Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1240: No retreat

Compared to Chakra, the tail beast forcibly squeezed by the predecessor's ‘dirty earth’, the chakra contained in the white doppelganger standing in front of the ‘God ’s Golem’ is undoubtedly more pure.

Because the situation on the battlefield of Wuyin was critical, the citrus Yakura, as a water shadow, did not retain at all, completely venting its own tail beast Chakra, so this three-tailed check that absorbed the white avatar of the citrus Yakura Carat is not only pure, but also very large in volume, almost equivalent to Chakra, which is more than half of the three tails under normal conditions.

Uh ...

In the blink of an eye, the nine dragon-shaped Chakra phantoms in the mouth of the "Waidao Golem" swarmed up, and with the roar of roar, fiercely tore up the Baijuan avatar.

Bai Jue's doppelganger didn't retain it either, while wailing, he actively offered the three-tailed chakra stored in his body.

After a while, the third eye on the "Waidao Golem" slowly opened.

Like the first eye, the third eye stopped when it was half open, but the third eye opened more than the first half-closed one.


Suddenly, the soil standing on top of the "Waidao Golem" spit out a bit of blood.

Obviously, the incompleteness of one tail and three tails has a certain impact on the "Outer Dao Golem", and the soil in a contract with the "Outer Dao Golem" has also been impacted.

The members of the Xiao organization looked at them together, and even asked directly, "Are you all right?"

Wiping the remaining blood from the corner of the mouth with soil, he said coldly, "I'm fine, continue!"

No more words, once again focused on the ‘Fantasy Dragon Nine Seals’.

At this time, as Bai Jue's avatar slowly receded, the four-tailed man Zhu Li, who was made into "Hell Road", shook his old purple body and came under the "Outer Road Golem".

Next is the Wuwei Renzhu Han who was made into the "Sura Road" and the Liuwei Renzhu Gao who was made into the "Human Path".

Because the three tailed beasts of four tails, five tails and six tails are all intact, the absorption of the "Waidao Golem" is very smooth, and with the four tails, five tails and six tails are inhaled into the "Waidao Golem" one by one , The fourth eye, the fifth eye, and the sixth eye on the "Waidao Golem" were also fully opened one after another.

At this point, the breath on the "Waidao Golem" has become very scary!

From beginning to end, the "Waidao Golem" is the existence that overrides the tail beast. If the nine tail beasts are the soul of the ten tails, the "Waidao Golem" is undoubtedly the body of the ten tails.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the "Outer Dao Golem" has half of the power of ten tails.

This is why during the previous battle between Nagato and Datong Musheren, the "Outer Daemon" could easily suppress the "ancestor stone statue" on the moon that was supported by the giant reincarnated eye.

At this time, I got the "Outer Golem" filled by the tail beast, and the breath was getting closer and closer to the ten-destructive world.

"This kind of momentum is really frightening!"

The red eye with a red eye swallowed a spit, because it was Hitomitsu blood following the ninja, he knew the horror of the "outer Golem" at this time better than others in the squad.

In his past life, he could not find a reference that could be compared with it. Even the tail beast was so small in front of the "Waidao Golem" at this time.

Lotus, who has always been bold, smiled: "Ghostfish, compared to this guy, your tailless beast is totally worthless!"

Ghost Shark didn't refute, just looked at the ‘Waidao Golem’ dignifiedly.

Not to mention the few members of the Fog Squad, even the prepared soil was faintly palpable for a while. He even felt that the ‘Waidao Golem’ at his feet was beginning to get rid of his shackles.

"If it is just a reincarnation, it is still a bit reluctant ..."

After whispering in the bottom of my heart, with the soil without any hesitation, he continued to absorb the tail beast, because for him things have no way back now.

Soon, the ‘dirty earth’ of the last seven-tailed columnist stumbled under the ‘Waidao Golem’.

Because the "Waidao Golem" has recovered further, the nine dragon-shaped phantoms are just a flurry. The former "soil body" of the seven-tailed man is torn apart, and even the wailing is too late, the spirit body is completely squeezed out. The annihilation is gone.


After squeezing out the seven-tailed Chakra in the body of the former seven-tailed man Zhu Liling, the "Outer Golem" was still not satisfied, and a shocking roar was suddenly sent out!

锵锵 锵 ...

Immediately afterwards, with his hands earning, he instantly broke the iron ropes that bound his hands and feet.

Suddenly changed, all members of Xiao organization were taken aback, absolutely, the scorpion, and several members of the fog team flickered, fled from the "Waidao Golem", and only stayed in the "Waidao Golem" Above the head.

Seeing that the "Waidao Golem" has a tendency to run away, there is no way to take the soil, so I have to fully launch the reincarnation eye of the left eye, and use the pupil power of the reincarnation eye to forcibly control the "Waidao Golem".

After a long time, the restless ‘Waidao Golem’ gradually calmed down, and the seventh eye on the face was the same as the first and third, and was half opened.

Absolutely hiding behind him asked, "Will you continue?"

With soil, gasping heavily, he said, "Continue!"

Hesitated for a while and said, "Will it be too risky to go on?"

Although he hopes to resurrect ten tails as soon as possible, but because of the lack of tail beasts, the "Outer Dao Golem" becomes more and more unstable, and he can still suppress it before, but after the "Eight Dao Golem" opened its seventh eye Only the reincarnation of the reincarnation eye is obviously too weak.

He shook his head with soil: "There is no way to stop!"

Undoubtedly, in this situation, even if you want to stop with the soil, you ca n’t stop either, or you can resurrect the ten tails, or you can run away with the ‘Waidao Golem’.

I heard that Suddenly understood that "Tao Mo Golem" could no longer be controlled with the soil. UU reading would only increase the risk of runaway, so the uneasiness in the heart of the strong pressure jumped back to "Wu Dao Mo Golem" on.

The Scorpion and Fog Squad returned to the "Outer Golem" one after another and continued to absorb tail beasts, but compared with the previous ones, the people now are obviously more worried.

Soon, Yao was pulled away from Chirabi, who was made into the hungry ghost road.

Poof ...

With the eighth eye fully open on the "Waidao Golem", in the muffled sound, the pillars of several people who had lost their lives fell to the ground.

Obviously, after the extraction of the eight tails was completed, the soil cut off the control of the "6 channels of Payne", and all the reincarnation eye pupil power was used to control the "God Magic", so it was made "Paine" Several of Liu Dao's column forces were out of control one after another and turned into a truly cold body ...


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