Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1164: I see your death!

This abrupt scream of Ziyuan immediately broke the lively and harmonious atmosphere in the living room. Immediately everyone's eyes gathered on Ziyuan's body. Even the mouth was stuffed with food, and the cheeks were rumbling. Ding Ci also No exception.

Then everyone found that Ziyuan seemed to see something terrible. She suddenly collapsed and sat on the ground, her body shaking, her face even paler.

Sasuke opened the eye of the writing subconsciously, and put one hand on the hilt of the grasshopper sword on his waist, and looked around in vigilance.

Also immediately alert was Ning Ci, who immediately opened his eyes and observed Ziyuan.

Yakumo, Sakura and their girls gathered around and asked with concern: "Ziyuan, what's wrong with you?"

However, Ziyuan was dumbfounded, still panicked.

Kakashi and several other instructors also came over. Among them, as the instructor of Ziyuan, at the same time, the silence of the medical ninja went directly to check on the body of Ziyuan.

Red cast a puzzled look at Kakashi and Asma, and seemed to be asking them what they saw.

Kakashi and Asma both shook their heads in silence, a little dignified.

Based on their rich experience, it's also a mess at the moment, because there was no chakra fluctuation in the living room just now, and all the people who were present at the same time were familiar with the same period or guidance, and this is still Naruto's house, not at all There is a possibility of sneak attacks by foreign enemies, so they do not understand why Ziyuan is so good, and why he suddenly screams.

Soon, Hyuga and Hyuga rushed over from the kitchen.

"Shiyuan, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Ziyuan's dismay, Ling exclaimed and rushed forward.

Facing the concerned gaze cast by Hyuga mirror, the stunned Ziyuan burst into tears, and her eyes were full of shock and sadness.

"Is it ..."

He was ready to step forward, and suddenly realized something.

After inspecting Ziyuan's body, she said with a mute expression, "It's just that my heart rate is a little high, and there's nothing wrong with it!"

Sasuke, who stared at Ziyuan at this time, said: "No, I can feel a spiritual power covering her just now, but it doesn't look like illusion."

Yakumo and Ningji took a serious look at Ziyuan again, and all together: "She doesn't have magic magic!"

Rixiang Jing, who has roughly guessed what is going on, smiled: "Don't worry, this is the old fault of Ziyuan. Every now and then, I will be inexplicably flustered, and it will be fine after a while.

Bell wondered: "Ziyuan still has such a problem, why don't I know?"

Hyuga mirror scratched his head: "Did I not tell you? Oh, I must have forgotten it. This was actually what her mother's previous witch told me."

Silence was still a little worrying: "Otherwise, I'll take her to the hospital now to check with Master Tsunade?"

Hyuga mirror laughed: "Relax, it's just a small problem, it's not a big deal."

After hearing that from Xiangxiang Jing, everyone put down their hearts and sat back to their original positions. Only Sasuke, who had the eternal kaleidoscope to write round eyes, stared at Ziyuan in amazement.

Because the spiritual fluctuations in Ziyuan just now are extremely short and only a momentary moment, but he keenly found that the spiritual fluctuations covering Ziyuan are not much worse than him who has the eternal kaleidoscope to write chakras. Already.

Soothing the crowd a little, Nikko Jing took Ziyuan's hand and said, "Come with me."

So while Ziyuan couldn't stop crying, she followed the sun mirror and left the living room.

After a while, Rixiangjing left Ziyuan with Ziyuan, and came to the cliff of Naruto.

Standing quietly on the edge of the cliff, the sun mirror is blown by the breeze, overlooking the bustling and lively Muye Village below. After a long time, he took a deep breath and asked, "Did you see something?"

Ziyuan squatted on the ground with her head helpless: "I ... I saw your death!"

"Is that so ..."

The sun mirror is very calm, and there is no wave in his face.

He knew very well that Shiyuan, a witch, had the ability to 'predict the death'. When a close person was about to die, she would see the scattered fragment of the other person in advance.

This has been verified when 'Go' attacked the village before.

Ziyuan stood up at this moment, grabbed the sleeve of Sunxiang Mirror, and asked in a crying voice: "How can this happen? You are not Naruto, how could you die? This ... this is impossible!"

Of course he knows why, so he stroked Ziyuan's hair and said as calmly as possible: "Tell me what you see in detail."

Shiyuan buried her face in the sun mirror and shouted, "Fake, those are fake!"

Sunxiang Jing comforted: "Relax, the Miko's" death prediction "is not absolutely accurate. Your mother had made mistakes at that time, so you just need to tell me in detail what exactly you saw in the" death prediction ", I Maybe you can avoid that kind of ending! "

Crying faced Ziyuan eagerly asked, "Really !?"

Hyuga nodded hard: "Well, don't look down on me, I'm Naruto!"

Persuaded by Hyuga, Ziyuan recalled the horrible scene that I saw just now, and said with a tremor, "I saw you standing on a stone platform, and ... and many other people got involved. Your body ... "

Hyuga's eyes were condensed, and he asked, "What then?"

"Then ... then you pushed those people away and drove them out of your body, and finally you fell on the stone platform ..."

As Ziyuan recalled, she spoke intermittently.

Hyuga mirror wondered: "Push them away !?"

He can understand the previous description of Ziyuan. It is obviously that he is performing the "blood following fusion ceremony", and it can be seen from the description that the ceremony has entered the most critical moment. Began to merge with his Yin Yin deity.

But the description of Ziyuan later, he was a little confused.

He wondered why he pushed away the six avatars. This behavior was obviously contrary to his ritual arrangement.

And from the results, after he pushed away the six avatars in "Death Prophecy", the ceremony was interrupted, and then he died on the spot with the interruption of the ceremony.

After pondering for a while, Hyuga still couldn't understand, so he asked, "Are there any other pictures?"

"Only ... Only these ..." After a pause, Ziyuan asked worriedly: "I told you this, will you really be fine?"

Hyuga mirror pulled away the doubt and anxiety on his face, and nodded gently.


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