Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1066: I'm protecting Ninja!

When "Hungry Ghost Road" Kirabi defeated the guards around the hospital with a sweeping trend, and instantly defeated the two members of the Shadow Guard, Yuyan and Gale, Sakura and Ino were shocked, and their limbs fell weakly on the Earth, my heart is full of despair.

The strength of each other is far beyond their imagination, so that they even lose their courage to resist.

The side of Ziyuan was also shocked and afraid, holding a transparent bell tightly in his hand.

My mother once told her that if she could not fully grasp the power of the witch, she would never lift the seal on the bell, because once the power of the witch was out of control, the consequences would be unimaginable.

So she was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

Then, just when everyone was in fear and despair, no one expected that the kaleidoscope of Uchiha's family would appear in time.

Immediately after, the other party ’s solicitation of Shinichi Uchiha plunged everyone who had just a glimmer of hope into the hospital. Whether it was a silent ninja, a medical ninja such as Hyuga Suzuki, or an injured person treated, they all turned their attention to Shinichi Uchiha, waiting nervously for Shinichi Uchiha's decision.

At this moment, the lives of everyone in the hospital were only between the thoughts of Shinichi Uchiha.

However, Uchiha's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations. Not only did he not care about the solicitation of the organization, but he showed an uneasy and uneasy expression.

"Hungry Ghost Road" Kirabi sank, and Moreng said, "Uchiha Shinichi, you should know the consequences of defying me!"

The reason why Nagato was willing to forgive Shinichi was because with the rebellion of Dashemaru, Shennong, Zhenyi, and the death of Beiluhu, Xiao's organization was severely downsized, and the manpower available to him became very scarce.

In addition, the rebellion of the Uchiha family was suppressed by the God organization. Even the Uchiha Fuyue, the patriarch, was dug out by the God organization to write the kaleidoscope. A family.

After all, the Uchihas in the Uchihas family stop the water. The Uchihas really awaken the high-end combat power of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, which can play a significant role in confronting the God organization.

Shinichi still ignored Nagato's ultimatum and said eagerly to Hyuga bell behind him: "This Yunyin's human pillar power was made into the" Pain Six Roads "by Nagato. En Liu Dao's weird abilities, even if I can't handle them, let's go now! "

Silent look of suspicious fox looked at Hyuga bell.

She didn't expect the Kaleidoscope of Uchiha's family to protect Hyuga Bell. This kind of treatment is not something that a simple Naruto fiancee can enjoy.

Wu Ling herself was taken aback, and then reacted immediately, knowing that this must be the arrangement of the sun to the mirror, so no longer hesitated, immediately greeted the people in the hospital and began to evacuate.

Soon, the hospital became noisy, and the panicked people began an emergency evacuation.

‘Hungry Ghost Road’ Kirabi did n’t care about the crowds fleeing around, but stared at Shinichi and asked gently: “Why protect a Hyuga tribe, is there anything special about her?”

Zhen said, "You don't understand, I'm protecting the ninja world!"

He previously refused to come because he wanted to stay in the village to protect Hyuga Bell, because he knew that Hyuga mirror looked weak, but whoever really touched something that Hyuga mirror cared about would have unimaginable consequences.

He was absent just now because the village riots were around and he went out to investigate temporarily. When he was found to be attacked at Muye Hospital, he was frightened and hurried over. When he met, he launched ‘suzano no sutsu’.

"Hungry Ghost Road" Kirabi frowned slightly: "Protect the Ninja?"

Shinji no longer talked nonsense, and urged his ‘Suzano Nobu’ to attack the “Hungry Ghost Road” Kirabi.

他 In his eyes, even a guy such as Nagato can bring such a catastrophe to the ninja world. If there is something unexpected about Hyuga Suzu, which causes Hyuga mirror to go crazy, the ninja world is over.

Boom ...

'Hungry Ghost Road' Kiraby's battle with Shinichi soon destroyed most of the building of the Momiji Hospital.

In the face of Shinichi Nosuke, Kirabi, a hungry ghost, chose to completely liberate the tail, and instantly became the huge body of the eight-tailed cow and ghost, just the circle of reincarnation in the eye sockets. The lines show the fact that he is still controlled by the Nagato.

Uh ...

完全 After being completely beastized, Kirabi, the "Hungry Ghost Road", shot a huge tail jade in the face of Shinichi's "Suzano Nerhu" without hesitation!

Watching the shining tail beast jade struck, he looked so surprised that he immediately launched his kaleidoscope to write the eye-eye pupil 'Yu Tian Shou', temporarily locked his state, and then urged 'Suzano Hu 'greeted the opponent's tail beast jade, and the old man leaned at an angle, and flew the tail beast obliquely.

Rumble ...

Soon after, the tail beast jade that flew out of the village exploded in the woods outside the village, making a loud noise like a rocking mountain.

As the 'Hungry Ghost Road' Kirabi is completely beastized ~ ~ The 'Human Road' Yugao distributed in the village, 'Hell Road' Lao Zi, 'Beast Road' by Yuren, 'Shura Dao 'Han has also become a beast.

In a short time, the two tailed beasts with reincarnation patterns in the eye sockets of two tails, four tails, five tails, six tails, and eight tails raged in Muye Village.

In fact, for the human pillar force, the complete liberation of tail beastization is a very risky behavior.

This can only be achieved by the perfect human pillar force that has reached an understanding with the tail beast. Otherwise, the human pillar force may lose control of the tail beast after being completely liberated and become a tail beast.

Of the five pillars of the new 'Pain Six Roads', only the two-tailed pillars can be done by the wooden men and the eight-tailed pillars Kirabibi, and the other three are afraid to do so.

However, after being made into "Pain Six Roads", these five tail beasts were all suppressed by the reincarnation eyes of Nagato, becoming the Chakra battery that Nagato demanded, so the "Pain Six Roads" under the control of Nagato. , Can excavate the power of human column force to the limit.

These completely liberated, unscrupulous people are not ordinary ninjas to resist, except for Shinichi, all other battlefields are losing ground, and some battlefields have even completely collapsed.

Even if it is Shinichi, he can only entangle with Kirabi, the "Hungry Ghost Road," while covering the sun and retreating to others, and secretly saying, "Who can think that I, Uchiha Shinichi, will have a day to save Ninja!


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