Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1347: New legend!

   "Blood following the snare..."

   With a somber face, a trace of doubt flashed.

The concept of "Liu Dao level" was first thrown by the Japanese mirror, so he naturally didn't know what the "Blood Ji snare" was, but from the word "Xue Ji", he immediately inferred what was in the mouth of the Japanese mirror This'blood succession snare' should have a similar meaning to'blood succession limit' and'blood succession elimination'.

   It's just that ‘blood succession snare’ is obviously far more powerful than ‘blood succession limit’ and ‘blood succession elimination’.

   "He doesn't have ten tails, how did he do this? Is it just because of his reincarnated eyes?"

   Gradually, there are more and more doubts in the soil.

   Until this moment, he still could not believe that the **** organization ‘Yan Luo’, a fairy who had suppressed the ninja world for more than ten years, turned out to be the crane’s heliostat at the same period.

   The huge sense of absurdity makes him have a trance of time and space dislocation.

  After converging his thoughts, he stared at the heliostat.

  The heliostat under normal conditions, the speed and power are faintly above him. After entering the'Reincarnation Chakra Model' of the'Yan Luo' signboard, this gap is further widened.

   Plus the almost indestructible golden sword held in the hands of the Japanese mirror, even "Qiu Dao Yu" can be cut off with a sword, making him feel daunted from the heart.

   Of course, what caused him the most panic was the failure of ‘Shenwei’!

  No matter how powerful the enemy was, how complicated the situation was, as long as he hid in the "Shenwei" space, he would be able to leave the battlefield without fail.

And now with the "Shenwei" failure, the safest haven in his heart also disappeared, a sense of insecurity that nowhere to hide, instantly filled his mind, making him feel irrepressible fear and anxiety !

   was also observing the heliostat with earth, and noticed the flash of confusion in the eyes with earth, and said: "Why, what happened, so shaken so quickly?"

   "Heliostat, are you **** pitying me? Don’t look at me with such a look, what are your qualifications to pity me?"

   seemed to be stimulated by the eyes of the heliostat and annoyed with the soil.

   Sun Xiangjing did not answer, just glanced at the Naruto Yushen robe fluttering in the wind.

   The earthy expression stayed for a while, then he waved his hand and shouted: "Huoying or something, I don't care! I haven't been the former Uchiha with earth!"

  Horizontal mirror slightly tilted his head, his eyes were slanted, looking down on the soil.

   "Don't look at me with the look of the tail of the crane, you bastard!!!"

   Instantly, the soil was completely irritated by the sight of the heliostat.

  After roaring, five protruding sharp corners protruded from his back, puncturing his clothes, and a strange red flame ignited successively on the sharp corners.

   This strange red flame is called "Cross Fire", which is the unique ability of the ten-tailed man.

  At the same time, the tin rod that was re-transformed from "Qiu Dao Yu" in his hand suddenly cracked, like a DNA sequence, twisted and intertwined, forming a spear with a unique shape.

   "This is the "Spear of Tenuma" used by the Six Daoian to create the world. It can represent the will of the master and is a sword that symbolizes faith and determination!"


   Immediately afterwards, the "Cross Fire" behind the soil floated onto the "Spear of Amano", and the red magic flame instantly enveloped this sword that symbolizes the belief and determination of the soil.

   Watching the outbreak of the full force, preparing to fight the dead soil of the battle, the corner of the Japanese mirror mirror slightly.

   irritated the earth, he deliberately did it.

Because only in this way can the soil bring a rebellious psychology and fight against him hard, otherwise, if the soil cools down and uses the power of "Shenwei" to return to Konoha again, or to track him on the moon. Saka's traces, finding the air fortress with giant reincarnated eyes, etc., will make him into a very passive situation.

   But Chakra, who broke out with the soil at the moment, is indeed somewhat beyond his expectation. The ten-tailed man's column strength is indeed not comparable to the ordinary "six levels".

   This is not only because the ten-tailed man can use the almost inexhaustible Chakra of the ten-tailed man, but also because the ten-tailed man contains a lot of information about Datong Muhuiye and the'Six Daoxianren'.

   For example, the "Spear of Tenuma" in the hands of the earth in front of him is obviously that he excavated the information contained in the ten tails, thus mastering the technique used by the "Six Daoxianren".

