Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1345: Fairy war

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During the confrontation, the Japanese mirror and the'eye of the moon' at the eyebrows of the two people gradually swelled, and the color of each piece of jade on the scarlet eye pupils became deeper and deeper, each emitting a magical light, and it seems to have encountered Strong rivals in general!


At the moment when Chakra began to struggle with each other, there was no unnecessary nonsense in the air, and they rushed towards each other in a sharp and harsh wind!

At the moment, the speed of both of them surpassed the limit of the ninja, and the impact of only a few hundred meters brought out a string of sonic booms.


In a blink of an eye, the two collided together and caused a loud noise!

In a trance, the survivors on the battlefield vaguely saw the moment when the two collided, and the bright night sky was slightly distorted, as if the space barrier was broken.

Immediately afterwards, the torrent created by the collision of the two people vented from high altitude, forming a storm that swept across the battlefield.

The already messy battlefield became even more messy after being hit by this storm.

And the scope of this storm's influence is even larger and wider than before, even in Muye Village in the distance. The outer wall of a long section of the village collapsed instantly under the impact of the storm!

"Is this a fairy?"

"Damn, you can't even open your eyes!"

"Hey, should we evacuate first? It doesn't feel safe here!"

The survivors struggling in the storm all panicked.

The two immortals in the air were just an ordinary shock, and the aftermath caused by them caused such a storm. They really could not imagine what kind of disaster they would cause if they continued to fight.

So, a thought flashed through everyone's mind at the same time, that is to escape!

On the side of the Ninja Coalition, all the ninjas that can move have brought the injured people with breath around them, and they quickly retreated in the direction of Muye Village, where Tsunato took a seriously injured self, Kakashi was on his back. The angry Kay, four generations of Naruto brought Naruto with the same fate, and Itachi had a comatose Sasuke on his back.

Under the threat of death, everyone burst out a huge will to survive.

In the chaos, Zilai, who was held up by Tsunabe, suddenly found that Dashe Wan did not follow up, and quickly turned back to Dashe Wan who was still standing in the same place and shouted: "What are you still doing!"

Tsunade also urged: "Dashe Maru, their battle is not something we can intervene in, let's escape!"

Da She Wan shook his head and **** his unique hoarse voice: "You don't need to control me!"

Zilai thought that Dashe Wan didn't want to go back to Muye Village, so he persuaded: "Relax, old man has forgiven you for a long time, this time you can be considered to make up for it, no one will embarrass you when you return to the village!"

"Embarrassing me?!" After snorting, Da She Wan joked: "Do you think I still care about these?"

After knowing the secret identity of the leader of the Sunward Mirror God organization, Da She Wan is not afraid of any pressure. It is just that for him like him, being protected by his disciples is not a pleasant thing.

What's more, with the uncovering of the mysterious identity of Nikko Mirror, many of the doubts that had troubled him in the past are now suddenly realized.

Why did the **** organization ‘Fire Demon’ mix into the ceremonial site of Peyuhu, and watch the ‘Blood-Fusion Fusion Ceremony’ of Peyuyu...

Why did the God Organization assist Tuan Zang to further develop the'Ghost Buddhism'...

Why is mysteriously missing...

Why did the God Organization collect ‘Grel Mineral Vein’, ‘Sky Spear’ and other Chakra sources...

Why did the God Organization crack the "Ghost Seal" of the fourth generation of Naruto and take away half of the nine tails sealed in the body of the fourth generation of Naruto...

In the past, these doubts made Da She Wan clueless.

Because the **** organization was too strong, its leader'Yan Luo' was a unique fairy in the ninja world at that time, and the "blood following fusion ceremony" of the humble call had obvious defects, so he instinctively ruled out the **** organization in The possibility of planning a'Blood-Fusion Fusion Ritual' suggests that it may be that only a member of God's Organization has expressed interest in the'Blood-Fusion Fusion Ritual'.

It can be said that the superb performance of Nikko Mirror and the invincible character set of "Yan Luo" that day seriously interfered with the judgment of Da She Wan, making him miss the correct answer.

Now that Dashe Maru knows the secret identity of Nichigo Mirror's "Yan Luo", he naturally understands that Nichigo Mirror has long been staring at the **** fusion ritual, and it is most likely because of the "blood following fusion ritual" Only then gained the power of the fairy.

The temptation of fairy power is simply irresistible for Da She Wan!

The only thing he couldn't understand right now was that he couldn't figure out where the heliostat was from, and solicited so many loyal and shadow-like shadow level members, even members of the super shadow level **** organization.

