Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1175: The farthest person to go!

As soon as he raised his hand, a clear ice mirror appeared in front of him.

"Can you print without an instant?"

Wu Neng performed ‘Magic Mirror Ice Crystal’ without a mark, indicating that the sunward mirror not only mastered the 遁 冰 遁 ’blood succession limit, but also enhanced the blood succession limit after fusion.

After turning his thoughts, Hyuga mirror tried again to perform ‘dust’ without marks.

As a result, it was found that the execution of the blood succession such as 'dust' still needs to be printed. It cannot be performed without the seal as it was just after the 'ice' blood succession limit was cast.

But the mind of Sun Xiangjing was not tangled in it.

The mastery of the blood following limit and the blood following elimination indicates that he has completed the first stage, and the faint enhancement of pupil strength means that he has entered the second stage of the ritual without being aware of himself, that is, the strength of Chakra has increased. Stage!

At this stage, the fusion of Chakra properties of different attributes in the body has already begun.

推测 According to the ritual of Tuanzang's ceremonies, the first and most intense fusion should be the chakras with the special attributes Chakra and Yinchakra.

只有 Only when they complete the fusion first and produce the power of the ensemble of yin and yang, can they nurture the spirit body and the body, and give a vulgar sun-mirror the opportunity to impact the third stage and the improvement of the life level.

Soon after, the power of Sen Luo Vientiane after the integration of yin and yang began to permeate the body of the sun mirror.

随着 With the continuous accumulation of the power of Sen Luo Vientiane in the body, the first benefit is naturally the pair of regenerating eyes in the sun's orbit.

If the pair of reincarnated eyes of the previous day mirror were two gems that could be stars, then after being nourished by the power of Sen Luo Vientiane, the pair of reincarnated eyes became deeper, even some do not look like physical gems. But the stars that really condense.

"my eyes"

The huge impact gave the sundial mirror a strong sense of dizziness.

He could feel a great power condensed in his rebirth eyes, making it difficult for him to adapt for a while. After walking back and forth on the altar for several steps, he stood firm.

A moment later, a hunger that seemed to penetrate the bone marrow came to his mind.

"Chakra I need more chakras"

Sunward Mirror finally realized the feeling of hysterical shouting on the altar that required Chakra's group possession. This is an instinctive desire that cannot be countered by reason, as if the drowning man desperately wanted it. Grab everything you can.

He did not fight against this instinct, and Hyuga quickly opened the 'yin seal' on his forehead, releasing the hard-working Chakra that he had saved over the years.

Because he knows the fusion of Chakras with different attributes, he needs a lot of Chakras to maintain it. In this stage, he took time to chase the ceremonies of more than a thousand wooden leaf ninjas. He must provide enough chakras for the fusion of nature in the body.

While unravelling the ‘yin seal’, he also increased his claim to Chakra of the Dragon Veins.

Longmai Chakra contains the particularity of natural energy, which prevents him from extracting too much in a short period of time. Therefore, he can only use Longmai Cha through the whole process of a little bit of extraction, and always use other Chakra sources to dilute the proportion of Longmai Chakra. carat.

With the opening of the "yin seal", a large number of high-quality reincarnation eyes Chakra, gushing out from the seal area at the center of the eyebrow, immediately relieved his demand for Chakra.

Because a large number of high-quality reincarnation eyes Chakra filled the whole body, he can draw a large stream of dragon veins Chakra with the checks and balances of reincarnation eyes Chakra.

Received ample supply of chakras, and the fusion of properties in the body of the sun mirror continued.

Especially the fusion of Yin Chakra and Yang Chakra gradually reached perfection. As soon as Hyuga mirror waved, a black stick protruded from his palm.

"Can I make a black stick?"

The next day moved towards Jing Jing's heart.

This is the progress that the group has not reached. That is to say, with the emergence of the black stick, the sun mirror has surpassed the group in the second stage, and has become the most in the current Ninja world in the 'blood following fusion ceremony'. Far away people.

The appearance of the black stick representing ‘Yin and Yang’ also means that the second stage is complete.

"Is this going too well?"

The next day, Xiang Jing was a little surprised.

If it was n’t for Ziyuan ’s “Death Prophecy”, then the smoothness of the current ritual would make him feel sure that it would be a shock to hit the “blood following snare”.

在 At this moment, the sun direction mirror entered the third stage of the ceremony, which is the stage of initially completing the seven chakra attributes of the five elements of yin and yang, and condensing the ‘seeking jade’.

Once you have completed this stage, you will be able to enter the 'Six Dao Levels' and the level of life will be raised accordingly, and you will no longer be a fragile mortal.

The six spots that reached the "six levels" in the original space time were kicked by Kai who opened the "dead gate" and flew half of his body. Even the fatal vitals of the human body were completely destroyed, but they were restored as before, This is the improvement of the level of life.

Because once you have reached the "Six Levels", many of the previous vital points on your body are not really important points. It is no exaggeration to say that they are immortals!

He has completed the integration of yin and yang, and the sun mirror based on ‘yin and yang 遁’ has begun a fusion of the five elements of Chakra. UU Reading Book

Sunda held his breath and carefully, carefully adding the five attributes of the five attributes: water, fire, wind, soil, and thunder to Chakra.

Suddenly, a strange chakra began to conceive in his body.

"Easier than I thought"

At this time, Rao Yiyang's calmness couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

Perhaps because he has developed too many blood relay boundaries and blood relay eliminations, he is very proficient in the technique of chakra fusion, which also provides him with great convenience in blending the seven chakra attributes of yin and yang five elements, almost only For the first time, there were no small results.

With the progress of the fusion of nature, he was shocked to find that the chakras stored in the ‘yin seal’ and the chakras extracted from the dragon veins were exhausted without notice.

"Why is it so expensive?"

Bian Qiang suppressed the shock in the bottom of his heart, and the sundial mirror quickly settled, communicating with the air fortress not far from the altar, and pulling up the '魍 魉' Chakra from the main power room of the air fortress.

At the same time, in conjunction with the drawn 魍 魉 Chakra, he took a long mouthful of dragon veins Chakra.

However, the large number of chakras just extracted lasted only a few breaths, and they ran out instantly, as if they had never existed.

Fourth more, please continue to plead for monthly tickets! In addition, I thank the students who gave a prize today, thank you!

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