Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1282: Konoha's Ninja

The blood-stained face was full of consternation!

He had long been desperate, thinking that except for the organization of God, no one should dare to come to rescue him in this kind of death at this moment. I never thought that not only someone came, but also Sasuke, Naruto, and Ningji. These three came from Ninja School. Tolerance soon after graduation.

So, he quickly relieved God and shouted, "What are you doing here? Don't worry about me, run away!"

Sasuke standing on top of Toad Wentai ignored the persuasion, but looked at his father, who was under the cover of a large group of Uchiha elite, and was injured and retreating, his face became cold for a moment.

Immediately, his scarlet eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes with a splendid splendor glanced across the Hanzo, the second generation water shadow, the second generation earth shadow, the third generation wind shadow, the third generation thunder shadow, and was made The five people of 'Pain Six Dao', Zhu Li, and other strong enemies said, "Are you ready to bear Uchiha's anger?"

Hanzo snorted softly: "Inexplicable imp!"

Obviously, after breaking the front of the Ninja Allied Forces, the caster behind the filthy body slightly relaxed some controls, and allowed the filthy bodies including Hanzo to regain some consciousness slightly.

"Ki Ye's little devil, don't come to die, escape now!"

The second-generation Tu Ying said plainly that his arm that had been cut off by his long sword had now returned to its original state.

Naruto on the snake's teeth, pointed at the wooden leaf forehead on his forehead imposingly: "Uncle bandaged, we are not imp, we are real wooden leaf ninjas!"

Ning Ci also changed the quietness of the past. The white eyes flashed a brilliant light, and he said eagerly, "Yes, this time, the village is protected by us!"

The second generation of Shuiying touched his moustache: "Kiye's little devil, it's unexpectedly naive!"

The eyes of the three generations of Fengying fell on the big snake Xinya under Naruto, and said indifferently: "Unfortunately, naive guys often don't live long!"


Sighed on the ground, and when he saw the expressions of Sasuke, Naruto, and Ningji who were eager to try, he knew that persuasion could not be persuaded.

Thinking of these three great potentials, it is likely that the children of the village's future pillars will die here with himself, and he can't help feeling frustrated and desperate.

However, due to the sudden appearance of three giant psychic beasts, Toad Wentai, Serpent Xinya, and Big Boar, the defeat of the Ninja Alliance on the battlefield was slightly eased.

Because the giant psychic beast is a weapon on the battlefield, many times a powerful giant psychic beast can change the direction of the battle.

Besides, there are three ninjas that can psychic giant psychic beasts, and they are generally extremely powerful ninjas, so many retreating ninjas stop and watch.

After discovering Sasuke, the injured Uchiha Fuyue immediately stopped and exclaimed: "Sasuke !?"

The elites around Uchiha also looked at each other. They didn't expect Sasuke not only rushed to the battlefield at this time, but also turned against the current, and actively greeted the shadowy reincarnated shadows.

the other side.

A member of the Japanese family pointed to Ning Ci on the big wild boar and asked, "Daily difference, is that Ning Ci?"


Also stopped, and almost nodded.

"Ningci psychic is Lord Naruto's psychic beast!"

"Is Lord Naruto also coming?"

"What shall we do now?"

Like the Uchihas, the retreating ninjas of the Japanese family were also entangled. For a while, they did not know whether they should continue to retreat or fight back.

At this time, the five predecessors of the 'Paine Six Ways' who were made in the field, the reincarnation eyes were all focused on Naruto's body, and then there was no one to greet, they immediately swarmed up and rushed towards them. Naruto.


Zilai also felt cold, knowing that this organization was staring at the Nine Tails in Naruto.

However, the police also issued a warning before they came, and Sasuke, who had been unable to suppress it, quickly printed, and shouted: "Fire escapes, but the fire is extinguished!"

Because of the nourishment of the "Grel mineral vein" and the transplantation of the primary cells, Sasuke's amount of chakra has long been different than before, and it is not as restrained as before, so after seeing his father injured, he Full of anger, this record of "Haohuozhihuo", even had a bit of Uchiha spot power.

And while Sasuke was performing the "Hao Huo De Chuan", Toad Wen under him spouted a big mouthful of toad oil.

Rumbling ...

The already powerful fire escape, with the help of toad oil, suddenly ignited the whole sky. Not only was the 'Pain Six Roads' rushing to Naruto instantly engulfed by the sea of ​​fire, even the Hanzang, the second generation of soil left in place Shadows, the second generation of water shadows, and several of their "dirty soil" shadows, were also caught off guard, and were overwhelmed by the sea of ​​fire in the face of surprise.

The surrounding forest and hundreds of Baijuan avatars were all affected and swallowed up by a sea of ​​fire.

, Who was also covered in flames, was suddenly pulled by an inexplicable suction before being swallowed by the flames, and then was sucked onto the big boar before the fire came.


Landed safely on the top of the big boar's head, and was a little dazed since he didn't know what had just happened.

Ning Ci, who used "Rolling Ruyi" to rescue Zilai, also stared at the fire in front of him, and said to Zilai: "Zailai is also an adult, and it will be very confusing later. You leave! "

Said, Ningci waved it casually.

Zilai quickly said, "You ..."

Only spoke, and he felt his body from the beginning, as if dragged by an invisible large hand, and then quickly flew back.

far away. UU reading

Looking at the sea of ​​flames that had turned the world into red, all the elites of Uchiha opened their mouths and there was no sound for a moment.

"This kind of fire escape was really released by Sasuke?"

"Sasuke is only 13 or 14 years old?"

"It is indeed a genius of our Uchiha family!"

A moment later, the elite Uchiha elites who had come back to God had a discussion.

Listening to the discussion of the people near the ear, Fu Zhiyu Fu Yue smiled and scolded: "Hang boy, how can you consume Chakra this way!"

The Japanese side.

Because of his white eyes, although he was far away from the battlefield, the situation on the battlefield was clearly seen by the clan of the clan. When he saw Ning Ji waved his hand, he rescued the self from the sky The Japanese people all looked towards the sun difference: "Sir sun difference, what kind of ninjutsu did Ning Ci just cast?"

Sunday is also a question mark all over his face. He is no stranger to this ability to use gravity and repulsion.

But those who can use this magical ability are top leaders like God organization leader, Xiao organization leader, and even Datong Mushe, so he ca n’t understand how his son has this ability ...


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