If not so many powerful and never-lost members of the God Organization, the leader of the God Organization ‘Yan Luo’ invincible people in the world will not be so popular!

Uh, uh...

At this time, the pharmacist's pocket, Junmalu, Zhongwu, Yamato and several people gathered around Dashe Wan.

Because of Chongwu's treatment, the injury of the pharmacist's pocket has been recovered, and Chongwu has lost a lot of cell tissue at once, and his body has become smaller.

After glancing at a few men, Da She Wan ordered: "Follow me!"


With that, Da She Wan flashed in shape, rushing into the sky in the opposite direction to Muye Village.

The pharmacist took a few people without hesitation, immediately followed, and disappeared one by one in the field of vision of Ziye and Tsuna.

"Da She Wan, where are you going?"

Zilai also shouted, but received no response.

Gang Te seemed to think of something, and doubted: "This guy will not be staring at the long door?"

Tsunamu had noticed before that, Da She Wan had been secretly observing the bizarre eyes in the eyes of Nagato, especially when Nagamon was attacked and passed out, Dashe Pill was about to move a few times, so this time The strange behavior immediately reminded her of the eyes of the long door.

"Is he crazy? It's such a time, how can he still remember this!"

I was helpless for a while, so I had to catch up and stop Da She Wan from attacking Nagamon. After all, Nagamon was his disciple, and he had also helped the Ninja Alliance.


At this moment, another turbulent torrent came from the air, sweeping the entire battlefield in a rumbling loud noise, Tsunato and Zilai, the two mighty giants of the Ninja world, were like ants. Involved in it instantly.

Immediately afterwards, I suddenly flew a piece of "Qing Dao Jade" from some place, and smashed it fiercely to a ground that was not far from Tsunato!


In an instant, accompanied by a dazzling light, the whole land was blown up.

Gang hand and Zi Lai are like riding a roller coaster from time to time. With the violent ups and downs of the ground, they violently bumped up and down, and they flew out of the sky.

After waiting for a while, the dizzy people couldn't tell the direction.


The running in the ruins also climbed hard.

Tsunade, who had just climbed up from the ruins, looked over and immediately exclaimed: "Your face..."

"What's wrong with my face?"

Zilai also talked and touched his face subconsciously, but his hands were full of blood as soon as he touched his face.

At this time, the eyes, nose, mouth, and even the ears on both sides and other organs were bleeding from the outside, obviously suffering from severe shocks and internal injuries.

"Can't stay here again, otherwise we will all die!"

Tsunade put it firmly.

Not to mention coming alone, even her with a thousand-handed descent is faintly lacking in support.

The battle between immortals is really terrifying, even if they are as strong as they are, if they are not careful, they will die, so besides escaping their lives, Tsunate can't care about anything now.

Zilai still has some worries: "But Nagato he..."

Tsunade pouted: "Come on, your disciple is much better than you!"

Zilai was speechless.

the other side.

Already withdrawn to Kakashi at the gate of the village, while passing the comatose Kai to the mute as a medical ninja, he organized an enchantment class to arrange a defensive enchantment around the village.

Asma on the side looked at the sky in the distance: "Is it my illusion? How do I feel that every shot of the mirror and the earth is similar to the power of Kai after launching the "Eight Array of Dunmen"!"

Kakashi shook his head: "No, this is not an illusion!"

Red looked surprised: "Does every blow they have possesses the power of Kai to open the "dead door"?"

Kakashi nodded solemnly: "Judging from speed and strength, this is it!"

Because of the transplantation of a three-hook jade wheel, and his own rich experience, Kakashi is not difficult to judge. Simply in terms of speed and power, the heliostat and the throwing hands with the earth have the ability to open the "dead door". power.

In other words, the "dead door", the taboo door that burns life in the eyes of ordinary ninjas, is a normal state without cost for heliostats and earth with changed levels of life!

"Is this a fairy?" Asma paused, and said unwillingly: "When did the two guys, Mirror and Dutu, become so strong!"

Red said with emotion at this moment: "I finally believe the legends in the myth that have been destroyed by the fairy war!"

"Yeah, I thought those were just legendary stories!" After a pause, Asma looked at the busy enchantment class nearby, and said with some worry: "Can the enchantment stop them?"

Kakashi shook his head.

Obviously, as long as Nikko Mirror and Dori insisted on fighting in this neighborhood, it would be difficult to ensure the safety of Muye Village no matter what kind of enclave they laid.

high altitude.

In the turbulence of the rapids, after a confrontation, the Japanese mirror and the soil were confronted again.

The fight just now, although only a few dozen breaths, but the two sides of you have fought dozens of rounds against each other, the surrounding air, because of the violent friction and burnt smell.

