Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1310: The most special fairy mode

Opened his arms and began to absorb the natural energy of the nearby heliostat, as if it stirred the tide of the sea, causing a turbulent energy torrent over the air fortress.

At this moment, the natural energy visible to the naked eye surged from all directions, and a brain poured into the body of the heliostat.

The heliostat standing on the altar looks calmly, and the reincarnation in the eye socket is shining brightly, as if it contains the real stars!

Chakra conveyor area.

Ziyuan, Naruto, and White, almost all looked up at the air fortress at the same time, their eyes full of surprise.

For these ninjas who have mastered ‘Xianshu’, it is difficult for them to pay attention to the increasingly turbulent energy tides in the distant sky fortress.

Is like a torch in the night, no, it is an erupting volcano!

Let these ninjas who are familiar with natural energy feel instinctively shocked, and even tremble, because that natural energy is too much, too horrible!

Immediately afterwards, Xiangluo, I Luo and Ningci also noticed.

Although they cannot directly observe natural energy, the natural energy in the distance is too rich and too turbulent, even if they do not use eyes, they only have intuitive feelings based on the instinct of beings.

Ningci asked, "What happened over there?"

"It is natural energy, a very strong natural energy!" After a pause, Bai explained: "Adult seems to be pulling and absorbing that natural energy!"

Naruto said aside: "This ... the speed of this absorption is too exaggerated!"

Naruto folded his hands together and sat cross-legged while absorbing the natural energy of Nine Tails. At this time, he also opened his eyes and glanced at the distant sky fortress. A slight flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he immediately withdrew his eyes and said, "Nothing So strange! "

Naruto was startled, his expression more puzzled: "Shouldn't it be strange?"

"Fool!" After snorting, Jiuwei explained: "The more Chakras you have, the faster you can absorb natural energy. This is common sense. Not to mention the nature of the" Rainbow Ice Wall ". The energy is much stronger than ours. With your teacher ’s strength, this absorption rate is not worth yelling at all! ”

Naruto scratched his head: "Is it so? But I still think the teacher absorbs natural energy at an amazing rate!"

Nine tails carefully observed Ziyuan and Xiang Phosphorus wearing a ‘Yangshen’ mask not far away, and then quickly reminded Naruto: “Do n’t be surprised, absorb natural energy!”

Said, Jiuwei glanced over the sky fortress without any trace, and said in secret: "It's amazing!"

On the altar.

The heliostat has been completely immersed in this feeling of being fully integrated into nature.

This is a very peculiar feeling, which is very different from the feeling when it was repulsed by the natural energy in Chakra of Dragon Vessel. If the natural energy at that time was a poison that can corrode his body, then the natural energy at this time seems to be gentle. The spring breeze, the clear mountain spring, and the refreshing sweet air.

"The original feeling of mastering natural energy is so comfortable ..."

For a time, the soul of Nikko Mirror seemed to be washed once, and the whole person was relaxed.

But he was not too lost in this kind of comfort, but immediately adjusted his mind, and then tried to use the large amount of immortal chakra just merged according to the previous discussion with Bai.

"Fairy mode, open!"

Fixed his gaze, and he snorted lightly.

Suddenly, a tyrannical fairy Chakra spewed out of his body, and immediately afterwards, black stripes appeared on his eyes, forehead, and cheeks on both sides.

However, before the black markings were stabilized, the lilac 'yin seal' mark on his eyebrow flashed.

With the shine of the "yin seal" mark, the black markings that appeared on his eyes, forehead, and cheeks on both sides were all absorbed by the "yin seal" mark. The original lilac "yin seal" mark also Then it became extremely beautiful purple!


He gave the mirror a whizz.

Because of the reincarnated eyes with no dead ends, he saw all the changes in his face.

There is no doubt that black markings are one of the characteristics of the ‘fairy mode’. He remembered the first generation of Naruto and Bai ’s appearance of these marks when he entered the ‘fairy mode’.

In fact, no matter who it is, as long as it borrows natural energy, the body will have a certain degree of alienation.

Cultivation of "Miaomu Mountain" immortal art, after entering the "fairy mode", the body will naturally clam, the pupils in the eyes become the toad's transverse pupil, and the face, even the hands and feet will be similar to the alienation of toad.

Naruto who practiced the "Dragon Cave" immortal technique, after entering the "Xianren Mode", the body will become serpentine, the eye pupil will become a vertical pupil, and traces of scales will appear on the face.

Even if it is a degraded ‘magic pattern’ such as ‘spell mark’, various inhuman alienations will appear in the body.

Comparatively, the alienation such as the appearance of dark spots on the face is already the slightest alienation of all ‘fairy mode’. This is the case with the first generation of white.

And the less the alienation of the body, the closer the "fairy man model" used to humans and the more suitable for humans.

The Japanese mirror thought that he was alienated in the "fairy mode". UU reading was the same as the first generation and white. It was also covered with black markings all over his face, but he did not expect a change in the middle. The diamond-shaped mark of the 'yin seal' at the heart of the eyebrows was absorbed into all.

Clenched his fist, and he whispered, "No, I'm already in the 'fairy mode' ..."

With the heliostat's control over his body, he can't escape his insights from any subtle changes in his body, so he doesn't need to try more, he just clenches his fist, and he knows his strength, speed, and even perception ability. There have been obvious improvements.

And this comprehensive promotion, there is only one explanation, that is, he is already in the ‘fairy mode’.


However, at this moment, there was no alienation all over his body, and even the black markings that had just appeared on his face were absorbed by the diamond-shaped imprint of the 'yin seal'.

At this time, his attention was gradually focused on the "yin seal" mark at the center of his eyebrows.

If you have to say that he is different from the one before he opened the "Fairy Mode", it is the "yin seal" that is shining with a faint light at the center of his eyebrow ...


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