Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1135: Toys only

"Damn guy, I'm going to kill you! Kill you!"

The hysteria of Shouhe hysteria still haunts the sky.

After being entangled by Hyuga's "Wood Dragon Technique", Shou He immediately struggled violently, but no matter how hard it struggled, the wooden dragon entangled with it did not let go.

Not only that, as a large number of tail beasts, Chakra, kept flowing into the wood dragon's body, the wood dragon entangled with the crane became thicker and stronger.

It is foreseeable that the final winner of this confrontation between Shouhe and Mulong must be Mulong.

As a practitioner, the sun mirror, looking at the scene in front of his eyes, there was a hint of surprise.

He knew that ‘Muya’ could restrain tail beasts, but he did not expect that the restraint effect would be so good. A powerful tail beast is almost a large toy under ‘Muya’.

"No wonder the first generation casually collected all the tail beasts ..."

From the current situation, as long as the tail beast meets the first generation, let alone a war, I am afraid that there is no chance to escape, and the strongest nine tail is no exception.

"The tail beast was indeed a toy to the first generation, but to other ninjas it was a complete monster. The decision to distribute the tail beast to other villages was too reckless."

Thinking of this, Hyuga mirror couldn't help but defame the decision of the early years.

In his opinion, rather than distributing the tail beasts, it would be more appropriate to seal all the tail beasts in a place that no one knew.

Because in the previous Ninja wars, the tail beasts have completely become the enemy's power, and the wooden leaf village, the original owner of these tail beasts, has exhausted the tail beasts.

In fact, after the establishment of the Ninja Village system, the power of Koba was reflected in the two people of the early generation and Uchiha.

When Uchiha's spot was retired from death, and the first generation passed away, although the strength of Muye still topped the list of the five forbearing villages, he had lost his dominance during the lifetime of the first generation.

In short, Muye was able to overwhelm I that year, relying on the first generation. Without the first generation, Muye is just the strongest one among the five big forbearance villages.

The same is true of the tail beast.

Except for the first generation, the following several Naruto had no overwhelming advantage over the tail beast. In the Nine-Tailed Rebellion, three generations and four generations of two Naruto had no choice but to sacrifice the fourth generation. Solve the nine tail.

"This kind of mistake won't happen to me."

Looking at the shouting Shouhe, Hyuga's eyes gradually became cold.

In the early days, naive thought that as long as the ‘will of fire’ could be passed on, the leaves of wood would flourish, but it was actually proved that ‘fire will’ is not enough, but it also needs real strength.

The misjudgment of the future situation by the early generations caused the Ninja community to suffer the destruction of three Ninja wars in just a few decades. As the fifth-generation sun mirror, this error must be corrected. In the future, all the tail beasts must be recovered.

At this moment, Hyuga mirror raised her arms again and began to print.

He didn't forget that his purpose was to test the limit of this impotence clone, so even if 'The Technique of the Wooden Dragon' had successfully restricted Shouhe, he still had no intention to stop.

"Wooden figure, wooden man!"

After finishing the seal, Hyuga exploded.

Rumble ...

With the start of his jutsu, the big earthquake shook, and then a wooden man up to 100 meters tall almost in the same shape as his complete body ‘Suzano Nobu’ rose up and appeared on the island.


The Shouhe, who was originally bound by the wooden dragon, saw a wooden man larger than himself suddenly appeared, and his expression became rigid, his face full of embarrassment gradually becoming shocked.


Along with the howling wind, the giant wooden man slapped Shouhe's head, beating him dizzy.

At the same time, the immovable Shouhe found that the wooden man with his hand on top of his head absorbed the chakras like the wooden man entangled with himself.

Not only that, it also found that this wooden man seemed to contain some kind of seal to restrain himself. As soon as the wooden man hit his head, he felt that he had lost control of the body-tailed beast Chakra.

"It's over!"

Suddenly, Shouhe was shrouded by a huge fear.

A single wooden dragon is already difficult to cope with. Now there is a more difficult wooden man. In the face of this situation, it has no chance at all.

Suddenly, Yu Guang, who was in the corner of Shouhe's eyes, found the ninja who was performing ‘Muchi’ in the distance, and began to seal again.


Shou He suddenly looked dull.

At this moment, the sun-dial mirror in the distance completed the final seal, and yelled, "Wooden claw, the tree kingdom is coming!"

Wow ...

Countless trees emerged from the ground, escalated wildly, and in just a blink of an eye, the island that had just been razed by Shouhe ’s ‘killing bomb’ was immediately restored to a green shade.

And the trees that breed wildly are not aimless. Many trees are entangled with the huge body of Shouhe spiritually, and some branches are even directly inserted into Shouhe's body, and then grow out from the other end.

Within a short while, Shouhe's huge body was covered with trees and covered with vines!

Don't say that the defending crane is struggling. It can't even move. The tail beast Chakra is also absorbed by the wood dragon, the wood man, and the trees covering the whole body, causing it to form the body. The pieces of sand began to fall apart.

After a few moments of movement, Sun Xiangjing leapt to the wooden man's shoulder and looked at the Shouhe opposite.

At this time, Shouhe had no previous arrogance, and Wang Xiangxiang's dull eyes were full of fright. He did not expect that this modest ninja in front of him was so scary!

Hyuga mirror distressed: "Not yet reached the limit ..."

As he said, he sighed, and began to seal again, and then drank, "Wooden shovel!"

Suddenly, countless huge arms rose up to the ground, firmly grasped the standing crane, and then pulled it vigorously, tearing the crane to the ground.

After guarding the crane fell to the ground, UU read the book These arms hooped the guard's limbs, tail and neck, respectively, and tied it firmly to the ground.

Shouhe who fell on his back at this time has completely lost his ability to resist, and he can't even speak. He can only feel the emotion at the moment through the fear in his eyes.

Uh ...

One flashed, Hyuga mirror fell on Shouhe's head, and kicked Shouhe's nose: "Hey, you don't even need a tail beast jade, are you playing me?"

Shou He, who had lost his ability to speak, was completely speechless.

At the same time, Chakra was absorbed by wooden dragons, wooden people, wooden hands, and countless trees. At this moment, the form was almost unsustainable, let alone the tail beast ...


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