In Naruto's spiritual world.

   ‘Liu Dao Xianren’ who floated cross-legged on the circle of ‘Qiu Daoyu’, looked seriously at the opposite Naruto: “Old man’s identity, should you understand now?”

  Although listening to the old man with reincarnation eyes opposite for a long time, Naruto is still confused: ‘Grandpa, can you make it simpler! "

"I still don't understand..." After a pause, the'Liu Dao Xianren' shook his head and said: "The obstacles to communication between us are due to the gap of the times, we live in a long distance, and have cultural traditions and ethics. There are huge differences, even though the old man has learned the language of the new culture, but..."

  Wait for'Liu Dao Xianren' Luo Li's words, and Naruto shouted, "Grandpa, I don't have time to chat with you now!"

   ‘Liu Dao Xianren’ said voluntarily: “I know you’re in a hurry, but it’s useless now, you have to understand...”

   Naruto scratched his head and said, "I can't understand what you are saying! Grandpa, are you an alien?"

   ‘Liu Dao Xianren’ suddenly looked stagnant, and there was a trace of waves on the old-fashioned face, and immediately said, “Aliens or something, it’s too much!”

  Naruto quickly said: "Please keep this way of speaking, I can understand this!"

  'Liu Dao Xianren' so strangely explained his identity.

   When he learned that the old man with the reincarnation eyes and ‘Qiu Daoyu’ in front of him was the legendary ‘Liu Dao Xianren’, Naruto was taken aback: “You are the Liu Dao Xian who created ninjutsu mentioned by the teacher!?”

   "So you have heard of the old man's name..."

  Finally, the "Six Daoxianren" waved and attracted the fairy wand suspended on the side, gently to the ground a moment, a moment, a ripple rippled on the pool on the ground of Naruto's soul world.

  As ripples spread to Naruto's feet, a strange figure was immediately reflected on the water.

  'Liu Dao Xianren' floated in front of Naruto: "Did you see it? You are actually the reincarnation of my son Asura..."


   Naruto was startled.

  'Liu Dao Xianren' immediately explained the conflict between him and his mother Otsuki Muhuiye in a way that Naruto could understand.

  Naruto curiously said: "It was terrifying that my mother started the fire, but where did Huiye come from?"

"It doesn't matter where she came from." He coughed twice and said, "Liu Dao Xianren" said: "You just need to understand that she is very powerful, once known by the world as "Mao Goddess" and "Chakra Ancestor". "

   Then, the'Liu Dao Xianren' introduced their two sons, Otaki Indra and Otura Asura, to the millennium disputes arising from different ideas.

  After speaking, the "Six Daoxianren" stared at Naruto: "Chakra of Ashura in your body, you must be aware of it too!"

  Naruto's expression gradually dignified.

With the growth of strength and age, his control of his power has also changed fundamentally, so these days he has vaguely felt a tyrannical investigation in his body that does not belong to him, but is attached to his spiritual body. carat.

  Seeing Naruto's expression, "Liu Dao Xian Ren" said: "You have already noticed, then you should also guess who is the reincarnation of your brother Indra?"


  Naruto answered decisively.


   Sasuke's spiritual world.

   Sasuke, who was also asked about this question by the "Liu Dao Xian Ren", also did not hesitate: "Is Naruto!"

   "Liu Dao Xian Ren" nodded: "Yes, and before you, the reincarnation of the last Indra and Asura was between Uchiha Spot and Thousand Pillars."

   Sasuke's complexion: "Uchiha spot..."

The expression of "Liu Dao Xian Ren" said with some helplessness: "Because of the excessive indulgence in power, the spot grabbed the power between the columns, and at the same time, Chakra, who had his brother Indra and younger brother Asura, opened the cycle of rebirth in his later years. eye."

   "Sure enough, this is how to open the eyes of reincarnation!"

   Sasuke was secretly happy, because he had undergone cell transplantation of tissues and obtained Chakra of the first generation of Huo Ying.

"Liu Dao Xian Ren" continued to sigh: "The old man had anticipated this situation, and he deliberately left a stone tablet, hoping that Indra could be renovated after seeing it, but now it seems that the stone tablet has not played What role, hey!"

   "Stone stele?!"

   Sasuke remembered the stone tablet in the secret room of the Nakanamaga Shrine, which was mentioned by his brother Itachi.

   Immediately, Sasuke asked the "Liu Dao Xianren": "Liu Dao Xianren, you have been watching the dispute of your son's brother all the time? Shouldn't this fairy person stop this kind of thing?"

