Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1230: Everything in the dream

In a small forest not far from Yinren Village, the heliostat embraced his chest with both hands and leaned quietly against a large tree.

Although the hard power of Ziyuan has reached the top level of the ninja world, and belongs to one of the few people who are closest to the "Six Dao level", theory and actual combat cannot be simply equal.

So, just in case, the Japanese mirror also followed, but did not show up.

In fact, if it is not itself "dirty earth", the Japanese mirror does not want Ziyuan to deal with this kind of thing alone.

It is really that Da She Wan and Dao are too cunning and shrewd. Once let them know that they have become a "dirty body", the Japanese mirror is worried that it will cause many unnecessary troubles.

After all, he was still the fifth generation of Huo Ying in the village, and what he did n’t understand was turned into a ‘dirty body’ that could not be explained at all.

And now is the critical moment when he is actively preparing for the second ceremony. He can't divide more energy to cope with the peeping of Da She Wan and the various affairs in the village, so in the critical moment, more things are better than less. In principle, he asked Ziyuan to appear under the name of the **** organization 'Yangshen'.

As for letting Ziyuan bear the name of "Yangshen", the Japanese mirror had some consideration.

In terms of Chakra's attributes, Ziyuan, as a complete body witch, has all seven Chakra attributes, and masters the ability to control natural energy, that is, the magic of Chakra.

Therefore, in the selection of codenames, only "Yang Shen" is more appropriate.

The "Yangshen" code name was used only by Xiang Phosphorus before, and it only appeared in front of Zhishui, Itachi, and Shinichi. There is no name in Ninja, so a brand new code is better than The old codenames such as 'Fire Demon' and 'Wind Bell' are more convenient, and there is no need to worry about being seen by Da She Wan.

So as a result, there are two 'Yangshen' in the God Organization.

One is the incense phosphorus that has reincarnation eyes and is fusing the primary cells, and the other is Ziyuan, the strongest witch in hundreds of years.

Uh ...

At this moment, accompanied by a sound of breaking wind, Ziyuan fell to the heliostat.

The heliostat glanced at Ziyuan and asked, "How does the biological armor feel?"

Ziyuan said: "The strength is much stronger, and the speed has become faster!"

Obviously, Ziyuan wore a set of Type 3 creature armor in this operation, so the height would change obviously, which made Da She Wan and Dao misjudge her age.

Hearing Ziyuan's answer, Sunward Mirror shook his head.

In fact, the biggest effect of the three-type biological armor is to shield Chakra's perception and maintain Chakra's circulation to enhance the host's high-strength Chakra supply.

The increase in power and speed is only the most superficial.

Ziyuan only noticed the most superficial effects, but ignored the more core and more important effects of Type 3 biological armor. This is undoubtedly a manifestation of lack of experience and lack of judgment.

But this is also reasonable, after all, Ziyuan had no actual combat experience.

Putting the matter of Type 3 creature armor aside for a moment, Nikko asked: "Is everything going well?"


Ziyuan, who had taken off her mask, nodded, and then quickly took out her bell magical instrument, which was sealed with half nine tails, from the waist of the ninja gear.

After receiving the bell magic instrument, the heliostat immediately felt the powerful chakra fluctuations in it, holding it in his palm, there was a faint burning feeling.

"It's worthy of Jiuwei!"

The Japanese mirror sighed.

Ziyuan murmured softly: "Why is this Jiuwei so scary as I said, it scared me in vain, and it was easy to seal it!"

He Xiangjing glanced at Ziyuan and smiled, "Do you think it's easy?"

"Yeah!" After a pause, Ziyuan complained: "That big snake ball has been scaring me all the time, and teacher Tudou also said what would be terrifying after Jiuwei got out of the trap, and the result was not what they said."

Because the pocket had taught in a ninja school, Ziyuan knew the pocket and habitually called it a teacher.

The corner of the Japanese mirror's mouth was picked: "After going back, I will release Jiuwei and do not need to seal it to fight it again. I will know if it will be dealt with."

That is, the seal is encountered. Otherwise, it is very difficult to surrender to Jiuwei.

But then again, anyone who has encountered the seal technique has a headache, even Dahui Muhuiye is no exception.

"Also ... forget it."

Ziyuan is afraid of trouble.

Ri Xiangjing sighed and said with a smile: "Practical combat is the best teacher to help understand yourself. The strength is already very strong, but the experience is not enough, so it needs more actual combat training than others."

Ziyuan's eyes dodge: "But I'm just a witch."

Knowing that the infamous Ziyuan wanted to be lazy again, Ri Xiangjing continued to laugh and said: "Don't you have been clamoring to join the" God Organization "before? Now it is not only the witches of the ghost country, but also the" Yang Shen "of the God Organization, so Training is indispensable, and now there are not many who can do sparring opponents. Speaking of Jiuwei, it is really a good choice! "

Ziyuan mourned with tears: "My three-colored balls, my barbecue, my ice cream ..."

The Japanese mirror patted Ziyuan's head: "Train well, everything will be there!"

Ziyuan stared at the heliostat with her eyes staring at Venus: "I train carefully, would you give me these delicious foods?"

Ri Xiangjing said with a smile: "No, when you are tired of training, you will fall asleep quickly, and then you will have everything in your dream!"


Muye Village, Naruto Building.

The rushed Kakashi glanced at the consultant elders who gathered in the conference room and asked, "What happened?"

Xiaochun, who was in bed, handed a document to Kakashi: "Look for yourself!"

Kakashi flipped through the documents, and immediately looked cold: "How could this happen?"

The content of the document is very appalling. In the last one or two weeks, there have been signs of man-made destruction and excavations in the cemetery areas of the Ninja world, even the cemeteries of the five major Ninja villages. UU reading www.

It has been confirmed that the stolen bodies even include the bodies of the second-generation soil shadows, the bodies of the second-generation water shadows, and the bodies of the third-generation thunder shadows.

"Reincarnation !?"

Kakashi quickly reacted.

Since the other party is eyeing those ninjas who were powerful in their lifetime, it is most likely to be for the reincarnation of the dirt, because the Ninja world began to spread the rumor of the first generation of Konoha, and the second generation was reincarnate by the dirt .

Zilai also nodded: "I'm afraid that's the case."

Kakashi quickly asked, "Who did it?"

Xiaochun Zhuan said: "There is no conclusive evidence at present, but there are rumors that it is Da She Wan, and there are rumors that it is Xiao organization ..."


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