Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1206: Cat and mouse

The retreat without a fight against Nagato, the natural mirror is naturally happy to see.

He was still in the state of "dirty earth" at the moment, and he couldn't even enter the "Reincarnation Chakra Mode". He really wanted to get started, he was not an opponent of Nagato at all.

However, according to his observation, the condition of Nagato seems to be a bit wrong.

The most obvious thing is that the eyes of the long door are not reincarnation eyes, but a pair of white eyes. This alone, greatly exceeded his expectations, and caused him to have many associations.

However, apart from the members of the Xiao organization, the outside world does not know that the Xiao organization has actually been divided into two.

One side is the original leader Nagato, plus Xiaonan, Jiaodu, and a few people in the flying section, while the other side succeeded in sneaking into Nagamon, and obtained the reincarnation of the reincarnation, and the fog team under their command.

Although the two parties were hostile to each other, they both claimed to be the Xiao organization, and did not disclose any information about the division of the Xiao organization. Therefore, the Japanese mirror who did not know this matter did not think about it in other ways, but it was logical and Ning Ci, I thought that Nagato had any new ideas or attempts since the last defeat.

After all, Nagato has successively been in contact with Hiroki Aoki and Otsuki Mushe, and Hiroki cannot determine how much he knows about the reincarnated eye.

But it is obviously not a good time to explore why Nagato transplanted white eyes, so heliostats converged their thoughts and turned their attention to the ‘Grelel veins’ that were running out of control.

Frankly speaking, the amount of Chakra contained in the 'Grel Mineral Vein' is more than he expected, and the thought of getting such a high-quality Chakra source with Bai Bai, the corner of his mouth that is missing Chakra can't help but curl up stand up.

But soon, he frowned slightly.

In terms of composition, the Chakra in the 'Grel Mineral Vein' is similar to the Chakra in the Dragon Vein. Both are deeply buried in the ground and continuously absorb the energy of the veins. Therefore, Chakra contains a lot of natural energy, but only in proportion Above, the natural energy in the 'Grel Mineral Vein' is much less than the dragon vein that actively absorbs natural energy, and belongs to the category of direct absorption and utilization.

The difference from the Dragon Vessel is that the proportion of Yang Dun Chakra in the "Grel Mineral Vessel" is very high.

In addition, it is also doped with a lot of water chakras and soil chakras, making the overall Chakra attribute ratio very similar to the original Chakra attribute ratio.

Therefore, he was instinctively feeling a little discomfort in the heliostat as a ‘dirty earth’ just after being bathed in the Chakra crystallized liquid of the ‘Grel mineral vein’ for a while.

This feeling is like being naked under the hot sun, a little longer, there will be a burning sensation.

So the heliostat immediately withdrew his gaze and waved to the wooden leaves on the side: "I will take care of it here, please withdraw!"

"Then trouble your Excellency!"

Kakashi paid a special respect to the Hiroshi mirror dressed up in the **** organization ‘Yan Luo’. He did not dare to argue anything in the face of the leader of the ‘six levels’ **** organization.

Sasuke took a serious look at the leader ‘Yan Luo’, and confirmed that the leader had no intention of assigning him a secret mission. Then he secretly joined the **** organization ’s ‘flame’ and then left the underground palace with Kakashi.

Like Sasuke, Ningji also stared at the Japanese mirror for a while. When he saw the Japanese mirror, he did not look at him. Knowing that the Japanese mirror did not want to reveal his identity, he also evacuated with the crowd.

In a blink of an eye, Muye evacuated the underground palace.

As the side of Konoha also evacuated the underground palace, only the heliostat and the group of aliens shrinking in the other corner of the palace remained.

Just as the heliostat glanced at the group of aliens, the aliens also looked at the heliostat in horror.

They are well aware that this mysterious man with a black bottom and gold rim cloak and wearing a face mask is definitely more terrifying than the ninjas who are as powerful as the gods and gods. Otherwise, the ninjas who were just bully It may be so simple to run, and so decisive to walk, as if the mouse saw the cat.

And the ninjas just now are so powerful that they are unimaginable, so they can't even imagine how strong this mysterious person is.

Swallowed, and Hyde, the leader of the aliens, smiled on the face and said to the Japanese mirror: "Your Excellency, we just entered this place by mistake. Since your intention is to deal with this, we will leave first."

Finally, Hyde's eyes were fixed on the heliostat, and he walked towards the seams leading to the ground.

Sun smiled to the mirror: "Who allows you to leave?"

Including Hyde, all the aliens were all stagnant, and there was a fearful expression on their faces.

Hyde asked in a trembling voice: "Your Excellency ... No, sir, you ... what do you want us to do, we are willing to serve you!"

Riyang mirror did not care about this group of interracial people, but raised his hands and began to seal.

He was not interested in targeting such a group of interracial people. He just found out that the blonde teenager Timsi in this group of interracial people is somewhat different. Chakra crystallized liquid, so this group of aliens was retained.

Seeing the Japanese mirror did n’t take care of himself again, Hyde was shocked and worried. While worrying about the uncontrolled “Grel mineral vein” above his head, he was also worried that the Japanese mirror would hurt him. Froze in place.


At this time, with a light drink from the heliostat, a series of ink-colored seals flowed out of the palm of his hand pressed against the ground. Com then ran down the ground and spread quickly along the wall.

In just a few breaths, these spiritual seals, like a chain of ink-colored chains, entangle the runaway ‘Grel Mineral Vessel’ above the palace.

As the seal technique spreads around, the surging ‘Grel Mineral Mine’ gradually became calmer, and the earth ’s shaking stopped.

Inside the canyon.

唰 ...

In a burst of wind, the long gate rushed out of the ground and came to the ground.

Xiaonan, who was staying on the ground, and the corner of the palace that had left the underground before, hurriedly greeted a few people in the flying section, and asked with concern: "Nagato, are you okay, 'Yan Luo' seems to have just gone down, did you encounter it? "

Covered his eyes and said: "I met, but he did not chase me like last time!"

Xiaonan quickly asked: "What is going on underneath, how come even a character like him is here?"

At the beginning, Xiao Nan didn't care much about the "Grel Mineral Vessel", but when she found that even a strong man like "Yan Luo" was attracted here, she suddenly felt that the "Grel Mineral Vessel" might be a treasure.

Feeling the fluttering of the white eyes in the eye sockets, some dizzy long doors said: "These will be said later, we will leave here first!"


First offer, please recommend the ticket, monthly ticket!

:. :

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