Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1284: 1 wanton

Waterfall behind the water curtain is a dark passage, and after walking through the long passage, the heliostats suddenly looked bright.

"Is it here ..."

Japanese Xiang Jing whispered.

Looking up, what caught his eyes was a valley hidden in the mountains. There was a village in the valley, and there was a huge tree in the middle of the village.

This giant tree is like an umbrella cover, completely covering the village under the canopy!

If you do n’t know the secret passage just now, it is extremely difficult to find this humble village hidden in the valley, whether from the ground or the air.

"I didn't expect that there will be such a secret stronghold in Takigura Village, where would the" Hero of Heroes "be hidden?"

Hiroko mirror did not hesitate, immediately opened the reincarnation eyes.

The village under the giant tree is not large, and there are few buildings, so the heliostat quickly eliminated all the houses one by one, and then focused his attention on the giant tree in the middle of the village.


After careful observation, the Japanese mirror frowned slightly.

I ca n’t say why, he always feels that the giant tree in front of him is not as simple as it seems. In addition, the intelligence shows that Takizen ’s “Hero of Heroes” is made of a tree that Takizen called “Holy Tree” As a result, his figure flickered and disappeared in place.

A moment later, the Japanese mirror easily avoided Takizen's guard and quietly infiltrated into the giant tree.

This whole tree is like a castle. There are not only channels in all directions, but also tree holes of different sizes, like a palace. This complex and irregular layout is undoubtedly a headache for ordinary intruders. However, for heliostats with reincarnated eyes, it is only a little troublesome.

So it didn't take long for the mirror to pass through the reincarnation of the eyes, and found the altar where Taki-nen held the "water of heroes" all the way.

Picked up the gourd-shaped glass bottle on the altar, and the heliostat was gently shaken. While listening to the sound of the shaking water in the bottle, he said, "This is the" water of the hero "?"

On the surface, the water contained in the glass bottle is no different from ordinary rivers and streams. At best, it is more clear, but the heliostat is clear, if this is really the "water of heroes" mentioned in the intelligence, then this water But it's not easy.

According to information, this 'hero water' is produced by the holy tree, and there is only a small bottle every 100 years. Once a ninja drinks it, he can get dozens of times his own chakra within a certain period of time. treasure.

Of course, this is not without cost.

Ninjas who drank the "water of heroes", without exception, will be seriously injured because of vitality overdraft, young people are slightly better, if the elderly or middle-aged people who have not much vitality drank the heroes Water ', then there is a high probability that it will die directly.

Therefore, although the power of "Hero of the Heroes" is amazing, but because the side effects are too large, and because it is too scarce, Takiru has always used it as the back hand of the bottom of the pressure box and sealed it in the giant tree.

Xiao organized the fourth Ninja World War suddenly. Although he forced Nisshin to advance the process of the ceremony, he did not let him be in a hurry. He let the war break out, but he still advanced his plan in an orderly manner.

For him, ritual is the most important.

Compared with the ritual, everything else is irrelevant, because if his ritual is successful, even if Xiao organization wins the ninja war, he can turn the sky by himself, but if the ritual fails again, he is born Resurrection, then his spiritual body is likely to be essentially harmed, and it is difficult to say whether there will be another resurrection in the future, let alone save the ninja world.

So even though he knew that the Ninja War had broken out, he was not led by Xiao Organization, and he still meticulously collected the Chakra required for the ritual. Chakra is almost all collected.

Just when Sun Mirror put "Hero of Heroes" into the waist pack of his waist, his expression suddenly moved, and then he looked towards Muye Village.

Because there are giant reincarnated eyes as a communication channel, heliostats can share Ning Ci's field of vision in real time, so he noticed the moment he launched the "Reincarnation Chakra Model".

"This kid, after all, still can't breathe ..."

The Japanese mirror sighed slightly.

The situation on the other side of the village seems extremely critical, but in fact neither the leader of the Akatsuki organization, nor Shio, has not appeared at present, so it is far from the time to see the true chapter.

Wants to change the heliostat, even if the village is broken, as long as Nagato and Shio do not show up, he will never show the cards easily.

Ningji is obviously still a little bit younger in judging the situation. Even in the face of a group of ‘dirty bodies’, he launched the unsustainable ‘Chakra model of reincarnated eyes’.

"Is it stimulated by Sasuke? Or was it affected by Naruto's blood?"

Soon, the Japanese mirror shook his head and smiled.

Sasuke came out during the same period. Naruto, these two dazzling aliens, will not be easy for anyone, let alone Ninji, who bears the reputation of the Japanese family, and refuses to admit defeat in his bones.

So the Japanese mirror can understand the stubbornness of Ningji who does n’t want to lose to Sasuke at this moment of turning the tide and saving the village from crisis.

"Since this is the case, my teacher, I will give you a wanton chance!"

When the idea turned around ~ ~ The heliostat pressed down the idea of ​​using "psychic" to bring Ning Ci to the side, and decided to let Ning Ci once, letting him always get used to restraining Ning Ci, he can also follow Sasuke, Naruto just wantonly for once!

Quack ...

Just then, a ninja crowed through the tree hole and landed on the shoulder of the heliostat.

The Japanese mirror immediately took off the communication scroll on the ninja leggings, opened it, and whispered to himself, "Uchiha spot?"

Obviously, this ninja was quietly sent out by the citrus Yakura in the Ninja Alliance. It said that the main force of the Ninja Alliance was emptied. The expected battlefield did not encounter the Xiao organization army, only Yuzhi who was reincarnated in the dirt. Bourbon alone.

For Uchiha spots, heliostats are still very cautious.

Regardless of strength, in terms of combat talent and combat experience, Uchiha spot should be the best in the ninja world. Although he has been training himself, he knows that his combat talent is actually very general, and combat experience is not necessarily Richer than Uchiha spot, so it's really up to the match, it's hard to say who can dominate in this regard.

So, the Japanese mirror immediately psyched out several ninja crows, wrote the command to fly out, and then flashed and disappeared ...


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