Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1323: Unsolved gap

With soil indifferently looking at Naruto who flew over, his right hand slowly raised.

Even a person who can perfectly use the power of the tail beast does not pose a threat to him now, even the most special nine tails in the tail beast are no exception.

"Vientiane Tian Yin!"

Suddenly, he led his pupils towards Naruto.

Different from the 4th Ninja World War in the original space and time, the soil at that time was the ten-tailed column force that hastily became on the battlefield, whether it was the suppression of the ten-tail or the use of the "six-level" power. Not quite skillful enough, so many flaws were revealed in the battle, and also gave the Ninja Alliance a lot of opportunities to defeat.

This is not the case with soil in time and space.

Due to the great threat of the God Organization, he did not immediately act after becoming a ten-tailed man, but he hid in his "Shenwei" space, while adapting to the new identity of the ten-tailed man, while trying to become familiar with it. The power of'six levels'.

Therefore, now he not only has the ability to completely suppress the ten tails, but also freely uses the six powers of first order, such as "Qing Dao Yu", "Yin Yang Dun" and so on.

And unlike the original single eye transplanted in time and space, today's transplanted soil is a complete pair of reincarnation eyes.

The difference between binocular and monocular is not only in the strength of the pupil and the suppression of the ten tails.

Transplanted a complete pair of reincarnations of the reincarnation eyes, and because they have entered the "six-level", they have fully mastered the reincarnation eyes of Uchiha spot and obtained the highest authority to approach the original master of Uchiha spot.

So now he can also perform the time-space pupil surgery, which is unique to Uchiha spot's reincarnation eyes, "round tomb prison"!

It can be said that compared with the six belts of soil in the original time and space, this time and space has eaten too many bitter mouths in the hands of the **** organization, and the soil with too many traps, the strength is not increased by a little bit.


With the launch of the "Vientiane Sky Introducer", Naruto, who had already flew towards the earth, was immediately dragged by gravity, and flew to the earth in almost an instant.

After getting close to the soil, Mingren found that in the palm of his right palm lifted with the soil, there was a round scarlet kaleidoscope writing round eyes!


The startled Naruto quickly adjusted his movements in mid-air and aimed the ‘spiral pill’ in his hand at the kaleidoscope writing wheel with the palm of his right palm.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides collided together!

However, the expected explosions, impacts, and roars did not happen. Naruto's condensed to the extreme, not only glowed with fluorescence, but also carried a violent cyclone'spiral pill', hitting the right palm with soil After the palm, not only did not hurt the right palm with soil, but also was instantly absorbed.

Slightly pick the corner of the soil mouth, "Acknowledge your fate, your destiny is already"

Just halfway through the local dialect, Naruto in the "Nine-tail Chakra Mode" suddenly raised his head, revealing the confident face, and then, behind Naruto, "wow" stretched out nine Jincancan Chakra's arm, and each chakra holds a'spiral pill' with a turbulent cyclone!

"My fate is not yours!"

Accompanied by a roar, Naruto instantly urged nine Chakra arms to push the'spiral pill' from different angles to blast the soil.


In an instant, a humming sound came, and a huge burst of smoke rose, and Naruto took the opportunity to retreat and jumped aside.

Whether it was Sasuke, who was controlling Suzuno Hu, flying in the air, or the Ninja coalitions in the surrounding circle, they were all attentively looking at the billowing smoke.


A night breeze blew away, blowing away the dust.

As the smoke dissipated, the unscathed soil protected by an ink-colored hemisphere reappeared.


Sasuke in the air was taken aback, a dignity flashed on the eyes of the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel in his eyes.

All the Ninja coalitions around were also surprised.

Naruto's "Spiral Ball Continuous Strike" just now is a big threat even for "Suzengenghu" Kaleidoscope Uchiha. If you use earth and space ninjutsu to dodge, you can still pass it. The soil stood on the spot without hiding or shining, and unscathed hard against Naruto's'Spiral Ball Continuous Strike', which is somewhat unacceptable.

The three generations of Naruto's face is gloomy. "Is this the power of "Qing Dao Yu"?

The four generations of Naruto said: "It seems that ordinary ninjutsu is not effective for him!"

The second generation of Huo Ying said, "This is probably an enemy more difficult to deal with than Uchiha Spot!"

Kakashi did not say anything, but stared at the soiled hands.

From the show of "Shenwei" just with the soil, he knew that although the pair of kaleidoscope writing wheels with soil were not in the eye sockets, they must be somewhere else on his body.

After all, it doesn’t require too much skill, and Tuan Zang once did it, so Kakashi secretly said, “It seems that only by capturing his kaleidoscope writing wheel can we have a chance of winning!”

In the face of untouched soil, Naruto was not too surprised, and secretly said, "Sure enough, it is the same as the Datong Mushe, what can I do?"

"Qiu Daoyu" is almost immune to all ninjutsu, even if it is "Dust Escape" as a "blood following", but it is only the fusion of the three Chakras, and it cannot affect the seven Chakras. , So if there is no equivalent strength, or'space ninjutsu' that can cut space,'Qiu Daoyu' is unsolvable.

Just now, Naruto's several Chakra arms were broken down by "Qiu Daoyu" just because they touched the "Qiu Daoyu" with soil!

At this time, he brought his hands up with the soil ~ ~ to protect his ink-colored ball immediately changed to the shape of a tin rod and returned to his hands.

After glancing at everyone, he said, "Now you should be clear, your resistance is meaningless, so let me summarize this old world full of despair!"

A group of Ninja coalitions around were surprised and suspicious, but no one answered, and the scene fell into a strange silence.

Because of the high-profile propaganda that God organized in the past, the Ninja Allied Forces knew more about Qiu Daoyu than the original time and space, and because of the invincible fairy image of Yanlu, everyone had a natural awe of Qiu Daoyu. So when the soil showed "Qiu Daoyu", the shock to the Ninja Alliance was much larger than the original time and space.

Just as everyone was hesitant, Naruto with a sincere heart shouted, "How can we trust your despicable villain, if you put the ninja world in your hands, then you are really in despair?" !"

He shook his head with soil and said lightly, "It doesn't matter what I do. I don't need your support and consent anyway."

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