Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1130: Minor surgery

Is this on the moon ... "

Sasuke paced back and forth in the operating room, his face full of wonder, no doubt at all about his presence on the moon, because he believed that Hyuga mirror would not lie to him.

Just then, a footstep sounded outside the passage.

Sasuke looked at it quickly, but when he saw the person wearing a mask with a flowing pattern on his face, he suddenly felt an irresistible sense of loss.

The sun-dial mirror driving the leeches did not bother Sasuke, but placed a small storage tank containing the Fuyue Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye on a tool stand next to the operating table, and then organized the surgical instruments by himself.

Sasuke came over at this moment: "Are you the" Chuan Lord "in God's organization?"

Hyuga nodded, then pointed at the operating table: "Lie down, start the operation now."

Sasuke asked, "What about the teacher? Uh, I mean Uchiha, why didn't she perform the operation for me?"

"I'll take care of the surgery, and she'll take care of the other things." After a pause, Hyuga pointed at the operating table again: "Don't let me repeat it again!"

Sasuke had no choice but to lie on the operating table obediently.

Hyundai Mirror at this time opened the storage tank containing the Fuyue Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and explained, "This time the transplant is to implant your father's writing wheel eye into your eye socket. At that time, you may feel Swelling, tingling, or local paralysis, but these are normal symptoms after surgery, you don't have to be overly nervous. "

Sasuke nodded slightly.

Sunward Mirror continued: "After completing the fusion, the eternal kaleidoscope of writing eye-eye pupils may be inherited by you, or it may be inherited by your father with a certain probability."

Sasuke listened quietly, and said nothing.

He and his father ’s kaleidoscope pupil technique is actually not much different. They both have 'Tianzhao', but in the second pupil, he is the one who controls the 'Tianzhao' and has a territorial life, while his father It is illusion pupil.

Regardless of whether it's "addition of a fate" or his father's illusion pupil, it is acceptable to him.

At this time, he picked up the scalpel to the mirror, and opened the outside of Sasuke's orbit, and said, "In order to allow you to clearly feel the fusion of pupil strength, I will not use anesthesia for this operation. Hold on. "

Sasuke tightened his teeth: "It doesn't matter!"

He Xiangjing stopped talking, and started the operation intently.

Eye transplantation is nothing to him today, but once you get on the operating table, even the smallest and simplest operation, you need to be cautious.

Soon, Sasuke's eyes had a swollen sensation that he mentioned before, which was faintly stinging.

"Abominable, it seems like something is drilling into my head ..."

During the breathing, the pain escalated quickly, and Sasuke's brain suddenly filled him, making him unbearable for a moment.

But in front of the members of God's organization, he didn't want to show weakness, let alone expose his weakness, so he forced the pain and pretended to be indifferent.

Just as Sasuke was determined to fight back to the end, the voice of the sunken mirror from his ear: "Okay, the operation is over."

"Hmm ... so fast ?!"

Sasuke was taken aback. From the first shot, he can be sure that he hasn't even been there for three minutes.

"But it's just a minor surgery for an eye transplant. How long do you want?" With a smile, Hyuga mirrored Sasuke's eye bandages: "From now on, you don't have to use the writing wheel eye again."

Sasuke stroked his eyes across the bandage: "When can I remove the bandage?"

Hyuga shook his head: "It depends on the speed of fusion. I can't give you a specific answer right now."

"sorry to bother you."

Sasuke got up and gave a gift to Hyuga.

Although he didn't know what kind of agreement the family had reached with the God Organization, the God Organization always transplanted his father's kaleidoscope to write the wheel eye in accordance with the agreement, so he truly thanked the God Organization.

It can be said that from this moment, he let go of his grudges with God's organization.

After packing up the surgical instruments, Sasuke mirrored Sasuke with a stable mood. He groaned for a moment and said, "Listen carefully, now I want to tell you a secret."

Sasuke froze for a moment, then raised his ears and made a listen.

Sunward Mirror said slowly: "The eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is not the end. Above it, there is a stronger pupil technique."


Instantly, Sasuke blurted out.

Because in the ninja world, the pupil technique is stronger than that of the eternal kaleidoscope, all he can think of is the reincarnation eyes known as the "eyes of the immortals" of the leader of the Xiao organization.

"Good!" Nodded, Hyuga said: "As long as some harsh conditions can be met, then it is possible for the eternal kaleidoscope to write recurrent eyes to evolve into recurrent eyes."

Sasuke was shocked: "What? Reincarnation evolved from writing eternal kaleidoscope of the kaleidoscope? Then ... Doesn't that mean that the" six immortals "also originally wrote ego?"

Hyuga mirror replied, "Okay."

There is no doubt that the six Taoxian people first had white eyes, which is a standard feature of the Datongmu family.

After that, the Six Immortals were stimulated and their white eyes were mutated, which led to the writing of the chakras, so Sasuke said it was not a mistake to say that the six chakras had written chakras.

However, the Six Immortals did not go through the stages of kaleidoscope writing chakras, eternal kaleidoscope writing chakras, but Sangou jade writing chakras directly awakened the samsara eye.

It can be seen that white-eye and writing-eyes are actually the same source, or that white-eyes are the foundation of everything. Either writing-eyes or reincarnation eyes, or even the reincarnation eye of the sun mirror, evolved on the basis of white-eyes. Come.

As soon as I thought that I might be able to evolve the reincarnation eye like the leader of the Xiao organization ~ ~ Sasuke was surprised and happy, and asked eagerly: "What conditions are needed for the evolution reincarnation eye?"

Sunxiang Mirror said: "I will tell you after you have the eternal kaleidoscope to write chakras, and I will tell you about this now, just to make you understand that you are now seriously aware of the fusion of pupil power, and have a revolving eye for your future evolution. It ’s very helpful, so I prepared pen and paper for you. You better record your feelings during this time. "

Hikari himself had a history of pupil fusion, but that time he had not undergone genetic recombination, passed out, and failed to realize the fusion of pupils in detail, so he needed to assist the client's first-hand information.

Sasuke nodded, and it was a matter of reincarnation, and he would naturally take it seriously.

Sun Xiangjing stopped talking, and finally looked at Sasuke before turning around and leaving the operating room ...


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