Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1246: Purpose of **** organization

At this moment, Disonas suddenly shivered.

As a murderer, his sensitivity to killing intentions made him immediately aware that the strongest fairy in the ninja world did not intend to let him go at all, so his heart was horizontal, and the seal was urged to spread around. Dirty soil body 'Ninja.

In an instant, dozens of ‘dirty bodies’ of ninjas all stood up swaying.

"Damn, these unbeatable guys are up again!"

Asma's face sank.

Kazumaru, Ino, and Ding Ji were also nervous. These "dirty earth" ninjas were not masters during their lifetime, and the sacrifices prepared by Disonas were also very ordinary, so their strength was not strong, but the "dirty earth" was not dead Their characteristics allow them to be resurrected continuously, just like the brown sugar, there is no end to it.

The heliostat glanced casually at the large group of ‘dirty earth’ ninjas surrounding it, and then placed a casual hand on Desonas.

Instantly, a seal appeared on Desonas.

"This is ... the contract seal ?!"

Kakashi recognized the seal technique of this vortex family at a glance.

With the launch of the "contract seal" imposed by the Japanese mirror, the psychic contract between Disonas and the ninjas around him was released instantly.

So, this immortal "dirty body" ninja all drifted away with the wind like sand.

From the beginning to the end, the Japanese mirror didn't look at Disonas directly, and he was thinking about how to remove the "Spear of the Sky".

And looking at his last fighting method, it was so easily resolved by 'Yan Luo', that did not even cause the other party's attention, and Di Sonas, who was blocked from making a sound, froze again until this In a moment, he really realized the gap between himself and the strongest ninja world, and realized what despair is!

After Dissonas's final counterattack, the Japanese mirror told Ziyuan: "Keep the seal!"


Ziyuan nodded quickly.

The heliostat is no longer nonsense, directly raised his arms and reached the "Sky Spear" circular tower, then drummed up Chakra, and launched the "Roll of Ruyi" with all his strength.

Rumble ...

In the loud noise of shaking the mountain, the circular tower of "Spear of the Sky" in the giant pit was uprooted by the heliostat, and the whole lift was lifted into the air.


Neither Kakashi nor Asma were speechless, while the three deer Maru, Ieno, and Ding Ji were moving in the mountains, shaking the Middle East, and turning the West, without even a chance to express admiration.

At this time, the heliostat waved his hand, and also took Dissonas curled up on the ground into the air, and then dragged the huge "spear of the sky" toward the east sea without saying a word.

Ziyuan gave a smirk glance at the sloppy deer-maru, Ino, Dingji three people, and then launched the power of the witch, and took off and followed the Japanese mirror.

After a moment.

Looking at the circular deep hole left after pulling out the "Spear of the Sky" from the sun on the ground, Asma scratched her head: "Just ... just moved to the whole?"

Kakashi said helplessly: "At least this turmoil has subsided."

And when Asma and Kakashi looked at each other speechlessly, the support troops led by Zong and Tsuna were only late.

Looking at the messy surroundings, Zilai was also puzzled and asked, "What's going on, the matter has been resolved?"

"That's it!"

With a bitter smile, Kakashi recounted the matter to Zilai and Gangshou.

After learning that Chakra's weapon, the "spear of the sky", which caused the previous doomsday scene, has been completely removed by the organization of God, Zilai and Tsuna are both worried.

For them, the God Organization has long been ridiculously strong, and now it has collected treasures such as 'Grel Mineral Vessel' and 'Sky Spear' which are difficult to accurately measure the value, and their strength has skyrocketed again, even if they are not in a hostile relationship. They also felt deeply disturbed by the elder Muye consultants.

Kakashi said: "In addition to the" spear of the sky ", we are afraid that we will have to create a new God Organization member file called" Yang Shen "!"

Asma nodded: "Well, and we still have to figure out what the cooperation between Dashe Pill and the God Organization is, why do the pockets know the God of Yang's organization!"


A hiding place in Disonas.

After searching for a long time, I not only found the improved technique hidden by Disonas, but also found a lot of related materials for Dissonas' research on the "spear of the sky".

"I didn't expect that I was fooled by a lunatic like Disonas, he has been using me all the time!"

There was a whisper, and the bag immediately packed all the materials, and then burned this hiding place of Disonas.

After a long time, Duo returned to Yinnin Village, and while handing over the materials of the improved technique developed by Desonas and the "Spear of the Sky" to Da She Wan, he told the story to Da She Wan through the original process.

After listening to the narration of the pocket, Da She Wan read the data of the "Spear of the Sky" and asked, "Who did the" Spear of the Sky "finally fall into?"

He answered in reply: "When I returned, I looked around the giant pit and found that the" Sky Spear "was no longer there. The entire giant tower was moved away, leaving only a deep pit, so I suspect that the" Sky Spear "fell It ’s in the hands of God Organization. "

Kono has no ability to move the huge "Spear of Sky" so quickly, so the disappearance of "Spear of Sky" must be related to the organization of God. This can be obtained by a little analysis.

"Another God Organization ..."

Da She Wan narrowed his eyes slightly.

The pocket said: "Thank you that the fairy organization of God appeared in time. Otherwise, things might be difficult to get rid of. I really didn't expect that the **** of Desonas was crazy!"

Da She Wan pointed at the corner of her mouth: "Do you think that the fairy organized by God was only to prevent the" spear of the sky "from destroying the ninja world?"

Hesitating for a while, he asked, "Isn't it wrong?"

Da She Wan's eyes flickered: "It won't be that simple, maybe the fairy was going to the" spear of the sky "!"

Looking around at Da She Wan: "You mean ..."

Da She Wan suddenly smiled: "I think I know what the God Organization is going to do!"

"What did you think of?"

His face became more puzzled.

"First, the" Grel mineral vein ~ ~ "followed by Nine-Tail, then this" Spear of the Sky ", don't you think that the God Organization is consciously collecting Chakra?"

Suddenly for a while, "Hey, it really is."

In the past, because the **** organization was too mysterious and powerful, it led to the subconscious consciousness that the **** organization took over the ‘Grel mineral vein’, the nine tails, and even the ‘spear of the sky’.

At this moment, reminded by Da She Wan, he discovered that these things have one thing in common, that is, they all have a huge Chakra.

Wandering and asking again: "But what are they doing to collect Chakra?"

Da She Wan is very determined: "If I am not wrong, someone in the God Organization should want to hold another 'Blood Following Fusion Ceremony', a more perfect ritual, and this person is probably the one who helped me improve the Tibetan ritual God's organization 'Fire Demon'! "


The fourth one is even more, double the monthly ticket during the period! In addition, thank you to the students who are rewarded today, thank you all!


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