Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1208: Move away

"He ... he took out my memory !?"

Hyde is completely ignorant at the moment. He can't imagine that there are such powerful people in the world. Just by looking around, he can easily check the memory of others.

In a short time, a fear of digging into the bone marrow overwhelmed him, making him unable to bear any thought of resistance.

Timsey, the blond teenager who was scatterned and flew out, immediately got up from the ground, and screamed at the heliostat: "Let's release Lord Hyde!"

Because of the inlay of the 'Grel Stone' in the body, and when the 'Grel Mineral Vein' above his head was out of control, he obtained a large amount of Chakra, so at this time he is the best of all the aliens, Chakra The most one.

Niko glanced at Timsey lightly, and then launched "Roll of Ruyi" again, and flew him out.


Snorted softly, and the Japanese mirror throwed Hyde's memory light ball in his hand.

In a moment, the memory light ball that recorded Hyde's past traversed an arc in the air, and finally fell to Timsi who fell on the ground, and then slowly integrated into Timsi's body.

Tim West suddenly stunned, flashing the memory of Hyde's memory like a lantern in his mind. From Hyde's perspective, he revisited the scene where his own village was slaughtered by Hyde.

Ignoring the stunned Timsi on the ground, he raised his hand to the mirror and gently raised it, taking the "Grel's Book" in Hyde's waist storage bag into his hand.

After browsing Hyde's memory, Nikko realized that there was such an ancient book on the other side.

Obviously, Hyde learned everything about the "Grel Stone" through this ancient book, so he traveled across the ocean and rushed here to find the veins that generated the "Grel Stone" and wanted to use the "Grel Stone Vein" Power completes his ambition to rule the world.

It was just that the plan could not keep up with the changes. Hyde wished he thought he was playing with people's hearts and manipulating everything behind the scenes, but when he arrived here, he realized that the world was completely different from what he had imagined before.

‘Boom’, Hyde knelt down on the ground: "Big ... Master, this Greer book is dedicated to you, please beg me!"

Rihiko is not interested in taking Hyde, and he reads the "Grel's Book" in his hand.

This book details the origin of the "Grel Stone", from the manufacture of crystal stone to various ways of application, almost every link is mentioned.

At the same time, the book also mentions that only the blood of the royal family is worthy of using the power of the "Grel Stone".

Naturally scoffs at this heliostat. This so-called royal bloodline can only use the power of the "Grel Stone" power. Just a little bit of pondering, you can taste the greasiness.

Because the cause and effect relationship is obviously reversed.

It is not only the blood of the royal family that is suitable for the use of the "Grel Stone", but in the ancient times, people who happened to be able to adapt to the power of the "Grel Stone" used this power to build an empire and become a royal family.

And the author of "The Book of Greer" are mostly from the royal family, so they deliberately reversed the causality and rendered the royal family as destiny.

"It's you! You killed my parents and slaughtered my village!"

At this moment, the blond teenager Timsey stood up and looked at Hyde uncontrollably.

Hyde also knew that things could not be concealed, and quickly shouted to the three alien female knights not far away: "Quick, kill him!"

The three female knights who can mutate are Hyde ’s real accomplices, slaughtering villages, and killing innocents. They have all done such things, so after getting Hyde ’s order, they immediately rushed to the blonde teenager Timsey.

Timsi quickly shouted to other alien warriors in heavy armor: "We are all deceived, there is no ideal country at all, it is Hyde who burned and looted all the way!"

Soon, this group of interracial people fought each other.

Timsey, a blonde teenager with a 'Grel Stone' embedded in his body, was obviously stronger than Hyde's knight, so soon after, Hyde's accomplices were eliminated one by one, and Timsey also went to Hyde's with a long sword. before.

Hyde panicked, knelt down on the ground and pleaded, "Tim ... Timsi, for my sake of keeping you, spare me!"

"You killed my parents and destroyed my village, how could I spare you!"

Timsi gritted his teeth, but the hand that raised the sword was unable to be cut off.

Obviously, although the young man was revenge, his innocence still made it difficult for him.

Seeing the chance to take advantage of Hyde, his expression suddenly became awkward, and then abruptly alienated his body, and reached out to stab Timsina's chest inlaid with the `` Grel Stone ''.

Timsey was shocked, but it was too late to dodge, only to watch the grin on Hyde's face gradually spread.

Boom ...

Just when Hyde's hand was about to touch Tim West's chest, an invisible repulsive force flew out Hyde and Tim West together.

After Hyde's sneak attack was interrupted, Timsey no longer hesitated and immediately slammed his sword at Hyde.

In an instant, a surging Chakra converged on Timsi's long sword, like a torrent of water that penetrated Hyde's body and completely killed this alien ambition!

After revenge, Timsi threw away the long sword in his hand, came to the face of the Japanese mirror, bowed and said: "Thank you for your help!"

The heliostat snapped and closed the book of Greer in his hand ~ ~ said lightly: "I am not interested in your farce, I just want to know the armored ship on the ground, can you control it? ? "

Timsey nodded again and again: "Yes!"

Sun Xiangjing said casually: "Well, then you help me transport something, even if I return my favor."

Timsey asked: "What do you want us to do for you?"

Sun smiled at the mirror, and immediately pointed his finger at the "Grel Mineral Vessel" exuding a bright glow.

With his own ability, he can actually remove the ‘Grel Mineral Vessel’ as a whole, but in that case, it is too laborious and too glaring to be easily discovered by other forces.

It happens that the giant iron armor ship of the aliens is in the canyon. If the iron armor ship of the aliens is borrowed to transport the "Grel Mineral Vessel" to the inaccessible sea, and then quietly transported to the air fortress, it will save effort and hide people's eyes.

This is the reason why Rihiko had just rescued Timmy's life.

Timsey was shocked when he heard the words: "The whole vein is transported away? But how can we transport the vein to the ground?"

"What's so difficult about this!"

After a chuckle, the heliostat launched "Rolling Ruyi", while supporting the "Grel mine veins" above his head, while carrying the surviving interracial people, rising to the ground in a burst of roar ...


The third is offered, please recommend the ticket, monthly ticket! In addition, thank you to the students who are rewarded today, thank you all!

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