Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1262: Real Chuanzhu

Craftsmanship in the village.

"Master Qingming!"

A large group of ninjas in the artisan village surrounded a white-haired man with grace and bowed in unison.

The white-haired man who was quietly floating in mid-air and was called 'Qingming' was not someone else, but the ancestor who founded the country of craftsmen.

He died long ago, the reason why he appeared here was that at the great cost of the artisan village, he sacrificed not knowing how many ninjas he was lucky to successfully resurrect him.

At this time, Qingming lightly glanced at the artisans who gathered in front of him, and said in a soothing tone, "You did a good job."

A craftsman ninja leader named Peacock took a step forward and said, "Master Qingming, you are the ultimate weapon of our craft ninja village. Now that you are finally resurrected, please lead us through the five great ninja villages and rule the entire ninja world! "

Qingming, dressed in a Chinese costume, smiled slightly. "Relax, the entire ninja world will submit to my feet!"

"We finally waited until this day"

"It's time to let the guys in the five great ninja villages know that our craftsmanship is amazing"

"With the invincible ancestors, we can finally raise our eyebrows and exhale."

The ninjas of the artisan village fell into an extreme fanaticism and shouted one by one.

far away.

Standing on the trunk of a big tree, the Japanese mirror couldn't hide the disappointment in his face.

"This is the so-called" Ultimate Weapon "?!"

After sighing a little speechlessly, he took out his Chakra list and drew a big fork in the column of "Jinren Village Ultimate Weapon".

The information he received before was rumored that there was a ‘ultimate weapon’ hiding in Ninja Village that could change the pattern of the ninja world.

At first, he still had some expectations for this rumor. After all, although the craftsmanship village is not very powerful, the skill of forging the sword is still very superb.

I never thought that the "extreme weapon" in the legend of the artisan village was actually just the ancestor of their country of artisan.

Chakra, the ancestor of the craftsman's country, is not bad. It surpasses ordinary tolerance and reaches the level of elite tolerance. In addition, he also has several delicate Chakra weapons. His strength should be comparable. The elites in the five ninja villages are forbearing.

But that's all.

Moreover, this so-called resurrection is not a perfect resurrection like the "Reincarnation Technique" performed by the reincarnation eye. Under the insight of the reincarnation of the heliostat, the resurrection of this craftsmanship village is actually a different kind of rebirth. Somewhat similar to the technique of reincarnation.

Seeing Rixiangjing disappointed, he asked Bai, who was beside him, curiously, "Master, are you looking for something?"


The Japanese mirror nodded, but did not explain much.


Just then, in a burst of crows, a ninja flew from a distance, after circling a circle above the heliostat's head, slowly fell to the heliostat's shoulder.

The Japanese mirror immediately took off the communication scroll on the ninja crotch's leggings and opened it. The brow twisted slightly. The message on the scroll was Xiao Xiao's declaration of war against the five major ninja villages.


Closing the communication scroll, the heliostat sighed softly.

Xiao Organization suddenly came here for a while, and it was indeed something he didn't expect. For a while, even he didn't understand. Why did Xiao Organization play the war of declaring war.

"It will never be the end of the timeline!"

After secretly speaking, the Japanese mirror gradually distracted his thoughts.

In the original time and space, the reason why Tutu declared war on the Five Great Forbearance Villages was because he was bound to win, and he was sure that the Five Great Forbearance Villages could not stop him at all.

However, there is still a God organization in the ninja world. Xiao organization has suffered a lot from the God organization. No matter from what angle, Xiao organization should not engage in such a high-profile declaration of war.

"What the **** are they doing!"

Intuitively, although the Japanese mirror feels very wrong, considering the character of the second character of the self-proclaimed **** of Nagato, it is not entirely impossible to make such a declaration of war.

Bai on the side found that the brows of the heliostat were getting tighter and tighter, and asked in a low voice, "Master, what happened?"

Ri Xiangjing said, "Xiao organization declared war on the five major ninja villages, and the fourth ninja war is about to begin!"


Bai was taken aback.

"Yeah, it's really an inexplicable thing!" Suddenly, Ri Xiangjing continued. "But since they declared war, we have to be ready to fight."

White expression sullen and nodded.

Because of the big snake pill, although Bai is not a ninja in the five big ninja villages, he has long treated Xiao organization as a life and death enemy, so Xiao organization's declaration of war is not only aimed at the five big ninja villages, but also aimed at They are from Ninja Village.

Ri Xiangjing said, "Thank you for the explanation of" Xianshu "!"

Bai Lianlian waved his hand, "It's nothing."

The Japanese mirror shook his head. "No, the experience and skills you tell are very important to me!"

Practicing ‘Xianshu’ is actually a very difficult thing. There are many factors involved. If you are not strong enough, you ’ll be able to master ‘Xianshu’.

The current strong players in the ninja world, such as heliostats, long gates, with soil, and Kakashi, will not be 'fairy'. Even Uchiha spots, they also need to absorb the magical chakra from the first generation before they can be used. 'Xianshu', so the meticulous explanation of Bai is very helpful for the cultivation of 'Xianshu' by the Japanese mirror.

Bai modestly said, "It's my pleasure to help you!"

Ri Xiangjing smiled and said immediately, "Xiao organized this declaration of war, which disrupted my plan. I am short of manpower and need your help."


Bai is very surprised, UU reading www.uukanshu. He could not understand what he needs as a heliostat as the leader of the God Organization.

The heliostat took out a god-organized black bottom gold rim cloak from the ninja bag, and a mask of mountains and rivers flowing pattern was handed to Bai "I hope you can become the real master!"

Subconsciously reaching for the cloak and the mask, he recovered and hesitated again, "But Lord Snake Ball"

Ri Xiangjing said, "He is my teacher. From a certain point of view, I am his heir. All his future will belong to me, so your loyalty to me is not a betrayal."

Bai is very clear that as the leader of the **** organization, Muye ’s five generations of Naruto, the Japanese mirror now has more than the big snake ball, so the Japanese mirror ca n’t pretend to be the power of the big snake ball. There was no need to struggle with loyalty and betrayal, so he hesitated a little and nodded, "Yes, lord!"

The corner of the heliostat

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