Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1183: Are the kids now so scary?

"Did Ningji play ..."

On a big tree in the distance, Hong smiled slightly.

Asma smoked a cigarette for herself and said casually after taking a sip: "As a former Gemini, how could I stand up against a strong opponent!"

While Naruto was still at the end of the crane, their "Twin" in the Ninja School was Sasuke and Ningji who also came from the giant Ninjas.

At that time, the two of them were well-known stars of forbearance school. They were the objects of admiration and longing for all the contemporaries. In the forbearance school, only they could match each other.

Ningji's "Twin" name was replaced by Naruto after Naruto's sudden rise.

Mute asked: "Who do you think will win?"

Akai quickly said, "It must be Ningci!"

Asma was a little puzzled: "How so sure, did you teach Ning Ci what weird moves again?"

Kai shook his head: "That's the effort you didn't see Ningji. I used to think that Ningji was only a genius of physical skill, but now I understand that he is still a genius of hard work! His hard work is no worse than me and Xiao Li , And he has the same white eyes as a mirror, so I believe he can win! "

Wu Hong said, "But the other party is Oshimaru's son!"

Although Yueyue's identity is kept secret from her contemporaries, it is not a secret in her guidance. She knows that her true identity is the son of Osumaru, one of the three forbearances.

Silent glanced at Kakashi, who had been silent, and asked, "Kakashi, what do you think?"

Kakashi solemnly said, "I'm afraid I won't win!"

In the market.

After learning the lessons of Xiao Li's defeat before, Ning Ci worked hard in anticipation. With the cooperation of his eyes, he gave up attacking Yueyue's limbs that can be twisted and retracted at will, but focused on attacking Chakra ’s body. Meridians, acupoints.

This trick seems to be very effective.

With Ning Ci's soft fist stepping by, Ning Ci was defeated, and Ning Ci was soon forced into the corner.


Every day by the side of the field, I was overjoyed.

Tong Xiaoli, Ya, Dingji, and Sakai, who were previously defeated by Yueyue's contemporaries, saw Ningji about to win and shouted in excitement.

"Is it over?"

Naruto said with confidence: "Wait and see, this game is not so easy to decide the winner!"

Sasuke on the other side watched the reactions of the students on the sidelines, chuckled a little, and showed a play on his face: "Hey, you guys are so naive!"

Sure enough, as Sasuke expected, the battle situation on the field suddenly changed dramatically.

巳 Yu Yue, who was forced into the corner by Ning Ci's soft fist, gave up the physical confrontation decisively. His hands quickly printed, and a dazzling thunder light flashed in the palm.

"Thunder Ninjutsu !?"

He was preparing to give Ning Yue the final blow, and immediately hesitated to slow down the offensive.

Because of the bright light of 巳 月 雷 遁 and the fierce chakra fluctuations on Lei ,, he suddenly occupied his vision of the eyes, making him lose the lock on 巳 月 in an instant.

Suddenly, at the moment of Ning Ci's hesitation, Xie Yue inspired the Thunder Ninjutsu in the palm of his hand: "Thunder, Snake Thunder!"

Uh ...

When the time passed, the lightning in Lei Yue's hands hit Ningji like a concentrated pulse.

Already vigilant, Ning Ci leapt forward, and calmly avoided Lei Yue's Ninjutsu, but before he landed, he found countless white-scale snakes fluttering at him from all sides. Come over.


Sui Ningci was startled, and subconsciously launched Rouquan's absolute defense ‘back to the sky’.

With the help of Huitian, Ning Ci blocked this round of offensive by Yue Yue, and his face gradually sank in his breath.

Lei Yue didn't seem to expect that her offensive was blocked, and she was a little surprised, and then said, "You are strong!"

他 In his opinion, Ning Ci is completely different from the previous Ding Ci. They are obviously higher in strength, and their insight is amazing, their moves are neat, and there are almost no flaws.

Su Ningji replied: "You are not weak! But that's the end of the temptation just now. If you don't try your best, you have no chance of winning!"

Yueyue nodded earnestly: "Be careful!"

Su Ningji gazes: "No need to remind you!"

I said, he swooped up again.

Uh ...

But at this moment, accompanied by a harsh blast of wind and howling, Ning Ci was horrified to find that the moon in his vision suddenly disappeared!


Not only was Ningji in the field, besides Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, the other students in the same period were also surprised, because they found that Yueyue appeared to be behind the space and suddenly flashed behind Ningji. .

"No, it's not space-time ninjutsu, but blinking!"

Through the details of air flow, sound, and other details, Shikamaru immediately determined that what the moon was performing was not 'time-space ninjutsu', but a very fast 'transient shot', which was almost comparable to 'nine-tailed chakra mode'. Naruto.

"Brother Ningci, be careful!"

Hina even blurted out anxiously.

Looking at the pale green Chakra covering the whole body of Yueyue, Sasuke had a playful look before him, and there was a flash of solemnity in his eyes at this moment, even he was afraid to despise the Yueyue in this state.

In the market.

Su Ningci's response was not slow ~ ~ He did not need Hinata's reminder at all, he had already judged his situation, immediately turned back and waved a hand, trying to push back the next month.

Uh ...

Xun Ke did not wait for Ningji to turn around completely, he hit a punch under his rib, and then flew out in a muffled sound.

After Xun fell to the ground fiercely, Ning Ci still had some cyanosis. Until this moment, he hadn't fully figured out what happened just now, and looked at Lei Yue with a look of horror.

At this time, Yue Yue faced with a kind smile, and while walking towards Ningji, she made a ‘Seal of Reconciliation’ in her hand.

Ningji stunned 愣 "I lost?"

上 On the big tree in the distance.

In addition to Kakashi, a lot of ninjas on the guidance are also quite shocked.

Silently asked, "So ... is that Fairy Mode?"

Although the "Fairy Mode" of Yueyue is obviously different from the "Fairy Mode" of Naruto and Zuri, etc., the surging immortal chakra can't be faked, so the silence is quickly judged come out.


Kakashi nodded.

Wu Kai was so surprised: "No wonder you said that Ning Ci could not win. It turned out that the other party had mastered this ability!"

Asma scratched her head: "Are the kids now so scary?"

On the big tree at the other end of the driving range, a crow that no one notices is staring at the driving range quietly ...

Uh ...

The second more is offered, continue to code, there should be one more at night! On the last day, do not forget to vote if you have a monthly pass in your hand!

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