Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1107: In the limelight no 2!

Feeling that there wasn't much time left for him, Sinnai immediately sank his face: "Naruto, you must be careful of the mysterious mask man, he is of the Uchiha family and also has a kaleidoscope to write chakras!"

Watergate also echoed: "Well, the opponent's time and space jutsu is very weird. When facing him, you must not be impulsive."

Naruto knew who his parents were, and nodded hard: "I will definitely learn that bastard!"

After groaning for a while, Chen Xinnai worried again and said, "Also, you have to be careful of your old ..."

Just after half the words, when the water gate shook his head, Xin Xinnai had to keep silent.

Naruto asked, "Who be careful?"

Watergate took the stubble and said with a smile: "Your mother meant that you need to be careful of your body, even if it is human strength, pay attention to rest!"

玖 Xinnai has to be cautious. Obviously, he is a sun mirror who has both the identity of the fifth generation of Naruto and the leader of the God organization.

The day before yesterday, Xiang Jing entered the naruto's spiritual world, and displayed the negotiations between Qiu Daoyu and Jiuwei. Both Watergate and Yun Xinnai saw in their eyes. Therefore, they knew this amazing secret of Ninja.

It is recognized that the leader of the most powerful divine organization in Ninja is actually Naruto's teacher, the five generations of Naruto in the village!

Rixiang Jing's concern for Naruto was seen by both the Watermen and the Husband, but the identity of the head of the divine organization of Rixiang Jing still made her Xin Xinna feel deeply uneasy.

Compared to Nao Xinnai, who has a straight temper, he has obviously considered more as a Naruto.

After knowing the identity of the head of the Hyuga mirror **** organization, he was also surprised, and immediately he thought about the purpose of creating the **** organization in the secret of the sun mirror mirror.

And combing the previous actions of the God organization, such as the assassination of the Uchiha family ’s radicals and the suppression of the Uchiha family ’s rebellion, it is not difficult to guess the purpose of the sun **** mirror to create the God organization.

Obviously, it is precisely because of the existence of the divine organization that the Uchihas who were separated from the village were pulled back and integrated with the village again.

In addition, although he didn't know why the sun-reflection mirror that was not eye-catching at the time of forbearance school became so strong, the sun-reflection mirror is now the number one in the ninja world.

The last time Hyuga entered the Naruto psychic world and negotiated with Nine Tail, he even felt that Hyuga was already aware of his existence.

In the face of such a strong man, Chen Xinnai's one or two sentences reminded that there is no meaning at all, but it will also lead to a contradiction between Naruto and Sunward Mirror.

So far, Hyuga has not shown any ill will to Naruto, but has also accepted Naruto as an apprentice, not only guiding Naruto wholeheartedly, but also helping Naruto suppress Jiuwei himself.

It can be said that Naruto has the strength of today, and the teacher, Hyuga Kyo, has contributed most.

Combining these factors, Watergate decisively prevented his wife from being reminded.

Naruto said cheerfully: "Rest assured, my body is fine, my Chakra is better than Sasuke, and there are more of them than Ningji!"

玖 Xinnai was reluctant: "Naruto, you can only rely on yourself in the future!"

Watergate took his wife's hand and said with a smile, "With Kakashi's presence, Naruto will be fine."

"Well, Mr. Naruto, Mr. Osumaru, Mr. Kakashi, Mr. Iruka, and Sasuke. Ningji and their partners are here, and I'm not alone at all!"

It seemed to feel that the separation was about to happen. Naruto, who was smiling and talking, started to cry while talking.

Trial space.

Seeing that Naruto's beastly body not only stopped, but also faded a little, Kakashi was shocked and completely confused what was happening.

Before long, Naruto sitting cross-legged on the ground suddenly opened his eyes.

Kakashi noticed that Naruto's eyes seemed to have something more than a glance. It was an indescribable thing, like hope, responsibility, or relief.

Kakashi asked, "How's it going?"

Naruto replied with a smile: "Mr. Kakashi, I've got the power of nine!"

Kakashi was relieved.

Immediately afterwards, Naruto suddenly asked, "Mr. Kakashi, my father is the fourth generation of Naruto, right?"


A blink of an eye passed a week after Xiao's attack.

Thanks to the strong support of Daimyo and several other large ninja villages, Muye recovered very quickly. After just a few days of work, no trace of war could be seen on the street.

Of course, this is also because the loss this time is much smaller than the last time.

The last time the village was a solid, large-scale ‘Shen Luo Tian Zheng’, which was next to the Nagato gate. The entire village was bloomed in the center. Except for some buildings left on the edge, it was almost flattened.

The village this time is only one of several battlefields. The most severely damaged battlefield is the forest that was picked up by the sun-mirror dozens of miles away from the village, so it is much easier to rebuild the village this time.

In the practice ground next to the Uchiha clan.

Uh ...

In a blast of wind, several shurikens successively hit the stumps in the distance, without exception, all of them accurately hit the small bull's eye in the center of the stump.


After gently exhaling, Sasuke sank.

He thought that as long as he cultivated well, his vision would be completely restored. It took a whole week to pass. The reduced vision did recover, but it was far from what he expected. Ghosting was gone, but his vision was still blurred. It caused him to throw shurikens less smoothly than before.

Covering his eyes, Sasuke whispered, "Well, why is this so!"

Until now, he hadn't told his family about his vision loss. One reason was that his parents and his brother were worried, and the other was that his strong self-esteem was at work.

This time the battle against Xiao organization, Sasuke got a lot of limelight.

First, he participated in a blocking team with almost per capita film-level strength, dragged Xiao organization stiffly for several hours, and gained valuable time for the village to evacuate the villagers.

Then, during the fierce battle between Xiaomen's leader Nagato and Datong Mushe, he attacked Nagato.

Although the sneak attack did not succeed, no one laughed at him, because the next three generations of Naruto, the third generation of Tuying, the fourth generation of Leiying, the fourth generation of Fengying, plus the three-bearer Tsunade, and the six also came The powerful men besieged Nagato together, and they ended in a miserable defeat. In comparison, Sasuke was just a 13-year-old boy.

At this age, being able to face the leader of the organization ~ ~ dare to take a decisive shot. No matter from what angle of evaluation, it is considered outstanding.

Therefore, in the week after the war, Sasuke made a name for himself during the same period, and is considered to be the undisputed number one in the same period.

Because most of the contemporaries had no qualifications to participate in the battle, they were directly requested by the village to evacuate, let alone face to face the leader of the organization.

Uh ...

When Sasuke secretly worried about when his vision would be completely restored, Ningji fell into the field and said, "I know you must be here!"

Sasuke momentarily put away his anxiety and asked casually, "What's wrong with me?"

Ningji laughed: "Naruto and Fu are back safely!"


The second is to offer, the last half of the month, continue to ask for monthly tickets, and students who have monthly tickets don't forget, it will be wasted after today. In addition, I thank the students who gave a prize today, thank you!

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