Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1270: Fortune-telling

Soon, the "Rainbow Ice Wall" became a green paradise on the ice sheet.

Standing here, looking at the delicate green grass around, the gurgling flowing water, and the colorful fantasy rainbow in the sky, I was a bit trance in the white, and I even forgot that this is a polar country, a snow country covered by snow all year round .

Feeling the warm current, Bai Ju looked up.

It is found that the warmth full of vitality created by the "Rainbow Ice Wall" is still spreading around. If the geothermal instrument under the ice wall continues to operate, the area affected by this warmth may be even larger and wider. !

"It's amazing!"

Thinking of the ice field that is freezing cold, there will be such an area full of vitality and warmth, Bai couldn't help but admire the designer of "Rainbow Ice Wall".

But soon, the white brow frowned slightly.

Realizing that the secret treasure of the Snow Kingdom that the heliostat cares about, is not something that can be taken away, but the entire "Rainbow Ice Wall", he suddenly felt embarrassed.

Fenghua Xiaoxue came to Bai's side at this time "Thank you for letting me witness my father's efforts and witness this miracle!"

Bai shook his head. "No need to thank me."

Fenghua Xiaoxue then asked, "The secret treasure your organization wants is the entire" Rainbow Ice Wall ", right?"

Bai said, "Well, it should be."

"For us, a snow country that has never had a spring," Rainbow Ice Wall "is a great miracle, but for you powerful ninjas, shouldn't it be anything?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue felt very strange.

With the power of God's organization, it should be a breeze to occupy an evergreen area of ​​the four seasons. There is no need to covet the small remote place like the Snow Country.

"I don't know the specific reason." Bai paused and said, "But please be assured that our grown-ups are not unreasonable people and will not occupy your snow country."

Fenghua Xiaoxue smiled and said, "I understand that with your strength, it is simply impossible to see here."

Bai said, "In order to prevent the news from leaking, please ask Her Royal Highness Princess to wait here for a while."

Regarding the request of Bai, Fenghua Xiaoxue was not surprised and asked directly "How long will it take?"

Bai replied, "Please be assured that the task assigned to me by the organization is to unlock the treasures here, so the organization will definitely send people to deal with it. I have been delaying a lot of time on the road, so the people sent by the organization to respond are probably already in time On the way. "

Fenghua Xiaoxue stretched out lazily, "Hey, it seems I can have another few days of vacation!"

At this moment, Bai suddenly looked awkward, his eyes crossed Fenghua Xiaoxue, and he looked far away.

Fenghua Xiaoxue quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

"Someone is coming here!" After a pause, Bai's expression became more dignified. "And the speed is very fast. Chakra is also unusual, not an ordinary person!"

As soon as Bai's voice fell, the sky at the far end showed a burst of escape.

The eternal light was like a gorgeous meteor, and it crossed a long track in the slightly gloomy sky of the Snow Country, and flew towards the "rainbow ice wall" side.

"So what is that ?!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue was taken aback.

Not to mention Fenghua Xiaoxue, even Bai was quite surprised.

It is necessary to know that there are very few ninjas with flying ability in the ninja world, even if it is the five shadows, not counting the heliostat, only the four generations of wind shadows mastering the "magnetic escape" and the three generations of soil shadows proficient in the technique of light and heavy rock. Flight ability.

The opponent not only has the flying ability, but also exceeds the fourth generation wind shadow in speed. The three generations of earth shadow, the best in the ninja world, even his "Magic Mirror Ice Crystal" seems to be inferior to the opponent in flying ability.

In a flash, that escaped light came to the "Rainbow Ice Wall" from far and near, and then fell directly in front of Bai Hefenghua Xiaoxue.

Seeing each other's figure clearly, Bai Hefenghua Xiaoxue let out a sigh of relief, because the other party was wearing the same black bottom and gold rim cloak as Bai, but the mask pattern on his face was different.

After landing, the visitor heartily greeted Zhao Bai, "Is Chuanzhu? I am Yang Shen!"

There is no doubt that it is not Ziren who is flying by, but Ziyuan.

Only Ziyuan, whose strength is close to the "six levels", can simply fly through the air by virtue of the witches, and although Xiang Phosphorus and Iro are also capable of flying, they still need to use ninjutsu, which is far less than Ziyuan. convenient.

Before answering the question, Ziyuan looked at the six towering ice walls and the rainbow in the sky, and exclaimed, "Wow, what a beautiful place!"

After launching, the "Rainbow Ice Wall" is like a dream oasis in the snow-covered country, even if you are on the ground, it will also produce a strong sense of unreality.

At the same time, Ziyuan, who has also mastered the "Xianshu", also found that the natural energy here is rich and abnormal.

"Is it the same as the" Spear of the Sky ", did you tap the energy of the earth veins?" Ziyuan lowered her head and felt for a while, then shook her head. "No, the natural energy here is not only the earth vein energy, but also other energy!"

Immediately, Ziyuan looked up at the sky, looked at the six towering ice walls regularly arranged around it, and the fantastic rainbow created by refracting and collecting sunlight from different spectrums, and suddenly a sudden "I understand , In addition to the energy of the ground veins, there is also the energy of the sun, no wonder the natural energy here is so rich! "

Like Bai, after carefully perceiving the environment here, Ziyuan understands the reason why heliostat chooses here.

The Snow Country is located in the polar region. It is covered by snow and ice all year round and has a sparse population. Therefore, the energy of the deep underground veins is hardly ever developed, and the concentration is much richer than that of the ordinary ninja world.

In addition to the six ice walls with a height of 100 meters that have been accurately calculated on the periphery, UU Reading gathers the energy of the sun to the very center of the "Rainbow Ice Wall" and turns into a soft rainbow. The natural energy concentration has once again increased by one grade.

It can be said that for a ninja who has mastered ‘Fairy’, this is a place where natural energy is as surging as the tide!

Bai came to Ziyuan and asked, "Are there any arrangements for the organization next?"

Ziyuan gave a strange white look. "Don't the adults tell you? This is the ritual location selected by the adults. Our task is to transform this place and arrange everything for the adults in advance!"

Bai froze for a while, "Place of Ceremony?"

Ziyuan pointed at a distance, "Look!"

Baihe Fenghua Xiaoxue immediately looked in the direction of Ziyuan's fingers, and found a huge golden splendid flying object in the sky.

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