Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1312: Highest impact

The current situation with the Japanese mirror is the safest way is to set up a bureau to lead the big wooden man on the moon in advance, and then defeat it to eliminate this hidden danger.

But this trick has been used several times before.

Especially when the Akatsuki attacked Muye last time, he resonated with the eyes of the reincarnation and led out the Datong Mushe people, so that the Datong Mushe people were almost sealed by the long-door ‘Earthburst Star’ and suffered a big loss!

Has had such an unforgettable lesson, even if the Datong Mushe people are inexperienced, they will never be fooled again.

Now the situation in the ninja world has reached the most critical moment.

Today's lead soil has not only become the strength of the ten-tailed man, and has the strength of the real "six-level", but also uses his time and space pupil technology "Shenwei" that is called BUG, ​​taking advantage of the chaotic fourth ninja war, The two three-tailed and seven-tailed fish have been snatched successively, so that the ten tails in his body have been further recovered.

In this situation, the Japanese mirror no longer has time to slowly calculate the big tube.

Because he might not have waited until he counted the big wooden man, he completely wiped out the ninja world with the soil, and found the "Rainbow Ice Wall" side along the traces.

Alternatively, with the soil, he directly launched the "Moon Eye Project", so that the light of "Infinite Moon Reading" spilled over every inch of land in the ninja world!

At that time, the ceremony of the heliostat will be inevitably exposed, because the "Moon Eye Project" is to project the "Infinite Moon Reading" on the moon, and cover the entire ninja world through the moon reflex pupil technique.

Therefore, once the "Infinite Moon Reading" is launched in the soil, everything in the ninja world will be reflected in his eyes, even the "Rainbow Ice Wall" in the polar regions is no exception.

Therefore, the time left for heliostats is already counting down.

If he cannot complete the ceremony as soon as possible and achieve the immortal ‘Blood Following the Snare’, then the threat he will face is not only the big wooden man, but also the pillar of the ten-tailed man.

"The more you drag the more variables ..."

It was this kind of consciousness that motivated Nikko to make up his mind.

There are no perfect and foolproof things in this world. Since he has chosen this rugged way to become a god, he can only abandon all hesitations and fears and rush forward without hesitation!

Therefore, the Japanese mirror no longer considers the matter of the big barrel wooden house, converged his divergent thoughts, did not do any extra actions, but just sat quietly on the altar, and used the "Grel mine vein" to restore his own investigation. carat.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the clock not far away.

According to the clock, it is now past nine o'clock in the evening, and the country of fire has already fallen into the night. Since the country of snow is located in the polar region and in the polar day, there is still light here, and the rainbow over the ice wall still exists.

"Call ..."

After exhaling lightly, Nikko Mirror stood up and waved at the puppets of the three generations of Fengying people standing beside him.

The three generations of acquaintances puppets respectfully paid their respects to the Sunward Mirror, and then cast a "magnetic escape", quickly flew off the air fortress, and arrived at the Chakra transportation area.

Seeing that the puppets of the three generations of Fengying people arrived, the people in the transportation area immediately understood that the ceremony of the heliostat was about to begin, so they all looked sad and prepared.

Outside the array.

Xiang Phosphorus stood up quickly, hurriedly put the last biscuit in his hand into his mouth, and then looked nervously at the distant air fortress.

Unlike other people present, she knows the "Blood Following Fusion Ritual" of Heliomir best because she only watched the last ceremony of Heliomir, so she is well aware of the danger of "Blood Following Fusion Ritual". Failure, heliostat is very likely to resurrect.

Under the influence of the atmosphere, the white on the side was slightly nervous.

In the formation.

Ziyuan, I love Luo, Ning Ci, and even Naruto, who always likes to be funny, are looking serious at the moment, but they don't have much tension and worry on their faces.

Obviously, they have the trust that is enshrined in the Japanese mirror, and they all feel that a ceremonial will not be difficult for the Japanese mirror, even if they do n’t even know what the upcoming ceremony will be.

There was only one person in the sky fortress, he slowly took out the ‘ghost buds’ from the petri dish, and then implanted them into his body.

And with the implantation of the 'ghost bud', the second "Blood-Fusion Fusion Ceremony" of the Japanese mirror began silently.

Because the current heliostat is much stronger than when he held the first ceremony, his suppression of the 'ghost bud' implanted in the body is also more thorough than the first time. If he does not intend to relax the suppression, The arrogant 'Ghost Bud' couldn't even invade his body smoothly.

After a while, after the implanted 'ghost bud' was fully fused into the body, the heliostat slowly raised his arms and began to seal.

"Ghost Bulu's Technique!"

After finishing the seal, he did not waste a minute and a second and immediately screamed.

Suddenly, transparent and frozen buds penetrated from his body with open teeth and dancing claws, and then quickly expanded. Just a blink of an eye, most of the altar was piled up.

Once experienced the heliostat, calmly glanced at the six avatars on the six corners of the altar, and then consciously urged the “ghost buds” to attack those avatars. UU reading

哐 哐 哐 ...

In a crunchy sound, the portable storage bin with six avatars was opened one by one by the “ghost buds”, and then, the “ghost buds” with open teeth and dancing claws intruded into the storage bin, pulling out the avatars that were put inside Came out.

Swept the six avatars pulled by the "ghost bud" with the afterglow of the corner of his eyes, and the face of the heliostat still wavered.

After a while, the six avatars were pulled by the ‘ghost bud’ and came to the side of the sun mirror Jingyin sacred deity, and all of them were integrated into the frozen ‘ghost bud’.

As in the previous ceremony, the perception of the heliostat has also been extended at this time, and it is no longer limited to the Yin escaped deity. The "ghost bud" or the six avatars seem to have become his body at this moment. Part of it has become a carrier of his perception, and this time the feeling is stronger and clearer than the last time.

However, he did not immerse himself in this strange feeling this time. Instead, his eyes were restrained mainly on Yin Yun, and he consciously accelerated the progress of fusion.

Soon, under his conscious urging, the inflated 'ghost bud' began to shrink, and a little bit converged into his body, and the six avatars wrapped in the 'ghost bud' also followed the 'ghost Bud's fusion into his body ...


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