   The sun mirror raised the dazzling ‘Golden Wheel rebirth’ held in his right hand: “My sword is only loyal to me to cut off anything I don’t like...”

  Take a deep breath: "You are still as annoying as before!"

   "Is it just as stupid as you were?" He paused and smiled lightly: "Some things can't be easily changed!"

   said that the left hand of the Japanese mirror made a'mark of opposition' towards the soil, just like the Ninji school exam.

After taking the soil for a while, I immediately understood the meaning of the heliostat, and while making a'mark of opposition' to the asahi mirror, he said, "Relax, I won't treat the village until you get rid of your bastard. Hands on!"



   The two who completed the "Symbol of Opposition" no longer have scruples and launched an offensive at the same time!


  In a moment, a dazzling golden sword shone in the desert, accompanied by roar, and divided the desert into two!

   Then, a spear lingering in the red flame swept across, setting off a huge wave of air, as if prying the earth's crust, and the whole earth shook with it.

   Then, under the influence of chaotic influence of disordered suction and repulsion, the sky-drenched sandstorm intertwined and collided with each other, sometimes making an overwhelming roar, and sometimes a sharp and harsh roar!

   And as the war continued, the whole desert fell into chaos, and there was no way to distinguish between up, down, left, and right.

Not only that, but even the space inside it was shattered and shattered due to the increasingly fierce battle. You can often see the dazzling golden sword intermittently, shuttled through the constantly flashing space door, clearly half here, the other half But it appeared in another place dozens of miles away.

   At the same time, I can see the roaring red flame suddenly disappear, and then burst out at another place, burning all the surroundings and the gravel all over the ground!

   Soon, the battlefield is no longer limited to a corner of the desert.

  Hiroko Mirror’s ‘Huangquan Biliangban’ and ‘Kinwei’ with soil entangled each other, leading to space confusion, and a huge space-time door leading to the unknown sea was opened at once.

  In a short time, the "Golden Wheel Reincarnation" of the heliostat was accompanied by flying sand, spurting from the end of the desert, and across thousands of kilometers, a sword pierced the sea on the other end.

With a flash of body shape, it was able to avoid the "Golden Wheel reincarnation burst" from the sun mirror, and then ten red ten-chacha arms were stretched out of the body, and an island near him was pulled up from the sea. And then threw it at the heliostat.

  Horizontal mirror does not dodge, just a split, cut the island thrown with soil in half from the middle!


   Accompanied by a roar, the island was cut in half by the Japanese mirror "Golden Wheel Rebirth" and fell into the desert at the end of the space gate thousands of kilometers away.


  Horizon Mirror, a ‘instant technique’, crossed the space gate and chased the sea on the other end.

And as the messy space doors closed slowly, a messy, gully desert gradually restored tranquility, only a few seabirds thrown over along with the island, in the sky of yellow sand uttered'quack' blankly 'S cry...


  Kiye General Headquarters.

   After that, Xiang Jing and Du Di disappeared on the battlefield one after another, and all the high-level officials of the Five Great Forbearance Villages immediately returned to the headquarters.

  After the fourth ninja war broke out completely, the five major ninja villages built a giant sensing water polo in the general headquarters that could perceive the entire ninja world.

   As long as it is in the ninja world, and there is no huge Chakra reaction blocked by the enchantment, the sensed water polo in the headquarters can be more or less sensed.

   While looking at the waterballs in front of them like the gourds, they all looked at each other.

  The fourth generation of Lei Ying asked, "What's going on?"

  Yiichi Yamanaka, who is responsible for perception, explained: "The Chakras of the Five Dynasties and Uchiha with soil are too large, so this will happen to the perception of water polo!"

   Under normal circumstances, the perception water polo will be a regular sphere.

   After sensing the Chakra wave, the perceived water polo will cause a wave of ripples according to the corresponding intensity. Now, because the hela mirror and the Chakra wave with soil in Uchiha are too terrifying, the water ball has become a deformed gourd.

  Fourth-generation Lei Ying said impatiently: "I know what you say, I'm asking you to perceive the raised position on the water polo, why is it constantly changing?"

   Yamanakayama shook his head helplessly: "This... we don't know very well."

