Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1162: Limit of potential

Uh ...

Uh ...

Feeling the beating of the heart, Hyuga mirror gradually let out his thoughts.

When the seventh door, "Shocking Door," opened, he had a wonderful feeling. It was a feeling he had never felt before, as if he had not completely controlled his body until this moment.

"I can feel the heart beat ..."

"I can feel the blood flowing in the blood vessels ..."

"I can feel the transmission of nerves ..."

"I can feel the peristalsis of the stomach ..."

This feeling was like opening a new window, allowing him to re-understand his body from another angle he had never tried.

After a long time, he said gently: "No wonder!"

He had been a little puzzled before. He obviously did n’t have Hitomi Kaikai, why he could not be inferior to those Hitomitsu Ninjas in body surgery. He could even develop a strange way to predict the enemy ’s actions by observing only his legs ability.

And when he opened the 'Shock Door' himself, these doubts were resolved.

'Shocking door' is like a lock on the body. Once opened, the whole body seems to be alive. When faced with an emergency, it does not need eye insight at all, and the brain can communicate appropriately. .

"Gangquan walked in front of Rouquan ..."

Even if Hyuga is a Hyuga tribe, I have to admit it at this moment.

Do n’t mention the “80th God Air Strike” or something. Although the “80th God Air Strike” is similar to the soft fist principle of the Hyuga family, they are all advanced uses of Chakra in body skills, but the “80th God Air Strike” Obviously, it cannot be simply summarized in the category of Rouquan.

Even if you want to classify the "eighty gods air strike" into the soft boxing, the strong one is not a move, but as a "blood following snare", it has a nearly inexhaustible and inexhaustible chakra. Hui Ye.

In terms of true versatility, the steel fist with ‘Eight Doors’ is undoubtedly better than the self-styled soft fist.

"It's no wonder that after Rika Kashi took over as the sixth generation, he also specially trained a team of" Eight Doors "!"

‘Eight Gates’ is indeed a secret technique with a high limit and great potential. As long as you are willing to work hard, even if you can only open to the third gate, your strength can be significantly improved.

Moreover, the requirements for talent are not as harsh as the practice of 'space and time ninjutsu'. As long as you look carefully, you can always find some ninjas who are suitable for practicing 'eight-door armor.'

Receiving his feelings, Hyuga mirror took advantage of the opportunity to open the 'Shocking Door' and realized the last 'Dead Door'.

I don't know why, he has a feeling that as long as it is decided enough, even if the seventh door of "Shocking Door" has just been opened, he has a certain certainty to break through the "Dead Door" that symbolizes the entrance of life and death.

In other words, the opening of the "dead gate" is simpler than the "shock gate", or more accurately, the price of opening the "dead gate" is the death after opening the "dead gate"!

Afterwards, Hyundai Mirror seemed to jump on the edge of the ‘dead gate’, half of which was based on experience and half of experience, and once again estimated the effect of opening the ‘dead gate’.

Conclusion Just like the moment before, when the ‘Dead Door’ was opened, his Chakra may skyrocket to about twenty times the normal state.

However, the state of this outburst is short-lived, only about a few tens of breaths, which is enough to resemble Kay after opening the 'Dead Gate' in the original space, and barely use two sets of 'Xixiang' and 'Yekai'.


After Changshu breathed a sigh, he reversed his "eight-gate armor" state.

At this time, he can proudly declare that he has conquered ‘Eight Doors’ and mastered all the mysteries of ‘Eight Doors’.

With his in-depth understanding and thorough control of the Eight Doors, he also realized that the Eight Doors also had certain limitations, just like other techniques.

This limitation is not the surgery itself, but the fragile human body.

As long as the ninja's life level, body structure, etc. have not undergone qualitative changes, there is a theoretical upper limit to the power of the 'eight-door armor', and this upper limit is almost 'six-level'.

To put it simply, the ninjas of Xia Ren and Zhong Ni, even if they can open the 'Dead Gate', the power that erupts is not as scary as imagined.

Matte Dai is a good example. Although he killed four of Wuyin's Ninja Swords in World War I, he almost eliminated Wuyin's Ninja Swords in World War I.

However, this record clearly did not reach the description of more than ten times more power than the Five Shadows.

Because Wuyin has seven swords, but only seven elites, and they are more dependent on swords, which belongs to a more elite class of elites, so Matte who opened the 'dead door' really wanted Gaining ten times the power of the Five Shadows, even if only for a short moment, none of the seven people can survive, there will be no fish missing.

Therefore, only when the ninjas at the upper end of the torture stage have opened the 'dead gate', the potential of the 'eight-door armor' has been fully realized.

In other words, at least to reach the strength of the forbearance, it is possible to truly exert the theoretical limit output of the 'eight-gate armor' and gain ten times the power above the Five Shadows in an instant.

Based on the speculation of Sunward Mirror, Kay's basic strength has reached Kaohsiung Kay. After opening the 'Dead Door', Chakra is likely to increase by a hundred times, or even more, so that Kay, who is normally at the first stage of Kaohsiung, has crossed the shadow Level, super shadow level, these fuzzy strength boundaries, instantly obtained the 'six-level' terror force!

If the strength is further up, for example, at the movie level, the promotion effect after opening the 'Dead Gate' is not as significant as the tolerance.

Because the essence of 'eight-door armor' is to open up the body's restraint and push the body's potential to its peak instantly, at the cost of burning life, impacting organs, meridians, and bones, and exerting all its strength.

And the shadow-level powerhouses ~ ~ more or less know some skills to develop physical potential, such as the Thunder Shadow of the past, their development of physical potential is not much worse than the ninja who cultivates the 'eight-door armor' Therefore, the technique of 'Eight Doors Armor' which releases all the potential of the body is not so exaggerated for them.

If you ca n’t forgive your body ’s extreme potential, after opening the “Dead Gate”, your Chakra volume can soar 100 times, then the shadow-level strongmen who have already tapped some of their physical potential through other means After opening the "Dead Gate", the amount of chakras may only increase by 50 times, from the shadow level to the "six levels".

Such as the sun direction mirror, which has already tapped its own potential into a very deep level, the limit potential that can be tapped is not much, so after opening the "dead gate", the amount of chakra may only increase by 20 times, compared to Others move more smoothly into the 'six levels'.

In short, as long as there is no fundamental change in the level of life, although there is a difference in the upper limit of the human potential, the limit is almost ‘six levels’ ...


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