Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1154: Secret confrontation

Feeling the mysterious ‘Purple Flame’ lingering next to ‘Fire Demon’ from a short distance, everyone in the advisory elders ’group felt inexplicable for a while.

The ‘purple inflammation’ that swayed in the moonlight, like a dream, looks like an illusion of light and shadow, not a real flame.

The divine organization 'Blood Demon' bathing in the fire has also become hazy and unreal under the background of this scene, as it really exists, and it doesn't seem so real if you take a serious look.

"Illusion !?"

For a moment, this idea appeared in the minds of all the advisors and elders, even the experienced three generations of Naruto.

Soon, the three generations of earth shadows, four generations of thunder shadows, four generations of wind shadows, and four generations of water shadows who have just arrived from the country of water not long ago came to the Naruto building.

Uh ...

At the same time, the four Uchihas, Itachi, Shimizu, Shinichi, and Sasuke, also hurried.

The rushed crowd was instantly attracted by 'Yan Mo' and the mysterious 'Zi Yan' on 'Yan Mo'.

Many of them have seen this female 'Flame Devil' in the God Organization before, but this time, they clearly felt that the 'Flame Devil' in front of them was different from before.

Although the "Yanmo" was also very mysterious in the past, it was mainly the addition of the mysterious organization "God Organization" and wearing a mask. I don't know the true reason.

But today's "Yan Mo" just stands there silently, making people feel an inexplicable palpitation, totally unpredictable.

At the same time, the "Purple Flame" lingering around the "Flame Demon" also made them apprehensive.

Several shadows are powerful ninjas with both strength and experience, so just by observing and sensing, they can judge that the "Purple Flame" never seen on 'Blood Devil' is never simple, at least 'blood' Following the boundaries of the level of fire.

Not to mention the few Uchihas who are good at illusions and fires.

As an illusion-type Uchiha, Itachi and Zhishui have remotely sensed the incomparable and powerful spiritual power on 'Ziyan' when they are not close, and Shinichi, who is so perceptive, even judges the 'Ziyan' The power is likely to be above 'Tianzhao', but it is constantly alternating between reality and reality, not as overbearing as 'Tianzhao'.

Unlike others, the four Uchihas secretly prepared for battle almost at the same time as they arrived at the Naruto building.

Itachi, Zhishui, and Zhenyi made a simple communication with their eyes, and then Qi Qi followed Yusuke's eyes, and once Sasuke attacked the 'Flame Devil', they would immediately stop it.

This is not to blame them for thinking. The main reason was that Sasuke even dared to attack the leader of the Xiao organization who had reincarnation, which really scared them.

In addition, Sasuke now has the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and his strength is far superior to that of the past. Therefore, what young Sasuke will do will be impossible to predict.

Itachi, Shisui, and the real battle preparations of the real one or three people were instantly noticed by Sasuke, who now has amazing insights, so he sank and said secretly: "Oh, my brother, they really want to start, I don't know if I can stop my brother and the three of them alone! "

Although Sasuke was proud, once facing Itachi and stopping the water, the real one or three people were still very guilty, and even a small amount of sweat came from their palms.

At this time, Itachi, Shisui, and Shinichi San started silently adjusting their positions, distantly separating Sasuke from the not-so-closed 'Flame Devil'.

And Sasuke silently opened his own three-hook jade writing round eyes, and kept sideways to the left and right, watching closely the movements of itachi, water stop, and one or three people, and at the same time began to simulate in the brain for a while. Tactics.

Seeing Sasuke opened the eye of the writing wheel, Itachi, stop the water, really dare not care, and also opened the eye of the three hooks.

Sasuke noticed this, his eyebrows were twisted immediately, and the three hook jade on the writing wheel eye quickly spun up on the scarlet eyes.

In this way, the four Uchihas began to constantly predict and adjust each other in secret, and engaged in an unknown secret confrontation!

Hyuga mirror glanced at the four Ujibos who were a little bit wrong, and said in the belly: "What the **** are they doing!"

The three generations of Naruto broke the silence at this time, came up, and said politely, "Our village Mineha welcomes the visit of His Excellency Yanmao, please come to the meeting room to discuss it in detail!"

Said, the three generations of Naruto made a please gesture.

Hyuga didn't answer, but just nodded slightly, then put away ‘Purple Flame’, and as the three generations of Naruto and others came to the meeting room in the Naruto building.

Zilai's eyes paused on Sasuke's body, then followed the three generations into the Naruto building.

While watching 'Yan Mo' entered the Naruto building with several shadows and the advisory elder group, the four Uchihas standing in front of the Naruto building were relieved.

At present, they are not qualified to participate in the secret meetings of the village elders, so they have not rushed to follow up the Naruto building.

Meeting room.

At the suggestion of three generations of Naruto, Kakashi said to the seated sundial mirror: "Sir‘ Yanmao ’, in order to prevent impersonation, can you confirm your identity to us?”

Kakashi's meaning is very simple, that is, he hopes that Hyuga will be able to reveal ‘suzano no’ as he did last time, to prove himself.

Although Muye was passive when dealing with **** organizations, he never gave up the most basic principle, that is, no matter what kind of cooperation, he must first confirm the identity of the other party.

The previous time that Xiangxiang Jing and Itachi sang the double reed, Tsunade also used a sneak attack to force Itachi's "Suzano Nobo" and verified the identity of Itachi's organization "The Enchanted" before cooperating.

It is also with this in mind that the Hyundai Mirror will have the performance just now ~ ~ So in the face of Kakashi's request, he was not surprised, and bluntly said: "Because of the development of a new 'blood following elimination' ', Something went wrong with my writing wheel.'

"What, the new blood is eliminated ?!"

Hyundai Mirror's bland words suddenly aroused an exclamation in the conference room, and the biggest reaction was undoubtedly the master of the three generations of earth shadows that were eliminated by the blood of Dust.

Because the birth of the new ‘blood following elimination’ is bound to threaten the status of ‘dust’ in the world of tolerance.

And 'Den' has become a symbol of Yanyin Village. If the status of 'Den' is affected, then the popularity of Yanyin Village will naturally be affected.

He didn't explain much, he opened his palm directly, and released a swaying "purple inflammation" in the palm of his hand.

Staring at the purple flame swaying in the palm of Hyuga, Tsunade frowned, "This is your newly developed 'blood following elimination'?"


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