Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1070: Datong Mushe is indeed you! I wish you a happy Lantern Festival ...

"what happened?"

I scattered in the hearts of the ninjas who fought against "Pain Six Roads" around the village, and raised this doubt almost at the same time.

Near the guesthouse.

After Yunyin's Darui stopped the Thunder Thunder Stimulation Method, he panted and stared at the completely beastized 'Animal Road' in front of him when he was dragged away by the wooden man, leaving the ground The road is deep in the gully.

Wu Xi fell to Dalui's side, and said, "It's the Beast's beastization. It seems to have been forcibly sealed by somebody. I can't feel the two-tailed Chakra now!"

Yun Yunyin's blond beauty Samui also rushed to Darui: "What shall we do now?"

Following the conspicuous dragging ditch on the ground, Dalui looked in the direction of the ‘beast avenue’ being dragged away by the wooden man: “This may be an opportunity, we can try to rescue Lord Yuman!”

At this time, Sand Yin, Yan Yin, and Yin Ren's Chongwu also came together.

Because of the previous cooperation, everyone had a tacit understanding with each other, so when Dalui made a request, the village ninjas agreed without much hesitation, and they were dragged by Yunren towards Yunshengdao with Yunyin Ninja. Recourse went away.

Near Tochigi Leaf Hospital.

Watching the completely beastly ‘Hungry Ghost Road’, Kirabi was dragged away without resistance, and Shinichi ’s mouth trembled.

Silent face wondered: "What's going on?"

向 Hyuga Suzu, who opened his eyes, said: "I don't know too clearly, it seems that suddenly a very powerful Chakra came down and dragged him away with a black stick!"

Ling Ling concealed a little, because she could feel the chakra suddenly coming very familiar.

"Relax, we're fine!"

Zhen really felt relieved when he responded, because he knew very well that Nagato was the only one who could solve Nagato's "Pain Six Road" so easily.

内 Inside the ninja school.

After being dragged away by the completely beastly ‘Shura Road’, the sweaty Kay fell to the ground, panting heavily, his chest rising and falling violently like a bellows.

Su Ningji jumped from the boar and asked, "Mr. Akai, are you all right?"

Wu Kai shook her head: "Don't worry about me, you have to confirm what happened!"

Ning Ci, who opened his eyes, listened and watched Kay. He saw that Kay had multiple fractures and large lacerations and strains in his muscles. Although they were not fatal, they were scary enough.

"Is this a side effect of 'Bamen Jiajia' ?!"

Frightened, Ning Ci had Mingwu.

Although Kai just completely suppressed the ‘Sura Road’ Han with the cooperation of the big boar, and the five-tailed human pillar Li Han who was completely beast-tailed could not even hold his hand, but this outbreak is obviously not without cost.

‘Eight Gates’ does indeed give ordinary ninjas a terrifying destructive power that threatens to six levels, but this threat actually lies more in theory.

In the original time and space, Kai can hit that kick. To a large extent, Liu Daban wants to try Kay's power after opening the eighth gate of death.

Even so, Kay could not have been completed without the assistance of the “time and space ninja” of the four generations of Naruto using the “Flying Thunder God Technique” to remove the spot, and Kakashi using the “Divine Power” to break the spot of the seeking Tao jade. That kick.

And even with a lot of help, if you want to hide, it is not impossible.

Regardless of the spot ’s reincarnation eye-pupil ‘round tomb prison’, the speed of the six spots is not much slower than the speed of opening the ‘dead gate’. As long as the six spots do not want to resist, some methods delay the time.

"Teacher Kai, rest assured, leave it to me!"

Su Ningji nodded, then jumped up to the top of the big wild boar, and hurried away in the direction of the ‘Sura Road’ Han was dragged away.

Almost at the same time, several other ninjas who were engaged in 'Pain Six Road' also rushed in the direction of 'Pain Six Road' being forcibly taken away.

The next day to the mirror.

With the eyes of the two toads impressed by the self, the seals on the five pillars of Kirabi, Yuki, Yugao, Laozi, and Han were completed in an instant, and the sundial mirror will be directly 'Four Elephants' They were imprisoned under the seal 'Imprisonment', and fluttered away, hurriedly moving towards the village.

Although a 'Four Elephant Seal' has a limited effect on the target of Chakra's mass, such as Renzhuli, and cannot maintain the seal for too long, Hyuga is believed to be on the side, and the woods that have come one after another Ye Ninjas will properly handle the five pillars sealed by him.

He must now leave the village as soon as possible and move the battlefield to an area far away from the village, because he can faintly feel what is over his head and is approaching quickly.

The other end outside the village.

The 'Hungry Ghost Road', 'Human Road', 'Hulu Road', 'Hell Road', and 'Beast Road' among 'Pain Six Roads' were sensed at almost the same time, and the 'Sky Road' controlled by a mysterious person Speeding towards the outside of Muye Village, Nagato finally changed his indifference on his face, his expression suddenly gloomy.


After Hu snorted softly, Nagato completely ignored the shadows in front of him, and kicked the ground with both legs. A ‘嘭’ flew like a cannonball, and pursued toward ‘Tiandao’.

Looking at the ground that was broken by dozens of meters because of the long door kicking on the ground, several shadows looked at each other, all speechless ...

Uh ...

Soon ~ ~ Nagato is located in a forest dozens of miles away from Muye Village, intercepting the 'Sky Road' controlled by the sun mirror, and asked in a cold voice: "What are you who?"

Because the resonance with the giant rebirth eye has been stopped, the support of the chakra of the giant rebirth eye has been lost, and the long gate is in front of the eyes. At this time, the control of the heavenly mirror by the sun mirror is very weak, and it can only be controlled barely. 'Tiandao' stumbled and said, "Horse ... you will know who I am right away ..."

As soon as the words of the cymbals fell, a rumbling sound came from the sky.

Nagato looked up, and his pupils suddenly shrank, because it cut through the clouds and made a sound of 'booming' not anything else, but a meteorite wrapped in reincarnation eyes, and quickly falling!


As soon as Nagato was observing the meteorite, the ‘Sky Way’ in front of him suddenly lost control and fell to the ground weakly.

Nagato looked back at God for a moment: "Datong Mushe, it really is you!"

轰轰 轰轰 ...

At the turn of the turn, the falling meteorite stirred up a cloud of mushroom-like clouds, and the huge fire and shock waves were vented to the surroundings. Even the wooden leaf village, which was dozens of miles away, felt a wave of shaking.

On Naruto Rock, a spit of blood from Hyuga mirror "噗": "Mad, almost didn't run away!"


The first one is offered, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets! I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival!

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