Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1295: The weak are really ugly!

Standing in the middle of the sea of ​​trees, Uchiha spot still keeps his hands holding his chest, looking at the five shadows who are shaking in the pollen fog.

At this time, he did not have a proud victory.

On the contrary, a touch of loneliness lingered in his eyes.

The uninteresting battle in front of him not only made him feel less energetic, but also made him think of the man unconsciously, the man who needed him to fight his life to get a chance.


After sighing again, Uchiha spot jumped up and jumped to a tall, tangled branch.

Condescending glances at the smoke and fog under the body, the dizzy five shadows, he gradually added a killing intention in his eyes, murmured in his mouth: "The weak are really ugly!"

Leaning on King Kong Ruyi's three generations of Naruto asked aloud: "Uchiha spot, why did you use the first generation of" Mu Dun "?"

"Isn't this question for me to ask you?" Suddenly, Uchiha Ban asked in a tone of compassion: "Why can't you use the fire shadow to play 'Mu Dun'? Incompetence, there should always be A limit! "

"You ... cough cough cough ..."

The three generations of Naruto, who were eager to attack, were coughed by Uchiha for a while.

At this time, the Ninja Alliance had discovered the disadvantageous situation on the Wuying side. The nearest several Shangren quickly performed wind escape ninjutsu, dispersing the pollen and poisonous mist that spread around the Wuying, and the medical ninjas were also in large numbers. Entering under the cover of forbearance, emergency treatment was launched for the five shadows who had inhaled the pollen mist.

And in this process, the Ninja Allied Forces went up to the Five Shadows, down to the ordinary Zhongren, Ninja, all worried.

After the previous battles, everyone already knows that only a ninja of the five shadow level can barely resist Uchiha spot. As for other ninjas, even those who have been fighting for a long time, it is difficult to resist one and a half moves in front of Uchiha spot. .

But now all the five shadows are in the paralyzed state of poisonous pollen. If Uchiha spot is shot at this time, even though the Ninja Allied Forces are a huge crowd, there is really no one who can stand up to resist Uchiha spot.

At the time of the cover, the ninjas were very nervous, and the medical ninjas who treated the five shadows were all frightened, but everyone was surprised to find that the Uchiha spot standing on the height was just watching quietly with his hands on his chest, and did not take the opportunity to take the opportunity. Plan.

"Damn it!"

Such humiliation, the four generations of Lei Ying sitting cross-legged face red ears, hitting the ground with a punch.

Four generations of Fengying gasped while persuading, "Lei Ying, save some energy!"

At this moment, Kumquat Yakura stood up and asked aloud, "Why don't you do it at such an opportunity?"

Because of the lower position, the citrus yakura inhaled less poisonous pollen, coupled with the human columnar force, the recovery ability is far beyond the ordinary ninja, so he recovered first.

"A‘ wood escape ’solved you all, would n’t that be too boring!” After a pause, Uchiha said, "I want you to die under Uchiha's pupil surgery!"


Wanted to break his head, and everyone didn't expect Uchiha to sit back and watch the five shadows, but it was just for this absurd reason.

After a while, the five shadows resumed one after another.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to treat the five shadows, the Ninja Alliance also recovered from the previous meteorites. The wounded were sent to the rear one by one, and the ninjutsu class, enchantment class, seal class, etc. were all restored to order. , Divided into different arrays, and surrounded Uchiha spots again.

唰 ...

At this time, a ninja in the communication class rushed to Wuying and reported: "The news came from the command post that the defense line around Muye is about to collapse and the situation is critical. They asked us when we can return?"

Wu Ying's words and expressions were all dim, and his face was full of embarrassment and anxiety.

They thought that they had tens of thousands of ninja troops, and they should be able to deal with a Uchiha spot in the area, but after several battles, they not only took advantage of it, but also paid a lot of casualties.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, the outcome is really hard to say. If it is not done, maybe tens of thousands of Ninja troops will be buried here.

Seeing that the five shadows did not recover, the ninja in the communication class asked: "Masters, how should we reply to the headquarters?"

Pondered for a while, and the three generations of Naruto said tiredly: "Let them continue to stick to it, and we will return as soon as possible! In addition, let us know what happened on our side to the command, let them do the worst!"


