Sasuke did not relax his training because he awakened the kaleidoscope to write the chakras. In fact, after repeated setbacks, he trained himself more severely than the awakening kaleidoscope to write the chakras.

Because of this, the improvement of Sasuke's strength is not only in the eye of writing, but also in speed, strength, and skills.

However, after some confrontation just now, he was shocked to find that Naruto surpassed him in speed and strength, and he also keenly discovered that Naruto seemed to have some kind of anti-judgment ability that did not rely on pupillary surgery and was easily resolved. He made several offensive attempts in the dead end of vision.

"Immortal mode ?! No, these chakras on him are obvious tail chakras. This is not immortality!"

Suppressing the doubt in his heart, Sasuke got up from the ground.

Naruto said at this time: "Sasuke, please be careful. My trick is called" Nine-tailed Chakra Mode ", which is a new ninjutsu I just learned!"

Sasuke lowered his face: "Well, no matter what you learn, in my kaleidoscope writing wheel is all false!"

Naruto is indeed his best friend. If he is on a dangerous battlefield, he will not hesitate to protect Naruto, but there is no reason why, in the presence of Naruto, he is unwilling to bow his head and concede. Once Naruto shows off Challenge his intent, and he will instinctively respond strongly.

After slowly closing his eyes, Sasuke then opened sharply, exposing his kaleidoscope writing wheel eye with a six-pointed star pattern.

"Well, Sasuke even opened the kaleidoscope!"

"Are you serious ..."

"Hey, there's another show!"

At the sight of Sasuke's opening of the kaleidoscope writing circle, the students who watched on the sidelines immediately made a noise.

Ning Ci on the sideline was also slightly surprised. I did not expect a small study during the same period. Sasuke would be serious enough to open the kaleidoscope to write the eye, but soon he was relieved, and a dignified face appeared because of Ming. The 'nine-tailed chakra model' as it is called in the population does seem to be a bit powerful.

Sasuke, who opened the kaleidoscope, regained self-confidence, and said on the corner of his mouth, "Let me be careful? Oh, now I will use reality to dispel your ridiculous worry!"

Uh ...

As soon as the words fell, Sasuke disappeared, leaving only a flashing arc in place.

"So fast!"

Xiao Li on the sideline exclaimed.

Most of the contemporaries didn't even have an exclamation before, just shaking their heads, looking for the figure of Sasuke.

Uh ...

At this moment, there was another scream of wind, and Sasuke, who was surrounded by an electric arc, flashed behind Naruto, and his right hand holding the lightning that was sizzling by Nazi also stabbed at Naruto.

"That's my real speed!"

Seeing that Naruto didn't even turn around, Sasuke secretly was proud, and the corner of his mouth also became larger.

But just as Sasuke's right-handed 'Thousand Birds' was about to hit Naruto's back and was about to temporarily dismiss Ninjutsu, Naruto's back wrapped in golden nine-tailed chakras suddenly found two chakras Arms, and each Chakra arm instantly generated a 'spiral pill' shining brightly!


Sasuke narrowed his pupils and wanted to temporarily adjust his body shape to avoid Naruto's two "spiral pills" left and right, and the "thousand birds" in his hand could only resist one "spiral pills".


A burst of blast exploded in the newly repaired playground!

Instantly, huge smoke and dust covered the playground, blocking the vision of the side-by-side students.

"What just happened?"

"Who's winning?"

"I didn't see it at all!"

Contemporaries were stunned one by one, and Sakura was tangled up. She wanted Sasuke to win, but she didn't want Naruto to be hurt. Hina was nervous and worried.

In comparison, Ning Ci on the side of the field was the most calm, but even so, Ning Ci's face gradually showed a different color.


Soon, a strong wind blew through, blowing off the dust on the playground.

Naruto in the "Nine-Tailed Chakra Mode" was full of confidence, standing with his hands on his chest, and Sasuke was breathing heavily on the opposite side, and a thin layer of sweat was on his forehead.

Just in response to Naruto ’s two Spiral Pills, Sasuke had to launch the “Purple Electricity” and used a wide range of “Purple Electricity Thousands of Birds” to barely resist Naruto ’s Spiral Pills.

"Abominable, I didn't expect this stupid person to launch the Spiral Pills instantly!"

After suffering a small loss, Sasuke realized that he had got the power of Nine Tail, and Naruto who can turn on the Nine Tail Chakra Mode can now instantly use the Spiral Pill without the cooperation of his hands.

After shading his face, Sasuke ran his own kaleidoscope to observe the Naruto, while secretly analyzing: "I clearly launched the attack from a dead corner in his field of vision. How did he perceive my attack trajectory? Is it Prejudgment? No, how could a fool like him accurately predict my attack? He must have a certain perception ability that does not require vision! "

It was only a brief fight. Sasuke analyzed a lot of information about Naruto's "Nine-tailed Chakra Model", but he couldn't find any flaws in Naruto's "Nine-tailed Chakra Model".

Whether it's speed, strength, or that particular sense of ability, it made him feel extremely tricky.

In the case of Naruto who has not entered the "fairy mode" or the "tailed beast", it is obviously impossible for Sasuke to perform the pupilry techniques of these kaleidoscopes to write chakras. This is not his cherishment of his pupil power. , But she felt she was ashamed to use the kaleidoscope to write the eye of the eye.

Naruto, with his arms in his arms, said at this time: "Sasuke, I'm going to shoot!"

Sasuke snorted coldly: "Less nonsense!"

Naruto stopped talking nonsense and rushed to Sasuke immediately.

call out...

Accompanying the howling, Naruto in the "Nine-Tailed Chakra Mode" immediately flew in front of Sasuke. His speed was so high that even Sasuke, who had a kaleidoscope to write the round eyes, was taken aback.


At this moment, Sasuke found himself unavoidable. If he did not use the kaleidoscope to write the pupils of the chakras, he might be defeated in front of all contemporaries ~ ~ Under such pressure Next, he no longer cares a lot, and directly launched the "Suzano capable".

Instantly, a purple ghost projected from his body, and quickly turned into a row of skeletons, blocking a ‘spiral pill’ that Naruto smashed on his head.


There was another boom in the playground!

And Sasuke, who was forced to embarrass himself to perform 'Suzano Nenhu', was a little embarrassed and yelled, "I lost to Kirin, to my brother, to 'Hungry Ghost Road', and to the leader of the Xiao organization. Lose to Naruto this stupid, never! "


The second is even more!

In the new March, I hope everything will get better in this month! Thank you for voting last month, and for supporting my classmates. Thank you!

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