At this time, the heliostat glanced at the ground, looking at the huge pit hundreds of meters in diameter that had just been exploded due to the explosion of Qiu Dao Yu, and his face was slightly dizzy.

That piece of Qiu Dao Jade was soiled.

During the confrontation just now, he didn't care too much about the heliostat, so he flew it out, and never thought that a huge crater like a meteorite impact appeared on the ground.

In fact, after reaching the real "Six Dao Levels," the role of "Qiu Dao Yu" plummeted.

Because "Qiu Daoyu" can't obliterate the "Six Dao" strong, for the "Six Dao" strong, "Qiu Daoyu" is just an extremely condensed, chakra that can be arbitrarily changed.

This is also the reason why the Japanese mirror easily hit the "Qiu Dao Yu" with soil just now.

It’s just that the Japanese mirror has not yet fully adapted to the changes in his own strength. The “Qingdaoyu”, which is not a threat to him, is the ultimate weapon that can easily destroy a forest. His unintentional move just now will probably hurt the battlefield by mistake. Survivors on the planet.

For him, whose level of life has changed, many inadvertent little things may be related to the life and death of countless people!

Withdrawing his gaze, the heliostat focused his eyes.

In addition to the reincarnation eyes in the eye sockets, there is also the ‘eye of the moon’ at the center of the eyebrows, and his own pair of kaleidoscope writing chakra eyes transplanted in the palms of both hands.

Not counting the power of the ten tails, with the earth at least masters the two kinds of ‘time and space ninjutsu’ of ‘shenwei’ and ‘round tomb border prison’.

‘Suzuka-neng’ and ‘Liu Dao’’s ‘Earthburst Star’ who can launch the ‘Liu Dao’ and ‘Isa Naqi’, the forbidden technique to fool fate.

Coupled with the deflation of eating for many years, the body surgery has also been excellent, so there is no obvious shortcoming with soil.

Although the "Blood Jilan" is stronger than the "Six Dao" in terms of level, in terms of combat power, the "Blood Jilan" is not so obvious in its advantage over the "6 Dao".

This can be clearly seen from the failure of Datong Muhuiye to Datongmu Yuyi, the brothers of Datongmu Yucun, and Naruto, Sasuke.

‘Blood and Snare’ will never be a no-brainer in the face of ‘Six Dao’. If the tactics are not applied properly, the loser will still lose.

And now the land that opened the "Eye of the Moon" belongs to the pinnacle of the "Six Dao Levels". It has received gifts from the Six Dao Immortals than the original time and space, and it can only enter the incomplete "Six Dao Levels" threshold of the "Six Dao Levels". Man, Sasuke has strengthened more than one point, so the heliostat's advantage over the soil is there, but it is not significant.

Just as the heliostat looked at the soil, he also secretly looked at the heliostat.

After the trial just now, he found that he was at a disadvantage in physical surgery, and he used it very smoothly before, almost without any disadvantages, "Qiu Daoyu", completely ineffective when facing the heliostat.

This made him uncomfortable for a while.

Suddenly, the heliostat launched the reincarnated eye and entered the "Reincarnated Eye Chakra Mode". All over his body were wrapped in a blue-blue reincarnate eye Chakra.

"Do you know?" Suddenly, the heliostat raised his corner of the mouth: "The most feared reincarnation eye is just the front face!"

With that said, the nine "Qing Dao Yu" haunting the Sun Mirror flew into his hands one by one, condensing into a dazzling golden sword!

Although the reincarnation eye does not have the "time and space ability", the "reincarnation eye chakra mode" can be deeply developed and used in the "request for the jade", so in the same level of confrontation, the "request for jade" has become a chicken rib, and the reincarnation eye has In the hands of those who are still a magic weapon to defeat the enemy.

Therefore, face the shock and reincarnate the eyes without fear!

Watching the Sun Mirror enter the'Reincarnation Chakra Model' of the'Yan Luo' signboard, holding the dazzling golden sword in his hand, the earthy eyes slightly jumped.

Immediately, his face fell: "Follow me with this set, and want to lie to me as before? Don't think I can't feel that Chakra inside you is not enough!"

"Did you find it?"

The heliostat smiled, and with a straight face, he protruded his left hand towards the With a sudden expression of expression, he looked nervously at the left hand of the heliostat, and did not understand what he wanted. What to do.


However, a minute passed and nothing happened, only the night breeze was blowing gently.


Both of the confrontation were a bit embarrassed.

There were some heliostats on the face that stared at the moon fiercely and said, "Think clearly!"


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