The ninja in the communication class suddenly raised his head and looked at the three generations of Naruto with surprise.

From the tone of the three generations of Naruto, he produced a hint of ominous meaning, as if the tens of thousands of Ninjas led by Wuying could not necessarily return to the division to rescue Konoha.

And what made him even more disturbed was that all of the surrounding shadows had acquiesced to the command of three generations of Naruto, and no one questioned it.

Three generations of Naruto waved their hands at this time: "Retreat!"

"Yes Yes!"

After a response, the ninja in the communication class retreated anxiously.

The Uchiha spot standing high, twisted his neck impatiently, contemptuously, "Are you all right, shadows?"

The three generations of Naruto put the Vajra sticks on the ground and shouted at the Ninja Alliance: "Everyone, this battle is about the life and death of the five Ninja villages. We have no retreat, only death!"

There is no doubt that the five shadows have realized that even if the five of them join forces, it is difficult to win, so they decided to cooperate with the Ninja Alliance to launch the last stroke with a superior number and win in death!

"So many of us have consumed him too much!"

"Fight with him!"

"With the five shadows, we will definitely win!"

With the pre-war mobilization of the three generations of Naruto, the Ninja Alliance suddenly became agitated. Although everyone knew the strength of Uchiha spot, but the ninja itself was a profession of licking blood and did not have too much fear of death.

Not to mention that you do have an absolute number advantage, and the dignity of being a ninja does not allow them to show cowardice at such times.

So, a sudden killing gas quickly formed in the Ninja Alliance. This killing gas intersects with each other, and the more they gather, the more they end up as if they are substance, which is over the top of the Ninja Alliance.

Uchiha spotted a corner of his mouth, not only did he not have any fear, but also rushed to the Ninja Alliance with some excitement.

Rumbling ...

In an instant, the roar of the explosion rang continuously on the battlefield!

Countless people's cry, howl, and the whistle, roar of ninjutsu, intertwined, and evolved into a piece of music that belongs to the battlefield, belongs to the ninja, and belongs to the killing.

In the flames reflecting the red sky, the beam of 'dust escape' flashes from time to time, the brilliant golden sand rises and falls, the dazzling Lehman shuttles back and forth, and the tail beast jade is like a meteor, dragging the smoke and carrying the piercing Shouting across the battlefield!

The battle has continued, from the day to the evening.

The air is full of pungent smoke and disgusting blood, as if the wind has become more spicy!

"Cough ..."

Four generations of Lei Ying coughing up blood still remembered to fight again, but when they were together, they fell physically and fell to the ground.

Because Chakra is over-consumed, he was unable to maintain the "Lei Dun Chakra Mode" an hour ago, so he lost his protection from "Lei's Armor" and was already bruised.

There are also four generations of Fengying who are also physically weak. At this time on the battlefield, there is no longer any golden sand that can move like a wave.

Three generations of Naruto and three generations of Naruto are not much better.

Three generations of Naruto squatted on the ground at the moment, and even the King Kong Ruyi stick was unstable, and the third generation of earth shadow could no longer continue to soar in the air and landed on the ground.

Although the two of them are experienced and know how to use Chakra more reasonably, they are old and decayed. After a long and intense battle, they have reached the limit.

This is still the case with a large number of ninja coalition forces. Without the cover and cooperation of other ninjas, they simply cannot stick to the present.

Among the five shadows, the slightly better condition is only the fourth generation of water shadow citrus yakura as human pillar force, but even if it is human pillar force, this battle is also exhausted.

The five shadows are all the same, let alone the ordinary ninja.

In the eyes, the battlefield was full of corpses, some of which were even buried in half by the sand, and only half of the limbs were exposed, silently telling about the killings that had happened here.

The center of the battlefield.

Standing under ‘Suzunouhu’, Uchiha spotted his palm and dusted his palms: “Is it true that my expectations were too high ...”

The surviving five shadows looked at the corpses everywhere, and each one was ashamed and angry.

Obviously, compared with the original five shadows in time and space, the configuration of this space and time five shadows is much worse.

The three generations of Naruto are all-round ninjas, and there are no shortcomings in body art, ninja art, seal art, ninja throwing, and even illusion. Such a ninja is almost impossible to target and can be used on most battlefields.

