Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1133: Powerful impotence clone

Being able to be vigilant and making timely adjustments is one of the advantages of a sundial mirror.

In addition, he knows that his current research results are nothing compared to the big tube family that has developed the **** tree and plundered the planet's energy.

After completing the adjustment of his mentality, he immediately engaged in intense research.

Glittering, a week passed.

The development of the impotence clone was completed as expected by Hyuga.

After taking the impotence clones out of the large nutrition tank, the sundial mirror used a variety of expensive instruments to conduct a comprehensive detection of the impotence clones.

Through inspection, heliostat found that the vital signs of the impotence clone were normal, and the cell activity was twice that of his Yin Yin, 1.5 times that of the Feng Zhi clone, and 10 times that of the Leeching clone and Fire badge.

While recording various physical data of the impotence clone, Hyuga mirror fell into thought.

The impotence clone is reflected in the various data checked out, and its strength is already comparable to his Yin Yin deity and Feng Yin clone, which can completely omit the development link.

But this is not entirely a good thing, because the ceremony requires balance.

"Fortunately, I had anticipated that the strength of the Minamata and Huoyan clones had been increased in advance ..."

Fortunately, Hyundai mirror had anticipated this situation before, while developing impotence clones, it had already begun to strengthen the weaker leech and fire leech clones in the clones.

Therefore, for now, he can barely maintain a balance between his genital deity and the six avatars.

However, this balance is already very fragile. Once the strength of the impotence clones is further increased, it is likely to break this balance, making the weaker leech and fire leech clones a conspicuous short board in the ceremony.


After exhaling lightly, Hyuga started to print.

Now he can only hope that this impotence clone comes with 'wooden', and only then can he guarantee that the strength of this impotence clone will not be greatly improved.

Soon, Hyuga mirror finished the seal, performed "Soul Advent", "Wow", and the impotence clone lying on the operating table sat up.


He jumped off the operating table dexterously, and after he felt the new clone for a while, he changed his face.

For some reason, after his spirit entered this impotence clone, he had a very special feeling. If his spirit felt in his **** deity, he felt 'free', and his other avatars were fully developed. The feeling of zhong is 'harmonious', then the feeling in this impotence clone is 'warm'.

This feels like being in a hot spring, very comfortable.

"Is it because of this cloned Chakra that contains the characteristics of the sacred tree, or is it because of the omnipotent power generated by the integration of yin and yang?"

For a while, it was also difficult for Sun Mirror to determine the root cause of this feeling.

Because his impotence clone is very special, on the one hand, it inherits the characteristics of the sacred tree contained in the primary cells, on the other hand, because the primary cells representing impotence chakras are fused with his cells representing the impotence chakras. Later, the integration of yin and yang was completed naturally, giving this clone a certain strength.

This fusion is a bit like the fusion of Uchiha and Chishou.

It's just that Uchiha, who represents the yin yang, has become Hyuga, or more accurately, the yin yang descent of his younger brother Datong Muyu Village and the elder yang descent of his older brother, Da Tong Mu Yu Yi.

"No matter what the reason is, one thing can be confirmed is that this clone can nourish my spirit body, and the effect is similar to that of the deity."

As he further felt the impotence clones, he went to the practice ground of the fortress in the sky.

Along the way, he seriously felt the white eyes in the eye sockets, and found that the highly active semi-finished white eyes had a strange change after merging with his spirit body.

The visual field in the eyes is very clear, so I won't talk about it. After opening the white eyes, the perspective is far beyond the normal white eyes, which is only inferior to his reincarnation eyes.

"This should be extremely pure white eyes, and toss again and say that there will be no strange changes ..."

The sun mirror is very firm, the purity of these white eyes is definitely more than the white eyes of other points, and even more than the white eyes of everyone in the tolerance world.

After concentrating, he glanced at a wooden target in the distance in the practice range.

Uh ...

In a blinking shot, the sun mirror flashed to the wooden target, and the target was blown out with a punch.

It was just a wooden target flying, and he felt that nothing could be detected, so he immediately activated several modified puppets in the driving range, and rushed towards the puppets.

Uh ...

Accompanied by a few deep muffled sounds, he was specially modified and strengthened by the puppets. After his random hit, he was as fragile as a piece of tofu and instantly disintegrated.

Looking at the shards scattered in the ground, Hyuga mirror smiled slightly: "The power of the body is much greater than I imagined!"

After pondering for a while, Hyuga mirror summoned the three generations of Fengying Ren 傀儡 to the driving range, and then instructed the three generations of Fengying Ren 傀儡 to perform ‘Magnetism’ to create a layer of iron shields for them.

With the iron shield made by 'Magnetium', these people finally managed to withstand some damage, but even so, as long as the Hyundai Mirror is fully exerted, it can break through the 'Magnetium' iron shield barrier and shield the people behind the iron shield. A boxing shatter.

Giving a fist, Hyuga mirrored with a satisfied smile: "As long as I receive formal training, it should not be difficult for me to have the strange power of this impotence clone to surpass Tsunade!"

Tsunade's strange power is both pedigree and skill.

Sakura, who is not a thousand-handed clan in space and time, has mastered this skill, but only by combining blood and skills can she reach the ultimate level of power ~ ~ For example, an expert can tear the 'suzano no' hand.

And the sundial mirror, the impotence clone, is even better in terms of pedigree.

Because the impotence Chakra in Gangshou obviously does not have the characteristics of a sacred tree, and the sunblock mirror, an impotence clone, not only has the characteristics of a sacred tree, but also has a certain strength.

This means that the potential of this impotence clone of Sunward Mirror is greater than that of Tsunade. As long as there is reasonable training and development, it is definitely not a problem to want to tear ‘suzano no tsu’ by hand.

Of course, Nikolai ’s opponent rips ‘Suzano No Ju’ or something, and there is no special obsession. What he cares most about right now is whether the impotence clone comes with his own ‘wood cricket’ as he expected.

Soon, Hyuga mirror raised her hands and began to seal slowly, and yelled, "Mugi, the four-poster!"


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