Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1253: After all, I'm not a devil

After the combination of yin and yang, the chakras of the two Jiuwei bodies have undergone tremendous changes. The most obvious manifestation is that Chakra's color has become much thicker.


At the same time, the surge formed by the soaring Chakra, one after another, disturbed Naruto's spiritual world, raging like a storm in it.

"how come!?"

In the Chakra storm, Naruto was forced to step back a few more steps, his hands were also in front of his eyes, and he was almost unable to open his eyes.


The Japanese mirror sighed and snorted coldly.

With the snorting of the heliostat, in an instant, the booming nine-tailed Chakra was quickly converged, and the storm caused by Chakra immediately subsided, and everything returned to its original state.

Obviously, everything just now was intentionally done by two foxes.

Perhaps it was because they were about to merge into one, and their confidence suddenly climbed, so they wanted to find some places, but they were awakened by the cold hum of the Japanese mirror, and they recalled the consequences of annoying the Japanese mirror, so they immediately recognized the counsel and converged carat.

After the two Jiuwei did not play tricks, honestly began to merge.

Because it was originally one body, the fusion of Yin Jiuwei and Yang Jiuwei was very smooth. With their palms in opposition, they quickly penetrated each other's Chakra, and then slowly merged together, and finally merged into one, becoming A figure was obviously larger than before, and Chakra also had a thicker nine tail.

And just after the two became one, the memories of Yin Jiuwei and Yang Jiuwei also began to merge.

So, after the fusion, the nine tails have strange and strange expressions.

There is no doubt that Yin Jiuwei learned from Yang Jiuwei's memory of the existence of the "God Organization", knowing that the five generations of Muye Huo Ying, who succeeded the water gate, is the first in the ninja world to condense "Qiu Dao Yu" One strong.

Yang Jiuwei also learned from Yin Jiuwei's memories that the two "Yangshen" Ziyuan and Xiang Phosphorus as a competition project took turns to seal the experience and learned the sad memories of Yin Jiuwei.

One was "Heavenly Jade" screwed up by the Japanese mirror to come to the door for interviews, and the other was sealed in turn by "Yang Shen".

The same sad reminder experience made the two characters of Yin and Yang quickly understand each other and tolerate each other. Therefore, the split seal of more than ten years has rarely caused any personality impact on Jiuwei.

The heliostat did not relax its vigilance because of the quietness of Kyuo.

After all, he is now facing the complete Nine Tails of Yin and Yang, and his own condition is not good. The sacrifice as the core of the filthy earth body is already in decay, so you must be cautious enough.

If, due to arrogance and carelessness, he overturned his car in such a place, he would have to blame himself.

However, the Japanese mirror apparently underestimated the psychological trauma he left for Jiuwei. He just glanced at it, and Jiuwei, who was double-psychologically shocked after being combined, suddenly shuddered.

The Japanese mirror said kindly: "Don't be afraid, after all, I'm not a devil!"

Jiuwei showed an expression of 'believing you have ghosts', his eyes dodged.

Rixiangjing then said: "Ten Mei has been resurrected, and for Ten Tail, there is nothing more important than absorbing you, so even for yourself, you should get along with Naruto."

Jiuwei glanced at Naruto and nodded.

It is clear that the threat of Ten Tails is a more serious and urgent thing than everything else. It is sealed in the body of the human column force. Although it loses its freedom, it has at least an independent will.

And once absorbed by the ten tail, then as the nine tail, it will completely disappear



In a booming sound, a huge Chakra arrow shot through the rock wall and shattered a large rock.

Then, in the splashing gravel and rising smoke, Sasuke, who controlled the whole body "Suzunouhu," shouted: "Such a trick is meaningless in front of my writing wheel eyes!"

Sasuke's words didn't fall, and suddenly a chain of glowing glow shone out of the broken rock wall around him. With the cover of smoke and dust, Sasuke's "Suzengenghu" was suddenly entangled.


There was another roar, and the "Suzengenghu" caught in the chain fell down and fell into the canyon.

At this time, a figure fell in front of ‘Suzano Huhu’, and as he stroked his beard, he looked at ‘Suzuka Nuhu’.

Obviously, it is not only Naruto who left the village alone. Sasuke, who also received the order from Nikko, also left the village quietly, hiding his teammates.

It was none other than Sasuke who greeted him, it was the Whirlpool patriarch who was "reincarnated from the dirt" by Japanese mirror.

With the help of Sasuke's current strength, there are not many ninjas who can test him, and the Vortex patriarch who is experienced and good at various seals is just one of them.

The Maelstrom Patriarch is an undisputed movie-level powerhouse, and belongs to the category that is particularly good at one-on-one.

In the Battle of the Vortex Kingdom, if the comparison between the number of enemies and our opponents was too disparate, if one-on-one, there really was no opponent of the patriarch. After all, as long as he was determined, he could almost replace any of the ninja world at that time. The strong, including all the shadows of the five big ninja villages.

Although Sasuke, who has the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, is of great strength, he still lacks some experience after all, plus he is too confident in "Suzunouhu", he was introduced into the canyon by the Matriarch, and finally he was carefully Ambush layout.

"Little guy, your double-wheel writing is not easy!"

Paying attention to the eternal kaleidoscope writing round eyes in Sasuke's eyes, the Patriarch Patriarch expressed emotion.

Sasuke, who was bound by the 'Vajra blockade', had an opportunity to take advantage of it. When he was about to direct his sight to the Matriarch Patriarch, he launched his eternal kaleidoscope to write the eye of the wheel.

But after half a blast, the illusion did not work.

Sasuke was startled. "How come?"

"When I was dealing with the Uchiha clan, the UU reading book Konoha wasn't established yet!" Smiling, the Matriarch said: "In addition to being able to restrain enemies, the Mazuran clan's 'Vajra blockade' It can also create an enchantment that is invisible to the naked eye. Before you defeat the enchantment, your pupillary power cannot affect me. "

Sasuke's face was stagnant: "Damn it!"

The Patriarch of the Maelstrom then put away the 'Vajra Blockade' and said: "At your age, it is already very good to have such strength, but the temperament is too proud."

Sasuke instinctively wanted to argue a few words, but thought he had just lost to the opponent's hand, so he grunted.


At this time, the incense phosphorus dressed up by the **** organization "Yang Shen" fell from the sky and fell in front of the two.

Sasuke looked over quickly, and after seeing the pattern on the incense phosphor mask, he was slightly lost, and then asked: "What is the matter with the organization to call me this time?"

The third offer is more, beg the monthly ticket!

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