Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1286: See the true side of the ninja world

Shocked by the reincarnation of the twin stars in Ning Ci's eyes, obviously not only the Ninja Alliance.

Xiao organization here.

The second generation of Shui Ying pouted his lips. "Hey, does Ninja still have this kind of pupil surgery?"

The "Reincarnation Eye" paused, and the second-generation Tu Ying said in a deep voice, "I've never heard of it."

Three generations of Lei Ying said, "The background of Konoha is really enviable!"


Hanzo snorted coldly, but the expression on his face was very solemn.

These shadows who were reincarnated in the dirt were all strong people standing at the top of the ninja world during their lifetime, and their vision and insight are no doubt, so even if they do not know the **** organization 'Yan Luo' in the ninja world in the past ten years All kinds of deeds can also clearly feel the terrible pair of reincarnation eyes in Ning Ci's eyes!

This has nothing to do with it, to put it bluntly an instinctive fear of the powerful Chakra.

And the five pillars who were made into "Pain Six Ways", their eyes are now removed from Naruto's body, focusing on the reincarnated eyes in Ning Ci's eyes.

Even if he lost his tail beast and his life, and turned into a real corpse, his face was covered with death air, but he could still see an unstoppable surprise from the faces of the six Payne Sixs.

It can be seen that the surgeon who is controlling the "Pain Six Dao" behind him is so shocked that even the original expressionless "Paine Six Dao" has been slightly affected!

However, shock and surprise did not last long on the **** battlefield.

Soon, the expressions on the faces of several "dirty earth bodies" such as Hanzang, the second generation earth shadow, and the second generation water shadow became dull and cold. Obviously, they were completely taken over by the surgeon again.

And the two-tailed man who was made into the "Animal Path" was made by a wooden man, his hands were quickly imprinted, and then he slammed on the ground with one hand, and said "psychic!" With a clear voice.

Bang Bang Bang Bang

In a series of white smoke, giant three-headed dogs with giant black rods, giant rhinoceros, eight birdies, giant centipedes, giant chameleons, giant bulls, giant **** crabs, and other psychic beasts were put together Summoned to the battlefield, the original empty battlefield suddenly became crowded.

At the same time, the four-tailed man Zhuli Laozi made into 'Hell Road', the five-tailed man Zhulihan made into 'Xura Road', the six-tailed man Zhuli Yugao made into 'Human Road', and was All the eight-tailed princes who made the "Hungry Ghost Dao" Chilibi began to be tailed, and their bodies were wrapped in an extremely strong coat of tailed beasts.

On the side of the organization of Jianxiao, Sasuke from the "Suzunouhu" completely said, "Ningji, after solving these guys, we will have a good fight, I want you to understand, my The eye of writing is the strongest eye in the ninja world! "

"it is good!"

Ning Ci simply nodded.

He really wanted to compete with Sasuke to give Sasuke insights the power of reincarnation, but in this case, obviously it is more important to deal with the Xiao organization.

Naruto, who was warned by Nine Tails in the body, shouted, "Be careful, these people are not wearing ordinary tail coats!"

At this time, Chirabi of "Hungry Ghost Dao" said, "It's a group of impetuous ghosts, then I will let you see the true side of the ninja world today!"

call out

As soon as the words fell, a tail beast jade was shot from Chirabi's mouth, and struck Naruto.

"Naruto be careful!"

Ning Ci and Sasuke exclaimed at the same time.

As a Hitomitsu blood ninja, and a reincarnation eye, a Hitomitsu blood ninja with eternal kaleidoscope writing chakra eyes, both failed to predict in advance the hungry ghost Dao Chirabi to release the tail beast jade The intention of the show is that the other party cast the tail beast jade, and it is no longer necessary to mobilize Chakra to prepare in advance.

Although Naruto has a rough temper, but his combat instinct is very sharp, so at the moment when the tail beast jade hits, he was in the 'Nine-tail Chakra Mode' and he divided a few golden Chancha arms to protect him. before.


The popping sound quickly rang, and in the huge smoke, Naruto was blown out by the tail beast Jade.

Worrying about Naruto's injury, Ning Ci quickly flicked his body and flew towards the flying Naruto, but before he could catch the flying Naruto, he was stopped by an incredible figure. Fell to the ground.

Because he was in the "Reincarnation Eye Chakra Mode", protected by the Reincarnation Eye Chakra, Ning Ci was not injured and immediately rose from the ground. Then he found that it was not the others who intercepted himself, it was the speed of the "Paine Six Roads" The fastest 'human road' Yugao.

I saw ‘Human Dao’ Yugao was on all fours at this time, wrapped in a dark tail coat, which looked more like ghosts than people.

Whew wow

Immediately afterwards, the old **** and **** of the "Hell Road" and the three generations of Ray Shadow, also wearing the coat of strange tail beasts, fell into the other three directions and surrounded Ningci.

the other side.

A large number of giant psychic beasts who were psyched out by the wooden man in the "animal road" also started action. Among them, the giant **** crab found Toad Wentai, the giant centipede stared at the big snake Xinya, and the giant rhinoceros and the big wild boar top cow .

The remaining giant three-headed dog, the eight bird, and the giant bull rushed to Sasuke's "Suzengenghu".

"court death!"

Sasuke snorted coldly, without fear on his face, and urged "Suzunenghu" to shoot an arrow, nailing the first giant three-headed dog to the ground fiercely, then turned around and buckled with a giant bow The Eight Birds flying in the air, with one hand against the giant bull hit, blocked the three giant psychic beasts with ease.

The fierce battle that escalated instantly caused the entire battlefield to boil over.

The deafening explosion sounds one after another. If there is a substantial shock wave wrapped in the sky and dust, UU reading vents ferociously to the surroundings, making the entire battlefield chaotic.

And because of the huge size of "Suzunenghu" and the fighting of a large number of giant psychic beasts, the battlefield was shaken endlessly, as if it had encountered a continuous earthquake.

At this time, let alone ordinary ninjas join the battle, it is very difficult to stand still.

Many of the remaining ninjas on the battlefield were dizzy in the huge smoke and shaking, and fell to the ground dizzy, even the most basic sense of direction was lost.

And masters such as Zilai, Sunshine, and Fuyue can only retreat while avoiding the surging air waves and the splashing gravel, because even if they are elite or shadow-level strong people, they are very It's hard to get involved in the upheaval that day before.

After all, they are not 'dirty bodies' that can be resurrected at will. In this chaos, they are rubbed to one side by the flying tail beast jade, or stepped on the foot by the giant psychic beast that rolls and jumps Reimbursed immediately

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