Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1300: Don't come out to be disgraceful!

Looking at the four Uchihas who were enemies in front of him, Uchiha spot couldn't help but recall the people who betrayed him when he left.

This passage is so unforgettable.

Even if he thinks about it now, he still can't hide the hatred in his heart, so he, who lives high in the "Suzunuohu", said coldly: "Since you have made a choice, then go to die!"

Follow, Uchiha Ban no longer keeps his hand and immediately urged his "Suzengenghu" to launch an offensive.

Boom ...

The huge long sword was cut sharply, and the sky was suddenly cracked in the battlefield!

Shuishui, Itachi, Shinichi, and Sasuke hurriedly urged their respective "Suzunouhu" to dodge, dangerously and dangerously avoiding the powerful sword of Uchiha Spot!

And the long knife of hundreds of meters was cut off, and the turbulence caused by it alone easily created a large sandstorm, which caused the entire battlefield to fall into chaos again.

In the monstrous smoke, Uchiha murmured to himself: "This ugly ninja world will soon usher in the final peace, and no one can stop me!"

唰 ...

At this time, Sasuke's purple complete body "Suzunouhu" flew its wings, flew through the layers of smoke and dust and flew into the sky, then held the bow and aimed at the "Suzunenghu" of Uchiha spot. : "The undead in the old times, don't come out and be disgraceful!"

The target was so huge, so Sasuke shot an arrow instantly without serious aiming.

This arrow was not only an arrow he shot with his full body "Suzunouhu", but he also used the two kaleidoscope pupil techniques of "Tianzhao" and "Plus Earth", which was completely on the arrow. Attached to 'Tianzhao' black inflammation.

At the same time, the water stop and Shinichi on the ground also urged their respective "Suzengenghu", rushing to the left and right of Uchiha Ban's unbelievably tall "Suzengenghu".

Boom ...

The incredibly fast arrow shot by Sasuke almost hit Uchiha ’s ‘Suzunenghu’ almost instantaneously, making a huge bang!

However, the complete body of Uchiha Spot's "Suzengenghu", the defense power is too terrifying, although the arrows shot by Sasuke hit, but failed to penetrate, just broke the part of the armor of the front face of Uchiha Spot "Suzengenghu" , Making it unstable, and staggering a few steps, so that the earth shook with it.

But the "black sky" black inflammation on the arrow, but spread on the Uchiha spot "Suzano".

Immediately afterwards, Shisui and Zhenyi's attacks arrived as scheduled!

Zhishui urged his "Suzengenghu" to stab a spear sharply, and inserted the Uchiha spot "Suzunokhu" under the weak defense, and Zhenyi urged his "Suzengenghu" one. The sword stabs where Sasuke Arrow just shot!

"Hmph, find death!"

The cold-skinned Uchiha spot snorted immediately.

Immediately, four arms were immediately stretched out of his full-body 'Suzunenghu', and a long knife appeared on each arm. The four arms and four knives were divided into two parts, respectively facing Zhishui and Shinichi.


Was suddenly changed, and Zhishui and Zhen were surprised together.

The original Uchiha spot's "Suzunouhu" is a two-handed single-handed, and the water stop and the true are together, which is two dozen and one, but in an instant, the Uchiha spot's "Suzanenghu" becomes four hands and four knives. Instead, Zhishui and Zhenyi turned into two or four.

In an instant, Uchiha's 'Suzunenghu' divided two hands and two knives, blocking the spears and long swords of Zhishui and Zhenyi's stabbing respectively, and the other two hands and two knives were slashing towards Zhishui and Zhenyi. .

Rumbling ...

Was another roar, and the whole earthquake shook endlessly.

The smoke that had just been raised had not yet dispersed, and another wave of air enveloped the wind and sand, as if a sandstorm had arrived, leaving the entire battlefield in a dim state.

Flying sand.

Taking advantage of the siege of Uchiha spot by the four 'fire demons', the remaining Ninja Alliance ninjas on the battlefield evacuated the battlefield with difficulty.

Three generations of earth shadows, four generations of wind shadows and four generations of lightning shadows were quickly put together.

Soon, three generations of Huoying also helped the four generations of water shadow citrus yakura who passed out and walked over from the sand.

Several shadows quickly greeted them: "How is the water shadow?"

Three generations of Naruto replied: "Always alive!"

What is the end of the man who lost the tail beast? The shadows on the scene knew the truth, so they learned that the citrus Yakura was still alive, and they all showed unexpected expressions.

Three generations of Tu Ying immediately stepped forward to check the body of the orange yakura, and soon the attention fell on the 'four-type biological armor' dressed in the orange yakura, wondering: "This is the white must of the organization Doppelganger? "

Because the idea of ​​biological armor is derived from the special type of Baiju with earthen clothing, the biological armor developed by the heliostat at first glance is indeed somewhat similar to the Baijuan avatar.

But as long as you distinguish carefully, you can see that there is a clear difference between the two.

Faced with the question of three generations of earth shadows, three generations of fire shadows shook their heads: "I don't know very well, but it seems that this is the thing that temporarily saved the life of water shadow!"

Four generations of Fengying and four generations of Leiying glanced at each other, and then cast their doubtful eyes towards the third generation of Naruto.

Obviously, they did not believe very much. The three generations of Naruto would not recognize the objects of the fifth generation of Naruto's day mirror under the eyes of everyone.

It's just that it's obviously not a tangled moment at this time, so after confirming that the citrus yakura is temporarily not life-threatening, everyone's attention is turned to the battlefield in the fierce battle in the distance.

At this time, four generations of wind shadows raised their arms to cover the oncoming wind and sand, and said to the several shadows who had gathered around them: "Can these Uchihas be ninjas?"

Four generations of Lei Ying heard the words, and his face was cloudy and uncertain.

The battle between Uchiha's "Suzunouhu" ~ ~ Even if it is just a straight slash, it has the power to shake the ground, which is completely beyond the scope of the normal ninja, and the destruction of it alone Power, even their shadows are beyond reach!

Three generations of earth shadows tried their best to look into the distance.

It's just that the sky of smoke and dust that beat the waves on the battlefield completely obscured his vision. He couldn't see the details of the "Suzengenghu" melee in the distance, and could only pass through the few giants in the sand The vague figure, the endless roar next to the ears, and the trembling tremor of the ground beneath the feet, to roughly estimate the fighting situation.

In the face of such a big war, they do n’t need to intervene as a shadow. Even the observation is so difficult. This reality makes them depressed and embarrassed.

After a moment, the three generations of earth shadows only said with emotion: "It is the best way to use Uchiha to deal with Uchiha!"

Four-generation Fengying and the fourth-generation Leiying echoed and nodded, their faces full of bitterness ...


The first one is given. I have something to do at home today. I only get home at night and I am very tired, so the second one does not know if I can write it. Do n’t stay up and wait. But everyone is assured that even if there is no night, it will be made up tomorrow.

Is about to be a new week, the list is updated, so please beg for the recommended ticket, please! In addition, thank you to the students who are rewarded today, thank you all!

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