On the front side is the fire-oil compound ninjutsu that also cooperates with the two toad immortals, and the immortal method "Five Right Guards" and "Toad Oil Flare" performed by Toad Manta.

The oil contained in the toad Wentai's mouth is not the usual oil, but the toad oil rich in natural energy in the toad pond of 'Miaomushan', and it has been called 'Five Right Guards' by the fairy law of Tajiki. After being ignited, the toad oil flaming bomb also became an immortal method rich in natural energy.

The three generations of earth shadows lingering behind Nagato, aimed at the back of Nagato, launched a wide range of "bound stripping", and its envelope even included the "outer golem" not far from Nagato.

The three generations of earth shadows and the four generations of thunder shadows that circle to the sides are extremely fast. Coupled with the "light and heavy rock technique" with three generations of earth shadows, and the assistance of the four generations of wind shadow golden sands, they are as smart as ghosts. In the daylight, a long afterimage was pulled out, and the line ran towards the Nagato.

Face from the upper and lower left and right, in all directions, the long facade shows disdain.

Such an offensive might be called a catastrophic disaster for other ninjas, but it was nothing to him. He glanced directly and replaced the location with a 'round tomb clone' in the distance, easily hiding. After the immortal attack that was carefully planned by the tap, and then looked at the three generations of earth shadows who launched the "dust": "Vientiane Tianyin!"


Suddenly, the fluorescence in his hand had just swelled, and the three generations of earth shadows that had not yet been completely emitted were pulled by a suction force, and the body was irresistibly thrown at the long gate.

At this moment, a sand of sand rose from the ground, wrapped up three generations of earth shadows, and antagonized with the ‘Vientiane Tianyin’ of Nagato.

Tsunade, who had never been shot, jumped up at this moment, and punched Nagato with a punch.

Nagato remained untouched, and his other hand reached out to Tsuna's hand: "Taste the taste of 'wooden'!"

Suddenly, a sharp wooden pierce pierced from the ground, piercing Tsunabe who jumped in the air directly.

纲 Tsunae, who was pierced by the body, did not sigh, but gritted his teeth and launched the ‘yin seal’. Then he forcibly broke the stake with a strange force, landed on the ground, and flew towards the Nagato again.

Nagato stunned and gave up ‘Vientiane Tianyin’ to the three generations of earth shadows, folded his hands together: “Wooden owl, the tree kingdom is coming!”


In the roar, countless branches rose up to the ground, and grew wildly, forming a lush forest in a blink of an eye, and entangled everyone.

The first thing to happen is Tsunade. Although she has a weird power, but she can still grow and absorb Chakra's sea of ​​trees. After struggling, she is finally wrapped in the branches inside and out. .

The four generations of Lei Ying, who are also trapped in the sea of ​​trees, rushed all the way with the fierceness of the "Lei Chachakla Mode", like a violent thunder and thunder towards the Nagato.

The third generation of Naruto is sensitive like a monkey in the forest, moving up and down in the sea of ​​wild trees, and it is no slower than the fourth generation of Naruto.

Taking advantage of Nagato's attention, Tsunade attracted the past, and the fourth generation of Leiying and the third generation of Naruto soon deceived him.

Under the new hatred, the four generations of Lei Ying have no intention of regretting Chakra, and urged the 'Lei Chacha mode' to the extreme, angrily saying, "Thunderstorm level Chiyo!"

The three generations of Naruto just swept the King Kong Ruyi in hand, destroying all the trees blocked in front of the fourth generation of Raiders, and cleared the obstacles for the fourth generation of Raiders.


In the loud noise, the four generations of Lei Ying completed a strenuous blow, and the whole sea of ​​trees shook with it!

The third generation of Naruto immediately looked at it, but found that Nagato had disappeared into the distance, and the fourth generation of Leiying seemed to have hit only a mass of air, or it had simply hit a growing tree.

The three generations of Naruto sank and immediately looked around.


Before the three generations of Naruto re-locked Nagato, Shuwai heard a scream from the fourth generation of Fengying.

The three generations of Naruto immediately slammed the King Kong Ruyi stick onto the tree in front of them. By the reaction force and the ability of King Kong Ruyi stick to expand and contract, they quickly jumped out of the sea of ​​trees and came to the front of the fourth generation Fengying, asking "Okay?"

Four generations of Fengying, holding her shoulders, said, "It's OK!"

Nagato suddenly appeared behind him just now, while he was unprepared, he pierced his left shoulder with a black stick directly, but fortunately, Nagato did not continue to pursue, allowing him to barely escape.

Opposite me, the long door carrying the black stick that was dripping blood said quietly: "No matter how you resist, the end is doomed!"

At this moment, in the sand dunes on the side, three generations of earth shadows suddenly rushed out of the "dust" that was displayed on Nagato, and a beam of light suddenly struck Nagato.

Nagato do not hide or dodge, reaching out to absorb the incoming 'dust'.

Sound of wind

At the moment when Nagato absorbed the "dust", the origin of the "Fairy Mode" also came out of the ground and punched Nagato with a punch.

After all, 'Dust' is a combination of three types of Chakra's 'Blood Succession Elimination', which is much more difficult to absorb than ordinary Ninjutsu, and the physical attack in 'Fairy Mode' is not to be underestimated, so After feeling a bit of threat, Nagato didn't choose to entangle, but stared, and replaced the location with a 'wheel tomb clone' in the distance again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ However, Nagato just completed the replacement and appeared in After reaching a distance, the ground at his feet suddenly jumped out again.


I was surprised at Nagato.

The figure that jumped out suddenly was not someone else, it was three generations of Naruto.

The three generations of Naruto, who had been working with everyone before, were actually a shadow clone, but the real three generations of Naruto had long since been hidden by a siren from the ‘round tomb clone’ in Nagato.

Nagato is also not prepared in this respect because he has not shown the ability to perceive the ‘round tomb avatar’.

As the Nagato stunned for a moment, the three generations of Naruto have completed the seal: "The corpse is sealed!"

With the roar of the three generations of Naruto, the ghost of death with a short knife in his mouth appeared behind the three generations of Naruto.

"Nagato, it's over!"

The three generations of Naruto said absolutely.

Seeing the appearance of the ghost of death, Nagato sneered, "You want to seal me with the seal of our swirling family?"

The three generations of Naruto heard a stagnation, and a bad premonition erupted in their hearts.

Nagato stared at this moment, and the reincarnation eyes in the eye socket were full of light, instantly suppressing the ghost of death behind the three generations of Naruto.

The second one is offered. The new week is coming soon, and the list will be updated, so I beg you to recommend a vote, and I hope that everyone will support you! In addition, I thank the students who gave a prize today, thank you!

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