Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1217: Ghost in the village

锵锵 锵 ...

The crunchy sound of metal clashes, accompanied by the screams of the breaking wind, came out constantly on the streets without people, in the quiet woods, and in the remote alleys.

Two incredible figures, like two phantoms, just wandering in the streets of the village.

From time to time on the street, there will be pedestrians stopped at a loss, wondering what the shadow just passed by just now.

Even the secret department patrolling the village secretly, and the Uchiha police force in charge of the village's public security, were surprised by the two figures in this battle, and they were surprised.

Obviously, it is not the others in the wrestling, it is Sasuke and Ningci, who belong to the two major pupils of Muye, who are blood and wealthy, and are also called geniuses by their families.

The crown of a big tree.

Several secret departments watched as they walked away in the battle, and their expressions were different.

After a moment, a secret department said: "Captain, just let them play around in the village, is it really okay?"

The dark team leader smiled: "It seems that they are well-balanced."

If only Uchiha is involved, it ’s okay for them to come out and control, but there is also a Ning Xiang Ningji who is a Naruto disciple. Their dark parts directly under Naruto are not very good.

In addition, there is another reason why it is difficult to tell.

That's why the dark team captain simply didn't know how to successfully prevent Sasuke and Ningci in the battle, because the speed of the two people in the match was too fast.

An older dark part on the side shook his head with emotion: "The present devil is really ridiculously strong!"

Although it is known that the two of them are both ‘geniuses’ in the two great pupils, the **** heroes, it feels uncomfortable to be surpassed by a 13-year-old boy.

At the other end, on the eaves of a high-rise building, two Uchihas in police uniforms stood side by side, watching the wanderings not far away with scarlet eyes.

One of Uchiha smiled: "Hey, Sasuke is a genius of our Uchiha. I opened the chakra and couldn't keep up with his speed!"

Another Uchiha asked: "But they directly deal in the village like this, it is against the rules!"

"It's indeed a violation of the rules, but Hokage's disciples also participated. How can we intervene!" He paused a little, and he grinned again: "Don't you want to see how Hokage disciples were defeated by Sasuke? Huh, even dare to challenge Sasuke who has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, this Ningxiang Ningci is too naive! "

Another Uchiha looked aloud: "After all, this little devil is a disciple of that man, I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

On the street in the distance.

锵 ...

In the firelight where the ninja intersects, the two pass by again.

Although the contest was fierce, the two sides were extremely restrained, neither had the indiscriminate use of ninjutsu nor had the intention of venting Chakra halfway. On the contrary, there seemed to be a tacit agreement between the two to continue the body technique, ninja, and A contest of insight.

Ningci was naturally worried about leaking reincarnation eyes in the village. He knew exactly what it meant, so even if he lost the contest, he would never open the reincarnation eyes.

Sasuke's mind is even simpler.

Even with Kakashi, he was reluctant to use the eternal kaleidoscope to write the pupil of the round eye, and for Ningji he was even less likely to use the eternal kaleidoscope to write the pupil of the round eye.

Both sides are Hitomi blood successor ninjas, so this competition of body skills and ninjas, a test of insight and prediction, is exactly what they want.

It's just that as the two of them continued fighting, the village noticed that there were more and more people in their contest, and the Uchiha and Rixiang families also received news one after another.

While fighting all the way, the two of them came out of the practice field beside the land of the Japanese family.

In the practice field at this time, Hinata and Huahuo are fighting for soft punches, and there are two brothers, Rizu and Richa.

Although he lost a pair of white eyes, the Japanese foot was after all an elite who was close to the movie level. With sound and perception, he could roughly grasp the battlefield of Hida and Huahuo in the field.

Realized that Hinata had been suppressed by his six-year-old sister, and he shook his head slightly.

Sunchat praised: "Hua Huo is such an excellent child!"

Suddenly, the two brothers' expressions changed and turned their heads out of the driving range.

Now ...

Almost at the same time, in the sound of the wind, two lightning-fast figures entered the driving range from outside the driving range. In the stunned young field, Huahuo and the sisters confronted each other for several rounds, and then another one. After rushing out of the driving range, and went away!

"who is it!?"

Asked in a hurry.

Because it was too sudden, he lost his eyes and couldn't accurately determine the identity of the two people who had just entered. He just vaguely judged the speed of the other from the sound of breaking the wind, completely exceeding him.


Looking at Ning Ci, Sasuke's figure leaving like a ghost, the day difference is also surprised.

He recognized at a glance that his intruder was his son Ning Ci, and Uchiha's genius Sasuke Uchiha, but the scene just made him unbelievable.

The fireworks in the driving range asked Hinata at this time: "Sister, was that brother Ningci just now?"

At a loss, Hinata nodded: "Yes ... yes!"

Huahuo wondered: "Is Brother Ning Ci so strong? I can't see his movements at all! By the way, who is the one who fights Ning Ci?"

Hita replied: "Brother Ningci's opponent is Sasuke of the Uchiha family."

Hua Huo was somewhat relieved: "Oh, it turned out to be the genius of the Uchiha family!"

Listening to the conversation between Hinata and Hanahu in the field ~ ~ The Japanese foot looked surprised and asked the day difference: "Ningji and Sasuke passed just now?"

Responded to the divine day, and answered: "Well, they are both."

Japanese foot sighed: "Have they grown up to this point?"

And the two who had been fighting all the way through the range of the Japanese land, came to the river all the way, and faced each other across the river.

"Hoo ..."

The two of them across the river are panting together.

High-intensity physical warfare and ninja warfare are not only a test of physical strength, but also a test of insight. Therefore, although both parties did not consume Chakra much, they still felt very tired.

Ningci pondered secretly: "I didn't expect Sasuke's speed to be so amazing. If my body was adapted to the teacher's reincarnation, I might not be able to stop him!"

Sasuke also secretly panicked: "Damn, how has his speed and insight improved so much, it's like changing a person!"

Almost a week ago, when Ning Ci competed with Miyue, Sasuke watched the whole process and knew the speed of Ning Ci very well, so he was very surprised what Ning Ci did this week, and he became stronger all of a sudden. More, this feeling is like he owns the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, no, even more exaggerated than this ...


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:. :

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