Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1140: Forbidden life zone

Whew ...

The whistling sound of the sandstorm echoed constantly in the ears, and the vision was dim, as if the boundary between the sky and the ground was blurred, and people suddenly lost time, direction and so on.

Walking in such a harsh environment, Rao is a strong man like Sun Xiangjing, and also feels a little uncomfortable.

If it weren't for the giant reincarnation eye in the distant air fortress that had been orientating him, even if he had white eyes, he would most likely be lost in this sandy sea.

"What a Jedi!"

The sun mirror that stands on a dune can't help feeling.

One and a half months have passed since he circled the seven alternative ceremonial locations. During this time, he went through the seven alternative locations, inspected them one by one, and finally eliminated all the other six locations. An alternative location.

Like several other alternative locations, this seventh alternative location is also a continuous stretch of sand and sea, but it is more remote and special.

It is said to be special because the stratum beneath this sandy sea is very solid.

Even sand worms that can shuttle freely in the sand sea are difficult to drill through this hard formation. Therefore, this sand sea is not only rarely visited, but even desert creatures such as sand worms rarely set foot in it. It is a real life forbidden area. .

In addition, Sun Xiangjing also consulted some documents from the country of the wind, and confirmed that this piece of sand has no name, and there is no history of human activities.

"White eyes, open!"

He went to a commanding height again, and the sundial mirror opened his eyes again, and looked carefully around him.

The extremely harsh environment has advantages and disadvantages for him.

The advantage is naturally conducive to confidentiality, not easy to be interfered by the enemy, and the disadvantages are also obvious. In this harsh environment, to complete the ceremony smoothly, various protective circles are essential.

The ritual arrangement alone costs a lot of money. If you take into account the outer wind and sand, and the various senses, it is very difficult to control the cost. Therefore, you must choose a suitable location for the sun direction mirror, otherwise the budget It exploded.

Fortunately, after field inspections during this period of time, he roughly grasped the rules of sandstorms in this sand sea, knowing which areas in the sand sea are less affected by sandstorms, and at what time periods, the power of sandstorms will weaken.

Before long, Hyuga returned to a camp he had temporarily set up.

The camp is actually a two-story small building built in the sand by the sun mirror using the Ninjutsu ‘Four Pillars’ house.

After stepping into the room, he took off the mask, spit some fine sand out of his mouth, and drank the water while making various records on the map.

"Here it is!"

With that said, Hyuga mirror nodded heavily on the map.

The location he decided on, located in the central area of ​​the sand sea, is not only very open, but also not on the wind belt. There is a gap of about three hours a day without being affected by sand storms.

After the location was determined, Hyundai Mirror immediately coordinated with the map to prepare for the ceremony.

The preparation of the main part of the ritual has been well thought out. Now he only needs to use the previously considered plan, and according to other preparations of the external environment, such as the layout of various enchantments, it takes some thought Now, because these are uncertain before the actual venue of the ceremony is finalized, he has no previous plan.

"The ceremony requires an area of ​​at least 100 meters in radius, so the enchantment cannot be placed too close, which may interfere with the ceremony ..."

"The wind enchantment is inside, the enchantment that isolates perception is outside ..."

"Considering Chakra's law of conduction, the enclave that isolates perception must be placed in a higher position ..."

Looking at the planned layout on the map, Hyuga mirror frowned slightly.

For the main part of the ceremony, he had already prepared it before the assault, even if the ceremony location was in the harsh sea of ​​sand, the budget would increase by tens of millions at most.

It's just that the cost of enchantment is a little bit unexpected.

Because of the range and the sandstorm, this enchantment requires not only two layers, but also a larger range, which will cause the budget to increase exponentially.

Even if the sunscreen chooses to use the black stick of phosphorous phosphor as the main material of the junction, the cost of the two-layer junction is probably more than hundreds of millions.

Sun Xiangjing felt it: "No wonder that some Ninja villages can't maintain the cost of the enchantment. The large-scale enchantment is simply burning money. I am afraid that only the big leaves of the family can burn it ... "

Although distressed by this expenditure, Nisshang Jing also understands that it is essential for the ceremony to go smoothly, not to mention that he has already considered the source of this cost.

After planning everything, Sun Xiangjing stayed in this sandy sea for another half a month, became more familiar with the environment of this sandy sea, and then quietly returned to the air fortress.

After more than two months of traveling, not only did he find a suitable place for the ceremony, but during a long stay, his spirit and the impotence clone became more and more compatible.

After a little activity in the driving range, Hyuga mirrored: "The degree of fit should be enough. The characteristics of the **** tree are really amazing!"

When his spirit body first entered the impotence clone, it felt very comfortable, which undoubtedly shows that the impotence chakra, which contains the characteristics of the **** tree, also has the ability to nourish the soul representing the impure chakra, and this I am afraid that it is also one of the reasons that the transplanted primary cells can recover the lost kaleidoscope writing eye pupil power.

Then he came to the laboratory, changed back to his Yin Yin deity, and put the fully developed impotence clone into a large nutrition tank.

Then, looking at the impotence clone soaked in a large nutrition tank, Hyuga murmured to himself: "At first I thought the impotence clone would be the most difficult one to develop. I didn't expect things to go so smoothly. "

If you think about it, this result is actually quite normal.

After going through the cloning and development of the first five clones ~ ~ When it is the sixth clone's turn, even a fool should have accumulated enough experience and skills.

Therefore, the impotence clone is indeed the most difficult clone and development clone in theory. There is no doubt about this, but the sundial mirror when developing the impotence clone is not the same as the rookie when the development of the leech clone.

After clearing up my mood, Hyuga left the laboratory slowly, and then found the phosphorous. I love Luo, and asked about Sasuke's situation during this time.

Xiang Phosphor replied quickly: "Sir, Uchiha Sasuke has been staying in his area of ​​activity during this time, except for a few attempts to perceive the area outside the area of ​​activity, there is nothing unusual about it."

"Oh, so obedient?" Hyuga was a little surprised, and asked, "How is the fusion of his pupils?"


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