   If you sense the height of the bulge on the water polo, it indicates the strength of the Chakra, and then the direction and position of the bulge on the water polo represents the direction and location of the Chakra wave.

   At this moment, it can be felt that the raised places on the water polo are constantly changing, and some are even on the upper and lower poles of the water polo, which is difficult to understand.

  Four generations of wind and shadow said: "Are they constantly going through time and space?"

   heard the speculation of the fourth generation of Fengying, and everyone immediately looked at the second and fourth generations of Naruto, who are good at the technique of flying thunder god.

  The second generation of Naruto shook his head and said frankly: "The old man is also not sure. Under normal circumstances, the body of the ninja can not support the space shuttle of this distance!"

  Four generations of Naruto echoed and nodded.

"Flying Thunder" will judge consumption based on the amount of Chakra carried and distance, so it is no problem to use "Flying Thunder" for short distances, but it can be used for cross-country or even cross-continental shuttles. The art of'can't catch up.

  This is not only because of Chakra's consumption problem, but also because the ninja's physical strength is difficult to support the space shuttle at this distance.

  Three generations of earth shadows said at this time: "This reminds me of the battle of world destruction in mythology!"

  Three generations of Naruto looked to three generations of earth shadows: "Do you mean the battle between the Six Dao Immortals and Chakra Ancestor Hui Yeji?"


   Three generations of Tu Ying nodded worriedly.

  Before the organization of the gods involved the legendary Otsuki family, in order to investigate the organization of the gods, the senior officials of the five big ninja villages collected and sorted out the myths and legends circulated in various countries.

Many of the ancient books mentioned unclearly that the'Liu Dao Xianren' only created the Ninja Sect after experiencing a battle of annihilation and defeating an evil **** threatening the ninja world, spreading Chakra and ninjutsu to ninja On the earth.

   and the evil **** defeated by the "Liu Dao Xian Ren", officially has the name of "Chakra Ancestor" Datong Muhui Ye.

   It is said that the whole battle was fought for a whole month, the continent was fragmented, and the whole world was caught in the flames of war, so it was called the battle of annihilation.

  In the beginning, when the myths and legends were sorted out, the senior officials of the five big ninja villages thought that myths were only myths.

   There are no people in the world who can fight for a few months and break the continent. Even the legendary "Six Daoxian" is unlikely.

But now watching the shuttle back and forth in the ninja world, hit the moon in a while, hit the universe, hit the desert in a while, hit the heliostat and Uchiha in the ocean, they suddenly discovered that myth and legend In the so-called'World Extinguishment War' in China, maybe it really happened!

   said from the beginning, "Is this the battle in mythology?"

   Gang shook his head: "It should be said that we are experiencing a new legend!"

  Sometimes uneasy when he turned to bed: "Will it affect the village?"

If what is going on right now is a copy of the "World War of Destruction" in mythology and legend, it might be said that Kono will also be affected. It was shattered.

  After hearing Xiaochun's words, several other actors present also worried about their villages.

  Asma scratched her head: "Hey, I don't know what the state of the mirror is now. UU reading can't beat it and become the pillar soil of the ten tails!"

   Kakashi sighed: "Now we can only trust the mirror!"

  For him, whether it is a heliostat or earth, are close friends who can commit their lives, and the situation has developed to such a point that he can be said to be the most painful person.

  Itachi who had taken off the mask of the blaze decisively said, "Master Naruto will not lose!"

   Zhenyi smiled without a burden: "Relax, the boss won!"

  Everyone heard the words and looked at Zhenyi. Asma asked in a puzzled way: "Why are you so sure?"

   really shrugged: "You haven't seen it yet? The boss can't show up in a situation that can't cope with it! Now that the boss is showing up, it means that the problem of the **** with the soil is not big!"

   Zhishui smiled: "Seniors will never fail, please rest assured!"

   Looking at Itachi, Shinichi, Zhishui, these kaleidoscopes Uchiha's inexplicable trust in the heliostat, everyone felt that the familiar heliostat had become strange.

   Kakashi secretly exclaimed: "How many secrets are hidden in the mirror..."


   4000 words two-in-one chapter, please recommend the ticket, monthly ticket! In addition, thank you to the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

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