Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1079: What a coincidence

"I'm not mistaken. Is the leader of God's organization defeated?"

"how can that be!"

"How can he be defeated as the best player in Ninja?"

"Damn, isn't he a fellow of the Six Immortals?"

When the figure of the big tube Musharen gradually disappeared into the gravel, and floated to the sky, the ninjas watching from the sidelines all exploded.

No one had expected Datong Musheren to fail so suddenly, as if there was no defense against Nagato ’s customary ‘Earth Explosion Star’.

Only the sun-dial mirror hidden in the shadow looked up at the sky, and the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

In the market.

The ravioli's successful attack on Nagato didn't have much joy, and his face was still full of dignity.

Because the last time he met the leader of the God Organization, the leader of the God Organization used the "Golden Wheel of Life" to forcibly cut off his "Earth Explosion Star" and calmly escaped from the seal of the "Earth Explosion Star", so he had some Worried that the scene would repeat itself, so this time he not only did not relax his vigilance, but instead kept a close eye on the 'Earthburst' seal in the air, while continuing to transport Chakra into the 'Earthburst'.

And as the Nagato continued to infuse Chakra, more and more rubble, the mud floated from the ground, and rushed to the 'Earth Explosion Star' in the sky, making this seal a large wooden house. The 'Earth Explosion Star' is getting larger and larger, and soon exceeds the volume of all 'Earth Explosion Stars' made by Nagato in the past.

Grunt ...

在 At this moment, a meteorite wrapped in the reincarnation eye Chakra fell from the sky in the whistling sound!

"Meteorite !?"

Nagato stared at him for a moment.

He knew that the Datong Mushe would not be sealed by himself so easily, but he did not think of the way the other party cracked his seal. It was actually not the last time that the “Golden Wheel of the Earth” was successfully cut, but the summoning. Meteorite.

Boom ...

Under the control of Reincarnation Eye Chakra, this meteorite hit the ‘Earth Explosion Star’ in the air with a large tube sealed with a precise sound.

The huge smoke and dust caused by the impact instantly blocked the sky.


"There is hope ..."

"Deserves to be the leader of God's organization, and it really is not so easy to be defeated!"

Although the smoke and dust obscured the vision and made the ninjas observing the battle unable to see the results of the impact, the appearance of the meteorite still cheered everyone up and regained hope in their hearts.

Soon, the smoke and dust in the air was blown away, revealing the huge 'Earth Explosion Star'.

Not only was everyone on the sidelines, but even the long gate on the field looked intently, but found that although ‘Earth Explosion Star’ was hit by a meteorite, a clear gap, but the overall structure was still solid.

Nagato breathed a little sigh of relief: "I won this time!"

Uh ...

Uh ...

Uh ...

I haven't waited for the joy on the Nagato's face to swing completely, and another meteorite appeared in the sky, followed by the second and the third!


Nagato's expression was stagnant.

The ninjas on the sidelines were all horrified, because the meteorite was still appearing one after another.

Fifth, sixth, seventh ...

One after the other meteorite appeared, but in an instant, it filled all the people's vision. The whole sky seemed to be full of meteorites wrapped in reincarnation eyes, chakras, braving the gorgeous fire!

"I ... should we hide away?"

Someone finally came over, but just faced with the meteor shower, it was too late to hide at this time.

Rumble ...

In a hurry, the battlefield fell into a dim darkness, with continuous loud noises, splashing gravel, tumbling smoke, and raging air waves, as if the end was coming!

Side of the field.

Xi Zhishui had no choice but to launch ‘Suzano Nenju’ again, and blocked his head with the artifact ‘Eight Mirror’, protecting Sasuke, Jun Malu, Bai, and Didala.

There were loud noises in the ears, and the trembling from time to time on the ‘Hachiko Mirror’ made a few people hiding in the water stop ‘Suzano no Hu’ feel uneasy.

They dare not imagine what would happen if there was no water stop.

Suddenly, the tremors and loud noises were alleviated a lot, and it seemed that there were no meteorites hitting the suzunenghu that stopped the water, and even the splashing debris disappeared.

Sasuke looked up in amazement, and in his blurred vision, found a figure walking slowly from the sky, and there seemed to be an invisible shield around the figure, and it was this shield that helped them Blocked all the debris from the splash.

However, due to the excessive exhaustion of pupil power and severe vision loss, Sasuke sometimes couldn't see the other person's appearance, and could only see the other person wearing a black-golden cloak with a godly body.

I noticed that someone was approaching, obviously more than Sasuke.

He had a kaleidoscope to write the water stop of the chakra, and he could use the natural energy to perceive the surrounding white, which was discovered earlier than Sasuke, and then Jun Malu and Didala noticed it.

"God ... the leader of God's organization?"

After seeing the grimace mask worn by the head of the organization ‘Yan Luo’ on the other person ’s face, everyone was taken aback, except to stop the water, and then felt a little uneasy.

You should know that they are all dressed up by members of the God Organization at this time. Yishui's counterfeit goods met the Lord, and they were naturally a little embarrassed. What made them even more puzzled was that the Datong Mushe was clearly sealed in the air In the "Earth Explosion Star", and they are not wearing a black-golden cloak of divine organization, they are a little confused about the identity of the mysterious person dressed in the god-organized "Yan Luo".

Obviously, the person who came is not the other person, but the sun mirror.

After stepping into the water-stopped "Suzano Nobo", Hyuga swept Sasuke next to the water-stop ~ ~ Bai, Jun Malu, and Didala, with a strange flash on their faces.

Xun Village wanted to arrange people to pretend to be God's organization. As Naruto, he naturally heard about it, but at that time, his mind was all about developing Lei Yufen, so he didn't care too much.

I do n’t know if it ’s a coincidence or God ’s will. The village selected Ninjas who were posing as members of God ’s organization. Except for Sasuke, the others were all the targets he had collected cell tissue.

Among them, the cell tissue of the leech is derived from white, the cell tissue of the fire leech is derived from stopping water, the cell tissue of the wind leech is derived from Jun Malu, and the cell tissue of the earth leech is derived from Didala.

"Oh, what a coincidence ..."

The next day he shook his head with a slight smile to the mirror.

Zhishui naturally knew the identity of Sunview Mirror and hurriedly asked, "What instructions do you have?"

Along with the water stop, Sasuke, Bai, Jun Malu, and Didala all looked nervously at Hyuga.

The next day he smiled at the mirror and asked the dialogue, "Can I still enter the" fairy mode "?"


He nodded in vain, and did not make nonsense, and immediately entered the "fairy mode".

The next day, Xiang Jingjing penetrated into Bai's body, and instantly sucked the immortal Chakra in his body, and then turned his eyes to the center of the battlefield ...

Uh .........

I'm sorry, there is only one change today.

:. :

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