Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1277: Solve the battle within 10 minutes!

The country of fire.

Sasuke asked, "Is there really no news?"

The dull black market boss shook his head.

Released the illusion, Sasuke said to Kakashi: "He didn't lie!"


Kakashi sighed softly.

Counting this place, during this time they have already found seven or eight black markets, almost turning the black market in the country of fire, but there is no news of the Japanese mirror.

"Damn it!"

"Bang", Kai punched heavily on the wall.

Whether it is Naruto as a village, or his best friend, the disappearance of the Japanese mirror is hard for him to accept. At the same time, he also understands that at this time the Japanese mirror has no news, most of them have been killed.

As soon as he thought of Huo Ying, he was killed silently, and he felt a sense of humiliation in his heart!

Sakura, Xiao Li, Tiantian and others realized what they were now, and their faces were full of panic.

In their eyes, Naruto is to support them to the top of the sky. Now that the ninja war is about to erupt, Naruto may have been killed first. Such a result completely overwhelms them.

Sasuke looked at Ningji who had been silent for a while, Naruto, said: "You can rest assured that if something really happens to Lord Naruto, I will avenge him!"

Naruto's expression is a little weird, Ning Ci is still silent, but the worries on their faces are not false.

Ningci knows that Sunward Mirror is really dead, so although his strength has been advancing rapidly due to the transplantation of reincarnated eyes, his mood has been very depressed.

Ignorant Naruto himself did not know that the Japanese mirror was dead, nor did he understand what 'dirty earth' meant, but after making a heart with Jiuwei, Jiuwei informed him that the Japanese mirror was dead.

Of course, Kyuo also emphasized that for the strong man of the Japanese mirror, death is only an experience, not an end.

Miyue played his role as an observer, being restrained and calm, but he had an intuition in his heart that the heliostat that brought him to Konoha would not die so easily.

咻 ...

Just then, the communication eagle fell from the sky and fell to Kakashi's shoulder.

Took off the communication scroll on the communication eagle's leggings and unfolded it. Kakashi suddenly looked at him.

Kay got up: "What's wrong?"

"The Ninja War officially broke out!" After a pause, Kakashi continued: "We were put together by Xiao Organization. The main force led by Wu Ying was empty. The Ninja Army of Xiao Organization was besieging Muye Village. "

Kai Shensheng asked: "What is the task for us?"

Kakashi shook his head: "The headquarters did not give us specific tasks."

Kai is puzzled: "Why?"

Kakashi analyzed: "The headquarters should both hope that we can return to the village, but also worry about the organization's goal or the tail beast, so hesitated and gave the final decision to ourselves."

Naruto said: "Mr. Kakashi, let's go back!"

Kakashi stared at Naruto: "Mr. Xiao organized the siege of the village, probably to lead you to appear!"

Naruto said aloud: "I am a Naruto disciple, a pillar of the village, a wooden leaf ninja. If even the village can't protect, what's the point of me alive? Whirling Naruto will not be a deserter!"

Sasuke then opened the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel in his eyes, and said coolly: "It is also time to settle the accounts with those **** organized by Xiao!"

Ningci also said: "Mr. Kakashi, I will protect Naruto."

Kay patted Kakashi's shoulder: "Always face it!"

Kakashi no longer hesitated: "Okay, let's go back!"


In the desert of the country of wind.

唰 ...

Leaped from the giant rock, and Uchiha spotted in red armor didn't have any unnecessary nonsense, so he walked to a large group of ninja coalitions in the distance. The pace was faster and faster, and the momentum was fierce!

"Want to find death?"

"Well, no matter how strong you are, there is only one person!"

"Dare to look down upon us so much!"

Seeing that Uchiha spotted alone and retreating, the Ninja Alliance suddenly became noisy.

Immediately afterwards, without the orders of the Five Shadows, a large number of ninjas in the coalition took the initiative to greet the violent Uchiha spot and launched a fierce battle with Uchiha spot in the desert!

The Uchiha spot that fell into the sea of ​​people was not engulfed as quickly as everyone expected, but like the bright red armor on his body, like a touch of blood red, flickering in the sea of ​​people. The crunchy sound of broken and broken bones, and the wailing of hoarseness!

Watching Uchiha spot use no ninjutsu, no illusion, and body surgery alone, he could kill all the ninja allies here, and the five shadows moved.

At this time, a ninja in the communication class came to Wuying and reported: "The news came from the headquarters that the army of Xiao organization has infiltrated the country of fire and is besieging Muye Village. The headquarters hopes that we will return immediately!"


Wu Ying Qi was surprised.

When they saw that there was only one Uchiha spot waiting for them, they already realized that something was wrong.

It's just that they never imagined that Xiao organization's actions were so rapid. They had just encountered Uchiha spot on this side, and Xiao organization had already launched an attack on Konoha.

Four generations of Lei Ying said: "Can't waste time here!"


The four generations of water shadows and the four generations of wind shadows both nodded their heads, and this organization made it clear that they are moving away from the mountains, so only by returning as soon as possible can all the crises be resolved.

Three generations of earth shadows shook their heads ~ ~ Looking up and down and flying up and down, just like the killing machine Uchiha said: "I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

Recalling the battle between the early generation and Uchiha Spot, the three generations of Naruto echoed and nodded.

Is different from the younger generation of shadows. The three generations of Naruto and the third generation of soil shadows are clear about what the name Uchiha spot means.

Four generations of Lei Ying still did not care, and told the ninja of the communication class: "Tell the headquarters, let them stick to it, we will return immediately!"


The ninja in the communication class responded immediately, then bowed and retreated.

Four generations of Raikage looked at the battlefield in the distance at this time, and snorted coldly: "Well, I have heard of the prestige of Uchiha spot, but what about that, is he alone able to block our five shadows plus 40,000 ninja Allied forces? "

Four generations of wind and shadow were a little annoyed: "Xiao Organization even tried to let a Uchiha spot drag us, which is too much to put us in the eyes!"

Also looked at the four generations of water shadows in the distant battlefield and said: "The other party seems to be just a filthy body."

Four generations of Raikage moved their necks: "Solve the battle in ten minutes!"


Second offer, ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets! In addition, thank you to the students who are rewarded today, thank you all!

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