Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1074: Inaccessible battlefield!

Is this shameless thief so strong? !! "

After just two rounds of confrontation, Chakra was stunned by the huge consumption of a large tube.

Although he had anticipated a fierce battle when he decided to take a shot, the strength of Nagato was still far beyond his previous expectations.

At this moment, he deeply understood why the elders in the clan opened one eye and closed the other to the thief who stole the ‘Gaimon Golem’.

"Damn, is this his true power!"

Like the big tube Mushe who was secretly shocked, the Nagato side was not good.

Even with the help of the "Golem of the Outer Road", even with the support of Chakra, the tail of five tail beasts, he did not take any advantage in the two rounds of pupil confrontation with Datong Musheren.

On the basis of Chakra's measurement, as well as the whirlpool, the immortal body of the two races of the thousand hands, plus the ‘Waidao Golem’ and the long gate of the five tailed beasts, you can completely endure the tolerance world.

Don't talk about ordinary ninjas, even if it is Hyuga in this respect, it is not as good as Nagato.

But Datong Mushe people are different. The giant rebirth eye on the moon is almost the crystal of the pupils of all the big Tumu people on the moon, and it is the entire Chakra.

Although the Datong Mushe man has no reincarnation eye, he cannot reach the highest level of agreement with the giant reincarnation eye, and cannot mobilize 100% of the power of the giant reincarnation eye. However, by virtue of his bloodline source, 60% to 70% of the giant reincarnation eye is mobilized. Strength is still fine for him.

So the long facade is not the only one with a big tube.

But a whole family, is the descendant of all Datong Muyu Village on the moon!

Therefore, even if the amount of chakras in Nagato can be tolerated, it is still difficult to give play to the advantages of chakras in the face of a large tube man with a huge rebirth eye.

The two who knew each other's strength hardly hesitated again, and started the third round of matchup again.

Rumble ...

Soon, two substantive repulsions collided together again, sending out a loud noise like thunder!

The shock wave of the previous round has not completely subsided yet. This new round of shock waves has suddenly formed again, violently venting towards the surroundings, leaving the surroundings dim.

The first to bear the brunt was naturally the three generations of Naruto closest to the battlefield.

In order to grasp the situation of the leaders of the God organization and the leader of the Xiao organization for the first time, they did not rush out of the battlefield, but retreated to the outermost area where they could see, and closely followed the situation on the battlefield.

However, the battle between Nagato and Otsuki is completely beyond the concept of a normal ninja engagement. It has been affected for more than a dozen miles, and there is no safety zone for watching, so even a few shadows in the first two rounds of shock waves China has also suffered a lot.

Seeing that another wave of shock waves came, the three generations of Tuying had to press the ground with both hands and screamed, "Earth, the ground moves!"

With the launch of the earthen ninja of the three generations of shadows, the ground on which the shadows are located quickly subsided, forming a pit that was seven or eight meters deep.

I was hiding in a deep pit. Several of the shadows didn't open their mouths to talk, looking up gloomily at each other, silently looking at the blasting waves passing overhead.

The silence in the deep pits contrasts strongly with the roar above the ground.

This strong sense of powerlessness has made these strong men who once stood at the pinnacle of the Ninja Realm not even interested in communication.

another side.

Sasuke, who had just climbed out of the mound, saw the shock waves rolling in the distance and said, "Oops, here it is again!"

Wu Zhishui shouted quickly: "Everyone hide behind me!"

He said, Shushui once again launched ‘Suzano Nenju’ and placed the artifact ‘Hachiko’ in front of him.

Sasuke, Jun Malu, Bai, Didala did not talk nonsense, but tacitly shrank to the suffix 'Suzano no Yu'.

Blinking in time, the shock wave came, the gravel, trees, etc. that were wrapped in the shock wave hit the water-stopping suzuka nosu, and issued a series of `` craps! ''

Uh ...

At this time, Sasuke hiding behind the water stop slammed into the ground with a fist, and said reluctantly, "Heck, we are just close to the battlefield, it is so difficult!"


Wu Jun Maru sighed, he could understand Sasuke's mood at the moment.

Don't say Sasuke or Jun Malu, even Didala, who was always only immersed in his explosive art, was now abnormally silent, and his face was full of dignity.

Tochigi village.

Zilai also waited for a group of ninjas to rush towards the battlefield, hoping that they could help in the battle between the leader of God's organization and Nagato.

Yan Ke's rounds of shock waves caused a large number of wounded before they approached the battlefield. Some weak ninjas were even directly blown into the sky by the shock waves.

"Shang Ren follows me, others don't come near!"

Facing this unexpected situation, Zili had to make adjustments again and let the weaker ninjas leave the team.

However, the colleague Zhenyi left the brigade and rushed directly to the battlefield against the shock wave. He, like Zhishui, thought that he was playing against Nagato, who was in a hurry, so he hurried over to see.

The air on the other side.

Xiao Nan, who urged the detonation of the Fu Yun group to rush to the battlefield, was also attacked by the shock wave. After reluctantly withstanding this round of shock waves, UU read the book at

凭 Only by the aftermath released from the center of the battlefield, she can feel how fierce the confrontation is in the distance, and this makes her even more worried about Nagato.

"Nagato, you must win!"

At this point, Xiao Nan once again did not hesitate to provoke the detonation of Fu Yun with Chakra, and rushed towards the battlefield.

At the slanting lower part of Xiaonan, with the sound of ‘哐 哐 哐’, each solid wooden post slowly fell down, revealing a ferret dressed up by a **** ’s organization “Inflammation Demon” inside.

After blocking this round of shock waves with a 'wooden', a trace of doubt appeared on Itachi's face.

He is the same as Zhishui. He also thought that he was facing the Nagato in the distance, so he hurried in, but with the spread of several shock waves, he instinctively felt a little weird.

"The superb wisdom of the predecessors should not be such a passive match with Nagato Chakra. The predecessors must have other deep meanings, um, this must be the case ..."

After Xun suppressed the divergent thoughts, Itachi flickered and disappeared into place.

Unlike other people, Itachi holds the artifact "Ten Boxing Sword" and can give a critical blow at critical moments, so he does not approach the battlefield as violently as other people, but instead resorts to the fumes of dust and various ground conditions. Cover, approaching the battlefield carefully ...

Uh .........

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