "Brother Zhishui, just look at my performance!"

The flying speed of the clay bird is very fast, and it is only time to stop the water to make a simple tactical deployment. The distant sky reveals the cloud mentioned in the information that is completely composed of the detonation symbol.

Looking at the detonation cloud that covered the sky from afar, Didala, who had been sitting cross-legged, couldn't help but stand up and murmured in shock: "This is simply art!"

Jun Ma Lv Danran's face rarely saw waves.

Bai was also shocked: "It's incredible!"

On another clay bird, the water-stopping look was extremely dignified. Because he had a kaleidoscope to write the chakra, he could observe more information than others.

In his kaleidoscope vision, the entire cloud exudes an unspeakable chakra wave.

This scale, this intensity, was unheard of by him and unseen before, and he was totally afraid to imagine what kind of damage this detonation of Fu Yun would bring to the village.


Almost at the same time that Zhishui and others discovered the detonation of Fu Yun, the long gate, Xiao Nan, and a Bai Jue clone in Fu Yun also found them.

Xiao Nan Xiumei frowned: "It is God's organization!"

Nagato nodded indifferently.

On the side, a special white avatar held by Xiao Nan's 'paper cricket' was flying. While observing the members of the **** organization on the two clay flying birds at the far end, he was slightly surprised and said, "It is strange, **** organizations are generally It was two members who acted together. I didn't expect five people to be sent at once! "

Xiao Nan was worried: "It seems that the God Organization is ready!"

Almost subconsciously, Xiao Nan stopped the advance of the detonating Fu Yun group.

This detonation rune cloud is composed of more than 400 billion detonation detonations. Xiao Nan originally planned to use it to deal with the soil, but as the strength of Nagato soared, belt soil threatened them more and more. Small, so she used all these detonating symbols in this decisive battle.

The special Bai Jue clone ordered Bai Jue on the ground to search around ~ ~ After confirming that there were no other members of the **** organization around, he introduced to Nagato and Xiaonan: They are two 'Yanmo', 'Fengling', 'Zizang', and 'Chuanzhu'. Among them, the 'Yanmo', 'Fengling', and 'Zizang' of the male need special attention "

Nagato and Xiaonan listened quietly without interrupting Bai Ju's introduction.

the other side.

Seeing the detonation of Fu Yuntuan stopped, the five people on the two clay birds were relieved.

There is no doubt that the identity of the pretend God organization has already worked, even if it is only a face away, Xiao organization immediately responded.

At this time, Didala said with a guilty conscience: "Hey, I just don't think it will last long if I confront this way!"

Zhishui thought about the countermeasures and said arrogantly, "How long you can drag it!"

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