Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1058: I will clear all obstacles for you!

After a while, this sudden tremor gradually slowed down, and the villagers' anxiety finally erupted completely at this moment, the call of hoarseness, the anxious discussion, and the cries of the children, It was full of streets and alleys, leaving the whole village in a huge mess.

On the roof of the Naruto building.

A few filmmakers also looked at each other at this moment. They knew that the direction of the tremor was the direction of the Xiao organization, but it was not clear what was happening there.

I want to know that this kind of movement is not something that ordinary ninjas can make.

Even if they were present at the scene, it was difficult for them to make such a huge battle on their own.

Uh ...

At this time, a Muye dark tribe went to the top of the Naruto building and reported to the three generations of Naruto: "The news came from the intelligence team that it can be confirmed that the recent earthquake was caused by the God organization and the Xiao organization. As for further news, They are still confirming! "

Listening to the report from the shadows, the three generations of Tuying's face became weird: "Is it C5?"

Muye sent a team pretending to be God's organization, and he was slow to know about the organization of the offensive. He naturally knew that unless he nodded, Didara would not be able to join the team, so he knew that the 'God's organization' in the shadow report was not real. 'God's organization' but Didara them.

After hearing the whispers of the third generation of Tuying, the fourth-generation Fengying asked: "What C5?"

Three generations of earth shadows explained with a dignified expression: "'C5 firework' is a type of 'Burning' Ninjutsu recently developed by Didala. It is still in the experimental stage. According to Didala, it is very powerful It is an art that can destroy a city at once, and it is difficult for the kaleidoscope to write the eye of the eye.

After talking about halfway, the three generations of earth shadows paused, and then said, "But C5 is the strongest technique of Didala. Before the end, he should not easily cast it!"

Thirty-three generations of Naruto looked to the distance and said with emotion: "It seems that Xiao organization really intends to make a decisive battle this time!"

Uh ...

In the forest.

The huge air waves generated by the plutonium explosion, like the torrent of a dyke, are violently vented to the surroundings, and the emerald green on the ground is quickly swallowed up at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Almost every moment, every breath, a large tract of wood disappeared completely, and turned into a gully, a messy ruin.

"Cough ..."

佐 In the dust of the sun, Sasuke coughed violently as he crawled out of the mud pit.

He feels like his body is falling apart, there is no pain in his body, and the tingling pain from the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye makes him unable to concentrate on what to think.

At this time, Zhishui Nozomi pulled a hand of Sasuke: "Is it all right?"

Sasuke looked at the water stop with vague eyes, and found that the water stop was not much better at the moment. The black-gilt cloak on his body was messy, extremely embarrassed, and there were obvious injuries on his shoulders and legs. The blood dripping was very dazzling. .

Sasuke, still a little dreadful, murmured, "Fa ... what happened?"

Jun Malu, a gray-faced man who also crawled out of the mud pit, replied, "It's Didala!"

Ji Sasuke immediately recalled the scene just now, and said angrily: "Damn, the crazy man of Didala didn't even remind us at all, did he want to kill us?"

Zhi Zhishui looked tired.

Di Dala's 'C5 fireworks' is a complex of directly killed explosions and micro-bombs. Upon being detonated, the micro-bombs contained therein quickly spread under the shock of a shock wave.

It can be said that at that instant, all living creatures within ten miles of the detonation area were annihilated by miniature bombs, and the water stopped even seeing an elk fleeing with him at the same time and turned into fly ash in front of him.

If he didn't react fast enough, he fled for a while before Didala detonated, and then immediately launched 'Suzano Nosu' after Dedara detonated C5, protecting himself and Sasuke, Jun Malusan. Man, the three of them at this moment are afraid that they will be annihilated into a fly ash by the miniature bomb just like the elk.

In fact, in the explosion just now, the ‘suzano no hu” that almost stopped the water almost did n’t resist. Thanks to the artifact ‘Hachiko’, it barely escaped the disaster.

another side.

Didala groaning in the mud, groaning.

At this time, a figure emerged from the dust of the sky and came to Didala. This person was not a bystander, but was covering his shoulders and walking white.

Because he also mastered the ability of the "Magic Mirror Ice Crystal" to fly in the air, he escaped a distance in time, and with the blessing of the immortal Chakra, he hid in the ice mirror and avoided this at the cost of serious injuries. Rob.

He thought that Didala, as a healer, should not be as embarrassed as himself. He never thought that Dedala in the mud pile in front of him would be burned in a large area and almost no human.

When he saw a large area of ​​burns in the mud pile, almost no human-like Dedala, he was taken aback, he did not expect that Dedala, the healer, made himself like this, and squatted Go down and bandage for Didala: "Why are you so badly hurt?"

Didala said weakly, "Why was the explosion just so powerful?"

Bai Man head black line: "Shouldn't this ask you?"

Didala yelled: "Uh, maybe I was too excited just now, didn't pay attention to the amount of chakra injected! Know it early ... Know it long before you detonate!"

Tong Bai looked at Didala with an incredible expression: "You are not sure about the power of the explosion, so you just detonated?"

Didala smiled: "How about, was it shocked by my art?"

Baiton felt speechless: "Why not notify us in advance ~ ~ Such an explosion, we are likely to die in it!"

Didala didn't care: "Are you all right?"

Bai Bai looked at Didala, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Luckily fortunately, Bai is here. If Jun Malu is to be changed here, Didala is now probably dead.

In the air.

Xiao Xiaonan's face was a little embarrassing. In order to withstand the explosion just now, she consumed almost one-third of the initiating runes in the initiating rune cloud at one time, and exploded against the explosion, barely blocking Didal's C5.

He was shocked by the special type Bai Bai's avatar on the side. The scene just now made him unimaginable.

At this moment, Nagato said calmly: "Go ahead!"

Xiao Xiaonan nodded strongly: "I will clear all obstacles for you before Datong Mushe appears!"

Suddenly, the initiating Fuyun group covering the sun and the sky acted again, advancing towards Muye Village.

At the same time, in addition to the "hungry ghost path" Kirabi and the "zoological path" Yuki who hid inside the psychic beast, other roads were seriously damaged in the explosion and lacked arms and legs. In the mouth of Yan Wang summoned by 'Hell Road', after a moment, they walked out again ...

Uh .........

The first one is offered, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets!

:. :

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