Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1089: Pride and Humility

When Nagato yelled angrily, a powerful repulsive force came along with the roar, and it hit the sun mirror in an instant, throwing him back a dozen meters away.

After holding her body in shape, Hyuga mirror slowly dropped her right hand and calmly lifted the ‘Golden Wheel ’s explosion’ in her hand.

With the release of the "Golden Wheel of Life and Explosion", the five Taoist jades condensing the "Golden Wheel of Life and Explosion" were also quietly dispersed by him, leaving only four "round tombs" nailed to the gate. 'The four begging Tao Yu.

As soon as I lost the burden, Hikaru's body suddenly relaxed.

For Qiu Daoyu, it is both a weapon and a burden for him who is not in the sixth class. Maintaining three or four is not a big deal, but maintaining nine at a time is a bit difficult for him.

Next, while looking at the wound on Nagato's shoulder, Hyuga mirror laughed, "I'm stopping you?"

Nagato didn't seem to care about the injuries on his shoulders and shouted excitedly: "If it weren't for you, things would go in the direction I expected, and the ninja world would get real peace!"

Staring at the wound that was gradually recovering in the steam from Nagato's shoulder, there was a dip in the blue reincarnated eyes of Hyuga mirror, but his mouth was insignificant, saying casually: "You want to be the **** of Ninja. Suppress everything with fear, and let the whole ninja world live in your shadow, not to mention whether your idea is right or wrong, but one thing is wrong. "

Nagato immediately asked, "What am I doing wrong?"

Hyuga shook his head: "It's not that I'm stopping you, but that defeating everyone is the necessary condition for you to achieve your wish. If you are not the undisputed strongest, why should everyone live in your shadow? What next? "

Nagato slammed.

The next day, Xiang Xiangjing calmly said, "So you can't win me, not because I'm stopping, but just to show that you are not qualified to make rules for the ninja world!"

He maintained peace with pain and fear to Nagato, and Uchiha's spot, Uchiha's ‘Eye of the Moon’ plan, using illusions to create false peace, Heihyun mirror all scoffed.

This is like he opposed the destruction of the Uchiha clan by Naruto in the village.

If there is only one ninja village in the whole ninja world, Naruto will destroy the uncontrollable Uchiha. There are a lot of ninja villages in the ninja world, including Yunyin, Yanyin, Misty, and Sandy. They all have the ability to challenge Konoha. In the presence of external competition, it is undoubtedly inadequate to annihilate Uchiba, the village's number one.

The same reason, Nagato's plan and Uchiha's spot, Uchiha's plan with soil, at first glance, make some sense, as if peace can be achieved as soon as it is done.

But in this universe, it is not only the Ninja world, but also the threat from the sky.

Not to mention, just to say that those big trees who shuttle in the universe and plunder one planet after another, but have long been eyeing the fertile soil of Ninja.

If Nagato's plan, or Uchiha's spot, Uchiha's plan with soil is realized.

Peace can indeed come for a short time, but in this way, the people in the ninja world will either become alive in fear, like a pool of standing water, a deadly walking dead, or they will hang on the tree and live a lifelong dream.

一切 All advancements and endeavors in Ninja Realm will stagnate, and Ninja Realm will lose the opportunity to step into the stars.

The length of the trance and the peace depended only on the time when the big trees in the starry struck.

Perhaps the ninja world can enjoy peace for ten, twenty years, or even longer, but those who have drained the vitality of the planet and possessed all kinds of strange abilities will eventually come.

Once the big tube comes on, as the Nagato the strongest individual in the Ninja world, or Uchiha, or Uchiha with the soil, as long as an accidentally defeated, Ninja is over, and everyone must follow the Ninja. Together towards destruction.

Although peace is beautiful, it is extremely imaginative, but if it is at the cost of losing the spirit of exploring the unknown, then such peace is only a chronic poison in the eyes of Hyuga.

So for a long time, Hyuga has not been paranoid about the dispute.

Because moderate disputes and reasonable competition are an important means of maintaining their own competitiveness. Although the ninja community has experienced several unnecessary wars during the years of establishing the ninja village, it has caused many tragedies, but it is also because of the war. Stimulation and ninjutsu are constantly progressing, especially the pioneering and advancement of medical ninjutsu, making eye replacement, cell transplantation, etc. a reality, so that the ninjas have a deep understanding of what is power.

The second generation, Dashe Wan, Tsunade, Beiluhu, and Shennong, without exception, were all engaged in the research and development of various ninjutsu, mystery, and forbidden techniques because of the pressure of war and competition.

Especially the second generation, Dashe Wan, Bei Liu Hu, they even broke through the moral boundaries, developed the "foul earth rebirth technique" that can confuse life and death, the "immortal rebirth technique" that can alternative life, and can devour others "Blood Art of Ghost Bud" following the boundaries of human blood.

The decades of Tong Ren Village were the cruelest in the history of the millennium for thousands of years.

The three Ninja wars destroyed many countries, families, and lives, but it is ironic that various technologies have been developed rapidly in the decades when Ninja Village was established ~

Changing eyes, cell transplantation becomes possible, cloning the body, cloning life is no longer an illusion, and profoundly explains that suffering and progress coexist.

Like Nagato, I only noticed suffering in my eyes and ignored progress, or I only noticed progress in my eyes and ignored suffering.

This is also the biggest difference between the sun mirror and Nagato.

The strength of the reincarnation's eyes made Nagato lost in it, and he was unknowingly affected by arrogance. He felt that by his own power he could change the tolerance and eliminate suffering.

Even though Rixiang Jing has a rebirth eye, he has always maintained a humble and seeking attitude.

Because he is very clear that he still has a lot of knowledge that he does n’t understand, and there are still many deficiencies. The rebirth eye is only the starting point, not the end. There is a real six-way level above it, and there is a stronger one above the six-way level 'Blood following snare'.

Even if it is a 'blood following snare', it is difficult to say that it has reached the end.

除了 Besides the seven chakra attributes of yin, yang and five elements, there are also more primitive and larger natural energy systems, and this is a powerful force no worse than the chakra system.

It is precisely because he knows where he is. He Xiangjing has always been objective and sober. He founded the "God Organization" not because he really regarded himself as a god, but because he is an omnipotent God who has long regarded him forever. The goal has been working hard ...


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