Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1142: Taboo of death

As expected by Hyuga, Sasuke really obediently recorded in detail the feelings of pupil fusion in the past two months, which even contained many doubts and guesses during the pupil fusion process.

Looking through the diary, which still has childishness between the lines, the dignity of the mirror gradually dignified.

From Sasuke's diary, it is obvious that a conclusion can be drawn that there is a lot of similarities between pupil fusion and gene fusion between the kaleidoscope writing rounds.

"I'm afraid this is the reason why we must be blood relatives to be transplanted and merged with each other." After a pause, Hyuga went on to say, "Although the method is primitive, it is indeed the easiest way to sublimate blood.

Undoubtedly, the method of transplanting kaleidoscope to write chakras in this blood family is both the fusion of pupil power and the fusion of blood vessels.

This is the blood vein fusion method, which traces back the blood veins of the Datongmu family that has been diluted from generation to generation.

In other words, even if the power of the eternal kaleidoscope writing chakra is at the pinnacle of the ninja world, it is only a part of the ancestor's power.

Sasuke asked, "When can I remove the bandage?"

As he continued to read Sasuke's diary, he replied, "As long as the fusion of pupil strength is completed, the bandage can be removed naturally. This does not need to ask me."

Sasuke said, "In the last week or two, my pupil strength has begun to slow down. Does this mean that I am about to succeed?"

"what did you say?"

Hyuga mirror gave Sasuke a rather unexpected glance.

Xiang phosphorus just reported to him that Sasuke has not increased his pupillary power in the past week or two, but Sasuke said that the recent increase in pupillary power has only slowed down, which is obviously a mistake in judgment by one party.

Sasuke said with a hug in his arms, proudly, "I know some of you have been spying on me in secret, but I'm not the same as before. Do you think I would be unaware of such spying?"

"Did you find it ..."

Sun Xiangjing smiled indifferently.

He had some doubts before, Sasuke's pupil fusion was clearly over, why the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye has not been completed, and now I know that this kid is disguising.

Mostly, this is because Xiang Xiang didn't consider Sasuke who was taken back to the fortress in the air as an enemy, so he didn't cover himself when he felt. Sasuke naturally improved his perception with the integration of pupil power, so he discovered that The snooping of phosphorus, and corresponding camouflage, deceived the perception of fragrant phosphorus.

Closing Sasuke's diary, Hyuga speculated: "If this is the case, the fusion of the chakras of the eternal kaleidoscope may be completed in a week."

"Another week?"

Sasuke frowned. His blindness for more than two months had consumed his too much patience.

Seeing Sasuke's impatience, Hyuga told him: "There is only one last step left. I guess you shouldn't want to make any mistakes at this last moment, right?"

Sasuke nodded gently. "I see."

Hyuga turned and walked out, saying, "I'll come over for a final check in a week, and if there are no problems, you can return to the leaves."

Sasuke didn't say a word, lay back on the bed silently, and waited patiently.

In the following week, because Sasuke may complete the fusion of the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye at any time, the sundial mirror did not leave the air fortress anymore, but cultivated in the air fortress's practice field with ‘Eight Doors’.

Uh ...

Uh ...

Uh ...

With the fast flashing of the figure, many air waves were generated out of thin air in the driving range, and these air waves were superimposed, like a storm, venting around.

If the four walls of the driving range are not engraved with seals, ordinary brick walls may not be able to withstand these layers of air waves.

It took a long time before the figure slowed down, revealing the appearance of the sundial mirror.


After exhaling lightly, the sweaty sun-dial mirror replenished moisture while thinking about how to optimize the cultivation method.

Now that all six avatars required for his ritual have been cloned and developed, he only needs to finally fill the "Yin Seal" of the Yin Yin deity with Chakra, and cultivate the "Eight Door Armor" to the highest level, letting himself in the ceremony It is possible to explode all the potentials and start the ceremony formally.

The previous intermittent practice has allowed him to cultivate to the sixth gate of the Eight Gates, and now he is impacting the seventh gate.

To practice the mysterious technique of steel fist flow such as ‘Eight Doors’, the stronger your constitution, the better your physical foundation, and the better you understand the structure of your body, the lower the difficulty of cultivation.

Coincidentally, he has all three.

The current sun direction mirror has a long-lasting physique. In addition, he has cultivated the mysterious technique of "yin seal" that can maintain the vitality of the body. The ordinary ninja in the world is a rare character.

Not to mention the physical technique. In this respect, Nikko Mirror has never let up, and he doesn't have any insights in his heart. He is good at soft boxing, steel boxing, and even some swordsmanship, swordsmanship, and ninjas of other schools He is more or less all involved, and can be regarded as a master of physical skill in the ninja world.

As for the structure of the human body, in addition to the large snake pill that dared to modify its body, it may be slightly stronger than the sun mirror. I am afraid that even Tsunade Ji, the first person in medical ninjutsu, cannot compare with this Performed sun cloning of human clones several times.

In fact, if he hadn't been busy developing the avatar these years, he might have been conquered by ‘Bamen Jiajia’.

And now he only has to overcome the seventh "Shocking Door" of the "Eight Doors" because once he masters the seventh "Shocking Door ~ ~ Eight Doors", he can basically declare the conquest. .

After all, the eighth gate of death is a taboo of death!

Before the ‘dead gate’ is actually opened, no one can say whether he or she will be able to open this level of burning life, so there is no such thing. Practice the saying of ‘dead gate’ in the driving range.

The normal situation is that once the cultivator overcomes the seventh door, "Shocking Door", by default, he has the ability to attack the eighth door, "Dead Door".

As for whether the eighth 'Dead Door' can be successfully opened in the end, it depends on whether the practitioner's foundation is stable enough and the willpower is strong enough.

Like Meitedai, Meiteke and their sons, they have exercised their bodies to the extreme during years of practice, so they have confidence and the ability to open the final 'dead door' ...


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