Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1167: This version is too backward

In addition to being a sacrifice to the body of the 'foul soil body', the precision of the 'foul soil rebirth' psychic will also directly affect the spirituality and strength of the 'foul soil body'.

"This version is too backward ..."

After carefully deducing the filthy soil reincarnation recorded in the Book of Seals, Hyuga feels that if he uses the original version of the filthy soil reincarnation, it is very difficult to say how much spirituality his filthy soil body will have in the future.

He wasn't even sure if the filthy soil reincarnation was complete or not.

Frowning, Hyuga mirror slowly closed the 'Book of Seals'.

It must be known that during the Fourth Ninja War in original time and space, the ‘foul soil reincarnation’ performed by Osumaru was not the version developed by the first two generations, but a new version of Omomaru ’s continuous exploration and improvement over many years.

From a certain perspective, Dashe Wan is the second developer of the banned operation of filthy soil reincarnation.

This is because the original intention of the second generation to develop the "Bad Earth Rebirth" was to use an immortal body to perform another forbidden technique he developed called "Multiplying Detonation Symbol".

The big snake ball is not.

Da Snake Pill was keenly aware that the real effect of the filthy soil rebirth is actually blurring the boundary between life and death, allowing the dead to return to the realm of ninja.

Therefore, his improvement direction has always been the precision and control of psychiatry.

He hopes that through accurate psychic spirits, a lot of psychic spirits of the dead souls in the underworld will be brought to the ninja realm, so as to ensure the spirituality of the filthy earth body and let the filthy earth body truly live.

If Hyugaru is allowed to choose, the modified version of ‘Bad Earth Rebirth’ by ​​Dashemaru meets his requirements.

Of course, as long as he is willing to do the development ability of Hyuga, he can improve the filthy soil rebirth recorded in the Book of Seals to a level that meets his requirements.


After staring at it, Hyuga mirror returned the "Book of Seals" and immediately left the confidential archives.

Then, he left a shadow avatar in the village, and then the deity quietly left the village under the cover of the night and rushed towards the country of Tian.

Rather than re-improving the filthy soil reincarnation, it is better to directly find a way to get the latest version from Dashe Wan.

Because in the development and improvement of this forbidden technique, the strength of Dashe Wan is not under him, especially the technique of "Bad Earth Rebirth", Da Shewan has put a lot of energy into it, and Hyuga wants to overtake the improvement of Da Shewan from scratch. Progress is really too time consuming.

What's more, if you want to improve the filthy soil reincarnation yourself, Hyuga will have to deal with corpses and dead souls repeatedly, and if not necessary, he is not willing to play with the dead.

A gallop all the way, it normally takes one to two weeks to travel, it took less than two days for Hyuga to arrive at Yinnin Village in Tianzhiguo.

Unlike usual, Yin Nin Village at this time is in high alert.

This is obviously because after the failure to capture Sasuke the last time, Osumaru was worried that Sasuke would report to Konoha that he was the mastermind behind Otoshimura, so he temporarily strengthened the alert.

However, this preparation of Dashe Wan looks somewhat perfunctory.

If Sasuke really reported that Dasumaru was the main brain behind Otoru Village, and led the four of Otoru to attack him, the village would either leave it alone or it would be a thunder strike.

Yin Ren Village seems to be heavily guarded, but this kind of defense can't resist the raid of the five major Ninja villages. Osumaru may be aware of this, so he poses.

When he realized the arrival of Hyuga, the pharmacist greeted him with a smile and said, "Master Naruto, please come with me, Master Dashe Wan is waiting for you!"

The sun mirror nodded.

After entering a dark underground palace, and walking around in it for a long time, he finally saw a big snake ball with a bandage on his back and sitting on a high-backed chair.

While looking at Hyuga mirror, Osumaru asked, "It's a mirror. You rarely come to me. Is this because of Uchiha Sasuke?"

Sun Xiangjing said, "I've covered you for your help with Sasuke."

"Oh, no wonder the village hasn't sent anyone here, and the Uchiha family hasn't responded. It really is that you have done something in it."

Osumaru chuckled.

From his expression, Hyuga could see that he didn't care too much about the identity of the leader of Yinni Village, or that he didn't care much about Yinni Village's foundation.

The sundial mirror no longer turns around and said openly, "Teacher, I need your help."


The big snake pill suddenly became interested, and a light flashed in his eyes.

Hyuga mirror calmly said, "I need the‘ waste of rebirth 'in your hand! ”

Dashemaru tapped the armrest of the bench with his fingers and said, "If I remember correctly, there should be original scrolls in the village.

"What I need is the latest version you have now." After a pause, Hyuga turned straight at Dashe Wan: "I think you should understand what I mean."

Dashewan joked: "Well, you seem to know my development progress, don't you put eyeliner around me?"

Hyuga mirror shook his head: "This kind of thing does not require eyeliner. I have learned about the process of fighting with Sasuke. The degree of" foul soil "is not the original version of" foul soil rebirth ". "

Silent for a while, Dashe Wan said: "I can agree to your request, but you must also agree to a request."

Hyuga mirror frowned: "Willn't you want me to deal with Uchiha again? You should know how strong Uchiha is today. My Naruto has a limited power on them. If I don't, I might become The second short-lived Naruto in the village. "

I remembered the fight with Sasuke before, UU reading www.'s face looks a little gloomy: "Of course I know how difficult the Uchiha family is now. Even the smallest Uchiha Sasuke has grown up, so I won't let you do what you can't do. To things. "

After all, Dashemaru beckoned to a shadow in the room.

In a moment, a figure emerged from the shadows, and saluted toward Osumaru: "Master Osumaru!"

Hyuga looked in the mirror, and then looked stagnant: "This ..."

The figure that emerged from the shadow was a teenager who looked thirteen or fourteen years old. To the surprise of Hyuga, this teenager should never have appeared in this era.

Osumaru laughed: "His name is Yueyue, it's mine ... my disciple, what I want you to do is very simple, just bring him back to Muye Village and let him join Uchiha Sasuke's team."


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