Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1336: Eyes that interfere in space and time

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The sudden thorns on the ground made the soil slightly surprised.

At his level, no matter how fast the general ninjutsu is, he can more or less notice Chakra's fluctuations in advance, but these stone thorns suddenly spurted out, but he did not feel Chakra's fluctuations at all. .

"This is not an ordinary earth-to-ninjutsu..."

Although aware of this, he was not panicked and gave up the plan to face up, and stayed in place to wait for Junmalu to strike.


Throwing at Junmalu with soil, the sharp bone blade waving in his hand was severely cut on the tin rod with soil, and a harsh metal clash was made!

At the moment of contact between the two sides, Jun Malu looked stagnant.

Because he hit with all his strength, it was like hitting a hard boulder. No, it was steel that was harder than the boulder. The fierce slam was stopped instantly. The huge impact was like a mud bull entering the sea, without arousing half the waves. .

Immediately afterwards, a huge anti-shock force struck, and the bone blade in his hand ‘clicked’ and shattered in response, and his entire body was flew out without resistance!


Jun Malu, who fell **** the ground, couldn't care about breaking his head and bleeding, and looked at the earth with surprise.

He has always been confident in body surgery, and just now he has no reservations, and has almost exerted the power of his ‘corpse bone vein’ and ‘Earth Curse Seal’ to the extreme.

He said that in terms of strength, he should be no worse than anyone, but his full blow not only did not cause half damage to the soil, but even failed to repel the soil half step!

At this moment, the soil carrying the tin rod waved with his hand and shattered all the stone thorns that imprisoned his body, and then he stepped heavily on the ground with his left foot.


Suddenly, the screams of Yamato came from the ground not far away.

Obviously, the potential underground is preparing to attack Yamato with the soil, which was discovered by the soil in advance, and he was injured by a free kick!


After snorting, he swept the earth around and tried to find the trace of the long gate through the sky and dust.

call out...

At this moment, a dragon-shaped phantom carrying a ball of light shot at him.

With a glance at the soil obliquely, he casually urged a'Qiu Dao jade' around him to welcome him.

However, before waiting for'Qiu Daoyu' to hit the light ball, the light ball exploded violently at a position about ten meters away from the soil, and emitted a dazzling white light!

In an instant, the night that shrouded the heavens seemed to be lit by this white light.

Not only that, while shooting a dazzling glare, a fierce and rapid tremor came from the light ball, and the sharp sound wave formed a visible ripple in the smoke and quickly expanded.

Disturbed by the sudden glare and sound waves, even the'six-level' soil, also felt obvious discomfort, subconsciously closed his eyes and covered his ears.

But even so, the powerful penetrating sound wave continued to disturb his body, shaking him up with blood and numbness.

Undoubtedly, this trick is one of Pocket's unique tricks, "Fairy, White Excitement."

It is a high-level magic technique that uses sound waves created by strong light and friction shock to attack the enemy and deprive the enemy of vision, hearing, and even touch for a period of time.

If the enemy is weak, he can even directly paralyze the enemy's body and completely make the enemy lose his ability to move.

Itachi and Sasuke who had this trick in the original space and time, let alone immediately launched a counterattack, even maintaining "Suzengenghu" was extremely difficult and completely fell into the passive.


Just when the soil was affected by the "White Excitement", Nagato jumped into the area of ​​influence of the "White Excitement", endured the impact of strong light and sound waves, and launched the "Vajra Blockade" by gritting his teeth.

Suddenly, several golden chains were ejected from the body of the long door and entangled in the earth.

As the ninth level of the "Six Dao", the adaptability is far superior to the ordinary ninja. Although the glare and sound waves created by the "White Excitement Technique" are still there, he has gradually adapted and opened his eyes.

Seeing the golden chain struck with the roaring sound, hesitated with the soil.

He was originally prepared to defeat the Nagato head-on, let Nagato know who is the true leader of the organization, and who is the strongest person in the world, but he is not Uchiha spot, after all, without Uchiha spot's all the gloom He has been accustomed to caution and concession in the hands of God's organization many times.

Coupled with the interference of the "White Excitement Technique" and the fear of the strange eyes in the long-door eyes, he finally "blunted" himself and chose to temporarily avoid it.

Uh, uh...

Several golden chains instantly passed through the body with the soil blurred.

The earthy surface that was forced to evade temporarily seemed to be ready to give Nagato a fierce blow to declare the dignity of his current strongest ninja!

But at that moment, the strange eyes in the eyes of the long door suddenly burst into a strange brilliance.

Suddenly he felt a deep complexion, and felt that an unknown pupil force was interfering with his "Shenwei".

At almost the same time, those golden chains that had passed through the body actually penetrated the space barriers, chased into the earth-bearing "Shenwei" space, and firmly entangled the earth in the "virtual" state.

Suddenly caught in the golden chain, he was taken aback. He quickly looked down and found that he was still in an invincible state of "virtualization", and he immediately realized that "his eyes can not only see me." 'Lun Tomb Doppelganger', can still interfere with my space-time ninjutsu?! This... what is this eye? Is it also a reincarnated eye?"

Before he could further disperse his thoughts with the soil, he felt a strong force of the seal, striking from the golden chain that had wrapped around him.

Then, Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes found that he was rushing to the hands of his long door, and it seemed to be still sealed, and the sealed seal seemed to be the most legendary forbidden technique of the vortex family, "Ghost Sealing"!

"He wants to die with me?"

Looking at the long door with a decisive

The hegemony of the seal technique can't be more clear. The legendary "Chakra ancestor" Datong Muhuiye can't resist the seal, so although he has entered the "six levels" and belongs to the fairy beyond the ordinary, but still not Dare to insulate yourself.

What's more, the eyes of Nagato were so weird that he was terrified.

So, before the long door approached to exhibit the "Ghost Seal", he exploded the six powers of his body, forcibly broke free from the "Vajra blockade", and then summoned "Death" at the long door, and Not far away, only a "round tomb avatar" changed its position, and disappeared in front of the long door...


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