Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1072: Shocked!

In a short span of time, the two behemoths of the "God Statue" and the "Ancestor Stone Statue" filled the entire vision of the three generations of Naruto.


"Are they decisive?"

可 "Damn, this level of Chakra is unimaginable!"

This most direct and original display of power has caused several shadows to fall into a deep shock at once.

In the minds of the three generations of Naruto, they even recalled the scene of the early war between Naruto and Uchiha Spot Ending the Valley of War. At that time, as now, it was also a life-and-death battle between two strong men who stood at the pinnacle of Ninja!


At this moment, the ‘Gaimon Golem’ was screaming in the sky, and a roar that stunned the soul!

The long door standing on the top of the "God Golem" quickly printed, and then folded his hands together, while cooperating with the "God Golem", his reincarnation eyesight burst out, and he shouted, "Earth star!"

Inside Tochigi Village.

Uh ...

In a wave of breaking wind, the ninjas scattered all over the village successively rushed to the side of the five-tailed person Zhu Li, who was imprisoned by the "Four Elephant Seal" of Hyuga.

"Master Kirabi, Master Yuki!"

I saw that the five people who had been made into the "Pain Six Roads" were in a sealed state and fell into a coma. The most excited were the Yunyin Darui.

Because once you successfully rescue the two perfect human pillar forces, the eight-tailed human pillar Kirabibi and the two-tailed human pillar Yuyuki, captured by the Xiao organization, Yunyin's strength will be restored instantly and become the second most powerful one at present. Ninja Village.

When Dalui was preparing to rescue Chirabi and Yuki, he stopped him and shook his head: "It's not the time yet. If we rashly unseal the seal, it will likely cause unnecessary trouble. , Or wait to completely defeat Nagato before trying to rescue them! "

He said, from the beginning, he greeted the seal class who hurried to him: "Immediately strengthen the seal on them!"

鲁 Dalui, who calmed down, also knew that if he acted rashly at this time, it would easily lead to unexpected changes, so he nodded and took the initiative to aside.

The black soil of Xiuyan Yin, as well as the two people of Chitu, did not rush to rescue them.

But when the seal class rushed to the side of several people and was about to reinforce the seal, the scream of a horrifying horror from the far side ‘Outer Golem’ came.

"Ahhhh ..."

Almost at the same time when the voice of the alien golem came, the five pillar forces imprisoned by the "Four Elephant Seals" of Hyuga mirror all awakened and made a piercing sorrow!

Seeing this scene, the ninjas gathered around were all surprised and at a loss.

Zi Lai also reacted first, and hurried to the seal class, "What are you still doing, fasten the seal!"

However, without waiting for the seal class to step forward to strengthen the seal, the painful and mournful five pillar forces floated. Not only that, the gravel, bricks and tiles on the ground, or even some ninjas nearby, seemed to be invisible. Pulled by force, it floated to mid-air and slowly stuck to the force of the five people who were rising to high altitude.

Chandarui said, "What's going on ?!"

Heitu also was shocked: "What ... what kind of ninjutsu is this?"

The members of the Seal Group also exclaimed one by one: "Well, I can't control my body!"

Also pulled by invisible gravity and slowly floating up, he immediately realized what was happening, so he quickly shouted at the two toad fairy on his shoulders: "No, this is Nagato's recurrent eye pupil technique" "Earth star, we must escape immediately, otherwise we will all be sealed!"

Wu Shen Zuo Xianren nodded: "I see!"

In an instant, Shen Zuo Xianren and Zhi Ma Xianren each stuck out their tongues, firmly entangled with a bulging boulder in the distance, and the tap also quickly settled. , Entangled all the ninjas floating in the air around, and then by the pulling force of the two toad fairy to pull all ninjas out of the gravitational influence.

After a large group of people were dragged from the gravitational circle and fell to the ground, they all ignored the wolverines on their bodies and looked towards the distance.

I saw five people who were still mourning. They slowly floated to the sky, and were buried by countless bricks and gravels. They finally became five huge spheres floating above the village.

Then, the huge tail beast Chakra, leaked out of the sphere, and then gathered together, throwing it into the distance with a terrible horror.

Looking at the scene above his head, Tan also looked dignified: "This is Nagato Chakra, the tail beast that is drawing human power!"

I also muttered nearby Jin Yi: "I knew this would happen, and I should have killed all five of them before Nagato did not respond, so that wouldn't be a problem!"

As soon as the words of the cymbal fell, Yun Yin and Yan Yin's ninjas all looked angrily towards Shinichi.

真 immediately smirked: "Joke, kid!"

In fact, as long as Nagato has performed a seal of the grade “Earth Explosion Star”, then no other seal technique can compete with the “Earth Explosion Star”, so the real method of once and for all is simply what Shinichi said is simply The neat beheading killed the five human pillar forces that had been made into 'Pain Six Ways', allowing the tail beast and human pillar forces to die at the same time.

But this also involves Yun Yin ~ ~ Yan Yin and Wu Yin. The vital interests of the three ninja villages are obviously not the decision of the Muye family.

On the battlefield.

As a large number of tail beasts Chakra gathered from the direction of Muye Village, Chakra on Nagato surged again, and the reincarnation eyes in the eyes became more and more amazing!

In the face of such a long gate, Datong Mushe felt instinctively jealous, and then his heart was stricken, responsibly resonating with the giant rebirth eyes on the moon.

Boom ...

Suddenly, Chakra, a surging rebirth eye, was dropped from the air and poured into the body of the Datong Mushe.

There is no unnecessary nonsense, no boring temptation, and the two sides burst into full force as soon as they came up.

On the other hand, one side forcibly extracted the tail beast Chakra, regardless of the human life, while the other side spurred the giant rebirth eye on the moon.

Both huge chakras are so rich that they can be seen by the naked eye, as if they were two suns that can't be seen directly in the air.

后 When the momentum of each of them reached the limit, the Nagato and the Datong Mushe people rushed to each other at the same time, and their psychic ‘Outer Golem’ and ‘Ancestor Stone Statue’ also collided severely.

Rumble ...

In a blink of an eye, the earth shook the mountains, the sand flew away, and the whole earth was shaking!

Uh .........

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:. :

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