Can be comprehensive, which means that it is not extreme enough.

The three generations of Naruto can cope with all battles from the Xinren to the shadow level, but then, when the level of the battle reaches the super shadow level of Uchiha spot, there is no master of the three generations of "blood succession elimination" and "blood succession limit" Huo Ying, obviously unable to do so.

In this respect, the upper limit of the three generations of earth shadows who mastered the "dust" is much higher, so the most threatening to the Uchiha spot among the five shadows is also the three generations of earth shadows.

In the original time and space, due to the existence of Tsunato, the strongest medical ninja, the three generations of earth shadows can exert the ultimate output and apply ‘dust escape’ to the extreme, so it caused a lot of trouble for Uchiha spot.

The three generations of earth shadows in time and space naturally have no such treatment.

On the battlefield, the three generations of earth shadows had to deal with the attack of Uchiha Spot carefully, so as to avoid injuries, and at the same time, they had to calculate Chakra accurately, and they could not fully perform the "dust escape", which caused Uchiha Spot The threat is very limited.

Although the four-generation Raikage with two arms performed better than the four-generation Raider with one arm in the original time, but because of the lack of assistance from Tsuna, who has strange power, he is the only one in frontal confrontation, even if he can occasionally break Uchiha Ban's 'Suzuo Nenghu', and no one cooperated with him to expand the results, so repeated shocks were all returned without success, and he was injured in one body.

The performance of the fourth-generation wind shadow and the fourth-generation water shadow are obviously stronger than those of the fifth-generation wind shadow and the fifth-generation water shadow in the original time and space.

All in all, in the face of the ultra-shadow powerhouse such as Uchiha spot, in addition to mastering the three generations of "Dun Dun" earth shadows, the role of other shadows is actually very limited, either a strong point or a weak point , With little impact on the situation.

Is precisely the relatively alternative kind of Tsunato, which would not be selected as a medical ninja in the shadow of a village under normal circumstances, but would help the situation more.

Of course, the five shadows did not realize this, or that the four shadows other than the earth shadow did not want to admit that they were optional for the situation.

Uchiha spot went to the Five Shadows at this time and said, "Since I don't even have the ability to make me serious, then you have no value in living!"

Four generations of Lei Ying shouted: "What are you talking about, you just struggled!"

Four generations of Fengying also sneered: "Even if it fails, we will not accept your humiliation!"

"Hard fight ?!" Uchiha Ban stopped and smiled: "The only thing that can make me fight hard is only between the pillars! Fortunately, although you are incompetent, but after all, it is still a shadow, then let me use real power. Come to end you! "

Let's just say, Uchiha spotted his hands.

In an instant, his original "Suzunenghu", which was incomparably tall, swelled in an instant, and suddenly became several times larger. It stood up and even surpassed the meteorite with a diameter of hundreds of meters that had fallen on the battlefield before. .


Whether the five shadows, or the remaining Ninja coalition in the field, all appeared dull.

‘Suzengenghu’ has seen you a lot, but it ’s so big, so majestic, everyone still saw it for the first time!

Fly to the diamond-shaped area on the forehead of "Suzunouhu", UU reading Uchiha spot looks down at the tiny five shadows like ants, coldly said: "Let you see Uchiha before you die Real power! "

唰 ...

Driven by the idea of ​​Uchiha spot, he completely pulled out his sword and cut into the distance!

A huge blade of fire swept across the battlefield, accompanied by a loud bang, and chopped the 100-meter-diameter meteorite that fell on the battlefield into pieces!

And the sword's castration is not reduced, straight across the desert, cut the mountain peaks tens of miles away into two!

Rumbling ...

Only once the knife was drawn, the turbulent waves swept the entire battlefield, like a storm, flying the five shadows and the remaining ninja allies like insects and ants!

In the face of the full-body 'Suzunenghu' of Uchiha spot, every ninja in the Ninja Alliance became a tiny and insignificant ant, even the five shadows who bear the title of "shadow" It seems no exception.

And until this moment, the five shadows who were lifted in the air by the air wave realized the true power of Uchiha spot ...


4000 words two chapters have been combined into one chapter. In the second half of the year, please support me if you have a monthly ticket, please! In addition, thank you to the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

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