Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1112: Let's get married

Naruto's mastery of the "Nine-tailed Chakra Model" is just like Sasuke awakened the kaleidoscope to write chakras. It is a threshold of strength transition. As long as it can be successfully passed, the strength will multiply.

Because both speed and strength, Naruto's "Nine-tailed Chakra Mode" is no worse than Yun Yin's secret "Lei Chachakra Mode".

And Naruto ’s Nine-Tailed Chakra Model also has many abilities such as tail-like stamina, freely stretchable Chakra arms, super strong perception of maliciousness, and free delivery of Chakras.

It can be said that in terms of comprehensive capabilities, Naruto ’s “Nine-Tailed Chakra Model” has completely surpassed the “Lei Chacha Model” in which the previous Lei Ying relied on the vertical and horizontal forbearance.

In the entire Ninja world, there is only the "Ninaka Chakra Mode" that can consolidate Qiu Dao, which can gather Daoyu, and can stabilize Naruto's "Nine-tailed Chakra Mode" in terms of comprehensive ability.

However, as long as Naruto has passed this threshold, he has taken the initiative in the confrontation with Nine-tailed, and it is not a difficult problem for Naruto's personality to completely reconcile with Nine-tailed.

In other words, after mastering the Nine-Tailed Chakra Mode, it is only a matter of time before Naruto has a better grasp of the Nine-Lama Mode.

In the "Nine Lama Mode", Naruto can mobilize all the Chakras of Nine Tail, can easily show the tail beast jade, and even perform a variety of ninjutsu including shadow avatar in the state of complete tail beastization. .

And the nine tails in his body will continuously refine Chakra, and even absorb the natural energy of the outside world to provide Naruto with a continuous supply.

In time and space, he and Sasuke's last battle for the end of the valley, relying on the continuous supply of Nine-tailed Chakra, convinced Sasuke, who owns eight tailed beasts, to provide Chakra.

Three generations of Naruto drank a pipe and slowly said, "Naruto is now grown up, and it is time to know his own life. Kakashi, you are his guide, and if he has any questions, you do n’t need Keep hiding it. "

Kakashi nodded.

Rumble ...

Just then, there was a roar outside.

Immediately afterwards, a dark person walked into the Naruto office and reported: "Master Naruto, the sound outside was caused by Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto fighting on the playground of the Ninja School."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun frowned: "It's a prank!"

Sasuke was a disciple of Sugawara, so Sutra hurriedly asked the shadows, "How can you make such a big movement?"

The dark part was also speechless: "In the matchup, Uchiha Sasuke launched the Kasuga Kazuka" Suzano Nobo ", and Uzumaki Naruto also uses powerful ninjutsu!"

Kakashi was taken aback: "What, Sasuke even used Susano?"

Hyuga was not too surprised, and asked casually with a smile: "Who won?"

The consultants and elders in the office all glanced at Sunxiang Mirror, and found that the focus of Sunxiang Mirror was strange, and in their view, Naruto is obviously not an opponent of Sasuke who has awakened the kaleidoscope to write round eyes, not to mention Sasuke still uses On the 'Suzano No Hu', so the problem of Hyuga is obviously a bit redundant.

"It's Uzumaki Naruto who wins." After a pause, the shadow added: "And it's easy to win."


I was quite surprised.

Tsunade looked puzzled and turned to Kakashi: "What kind of trial did Naruto experience in Yunyin?"

Kakashi also stunned. Obviously, he also underestimated the power of Naruto's newly acquired "nine-tailed chakra model".

Although the discussion in the ninja school was not small, but because it was only between students in the same period, it did not cause much disturbance.

However, after this war, not only the contemporaries, but also many members of Muye and the Uchiha Police Force began to be shocked by Naruto's growth.

Because Naruto was relying on his strength this time, he defeated Sasuke who launched ‘Susano Nobuyoshi’.

And this battle has once again pushed Sasuke's Uchiha tribe's arrogance to the forefront, of course, but this time it is no longer full of praise as before.

at night.

After a busy day of business, Hyuga, who was back home, could finally take a break.

"Hard work!"

Bell came for dinner to Hyuga.

As he ate the dinner Bell had prepared for him, he asked, "Where is Naruto?"

Bell smiled: "I've already fallen asleep after dinner, and he's got a lot of limelight today."

Sun Xiangjing asked again thoughtfully: "Did he not say anything?"

Ling asked strangely, "What did you say?"

"It seems the four generations should not have revealed my identity to him ..."

Seeing Bell's face puzzled, Hyuga mirror knew.

When Kakashi said that Naruto and the four generations have met in the spiritual world, he has been wondering whether the four generations have told Naruto the identity of the leader of their God organization.

Because when he negotiated with Jiuwei last time, the four generations of the couple must be hiding in the shadows, so the identity of the leader of his **** organization is not only known to Jiuwei, but also the four generations of the couple.

And if the identity of the leader of his **** organization is exposed because of this accident at this time, the effect of deterring Xiao organization will undoubtedly be greatly reduced, and it may even cause Xiao organization to make a comeback immediately.

In addition, once the identity was revealed, the subsequent sums of money in the five big forbearance villages were not easy to collect.

After all, he is the fifth generation of Naruto in the village and the leader of the wooden leaves on the Ming surface. If the identity of the God organization leader is exposed, his business with Wuda Ninja Village is completely completed, and the source of funds is immediately cut off.

Just then, Bell, who was sitting opposite holding her chin quietly and watching Sun Xiangjing eating, suddenly said, "Mirror, let's get married!"


Thinking about how many sun-dial mirrors to open to the village this time, a sip of rice sprayed out, spraying the face of Ling directly opposite.

Ling suddenly pursed her lips ~ ~ The eyes were cold and gleaming: "Sun mirror, is it that big?"

Hyuga mirror wiped his mouth: "You misunderstood, I just didn't expect that you would suddenly say this, and nothing happened."

Ling Wenyan said, the cold light in his eyes was more prosperous: "What, haven't you ever thought about getting married?"

Feeling the murderous Hyuga mirror immediately changed his face: "What's the joke, I have been thinking about it, but ... it's just that the money hasn't saved enough, yes, it's the problem of money!"

Suddenly, Ling recovered her smiley face, and said a little embarrassedly, "I don't need to do a lot of work ..."

Watching the bell peeking at himself from time to time, where would Sunxiang Mirror find death at this time, and immediately patted his chest and said, "Be sure to do a lot of work, do you think I am a distressed person? You can rest assured, in this village There are a lot of things. After this time, I will marry you into the door with great scenery! "


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