"That's right!" After being silent for a while, the'Liu Dao Xianren' talked about the differences in the concepts of Indra and Asura, emphasizing: "The power will make people lost, and the more my mother unified the world by herself, the more The more and more indulged in power, which caused people to start to fear her. She, who was originally known by the world as the "Goddess of U", has gradually become the evil **** in people's eyes!"

   said, "Liu Dao Xianren" stared at Sasuke: "Once the power is concentrated in only one person, the power will be out of control, and the person in charge of the power will sink into the power."

   Sasuke was a little disapproved, but after listening to these words, he understood why the'Liu Dao Xianren' had divided the ten tails and established Ninja Sect, and passed his Chakra to the world.

"Liu Dao Xian Ren" went on to say: "The spot is like this, almost exactly the same as Hui Ye's mother Hui Ye, and the Uchiha belt he created with one hand is now gaining the power of the ten tails. The strength is not only close to that of the old man, but even trying. Take control of the power of Mother Huiye.'Infinite Moon Reading' is not a simple illusion, but an evil technique that can enslave people and bring everyone's Chakra together again!"

  Sasuke asked: "Hui Ye used to use "Infinite Moon Reading"?"

  'Liu Dao Xianren' nodded slowly: "Well, the consequences are very terrible, so you must stop Uchiha from bringing soil and spots, otherwise, the ninja world will be destroyed by them."

In    hesitation, ‘Liu Dao Xianren’ did not add the name of Nissho Mirror.

  It is already very difficult to deal with Uchiha only with soil and spots. If you add a heliostat already above him, this is almost impossible.

   So even though the heliostat, which wants to gain power at all costs, is not recognized by him, he can only compare the two evils to the lesser.

And as the tail beast is used as a weapon again and again, the ninjas have been fighting each other in the form of individuals, families, and even ninja villages for thousands of years. He is also not sure that he founded Ninja Sect, and will give Chakra points to the world, hoping that the world can understand each other. Is the idea correct?

At this time, in two different spiritual worlds, the'Six Dao Immortals' addressed Naruto at the same time, Sasuke said: "Stretch your hand, this time I will entrust your power to you, what will you do, what will ninja world do In the future, it all depends on you!"


   A towering snowy mountain suddenly gleamed with a dazzling golden light. Then, the majestic majestic big snowy mountain was cut off by this golden light and collapsed in an incredible way!


   The collapsed mountain was mixed with the rolling ice and snow, forming a huge surging avalanche, making a loud noise!

   And in this horrible avalanche that changed the world and the world, both of them carried sharp ghosts and ghosts in every move, and traversed back and forth among them!

  It was like this terrible avalanche, for them it was just splashes of water in the pond.

   There is no doubt that these two figures that suddenly appeared on the Daxue Mountain are not the others, but the two immortals who are traveling around the ninja world, the fighting sun mirror and Uchiha.


   Soon, the golden light shone again, bypassing the "Spear of Amano" with the soil in front of him, and flicked lightly on the shoulder with the left shoulder of the soil!

  In an instant, flesh and blood flew!

Although he is already a "six-level" fairy and a column force of the ten-tailed person, the body with soil still can't resist the "golden wheel rebirth" in the hands of the heliostat, but only a slight cut, and half of his shoulders were cut off by golden light. .


   After spitting blood, he spit out a **** red ‘Cross Fire’ towards the mirror towards the mirror with a sigh of earth.

   Suddenly lifted his left hand to the mirror, and within a few hundred meters around him, a strange purple flame was ignited without any warning, fighting against the invading blood red flame.

  In an instant, these two flames ignoring the severe cold and the ice and snow burned each other, making the snow-capped mountains covered by cold mist appear colorful and dreamlike!

  At this time, the two men had already left the snow mountain through ‘time and space ninjutsu’, and broke into an unknown volcanic cave.

   Ignored the hot magma underneath, and the two continued to wrestle in the belly of the volcano.

The relatively narrow volcanic mountain was obviously unable to accommodate the two men’s fighting. The air waves and torrents caused by the aftermath of their battles instantly shattered the surrounding solid mountain walls, allowing the lava wrapped in the pungent smoke to flow slowly. Go out!

   In the struggle, the more he fought with the soil, the more frightened he was, and he was puzzled: "Damn, how can he become stronger and stronger, he can't stop it!"

   The feeling of being earthy is not an illusion. As the battle continued, the heliostat, which had just completed the ceremony and was promoted to ‘Blood and Snake’, began to gradually adapt to the ‘Blood and Snake' power.

   Therefore, as the heliostat becomes more and more accustomed to its own power of ‘blood following the snare’ and becomes more familiar with it, naturally the pressure felt on the side of the soil will become greater and greater.

   In fact, this battle takes up a lot of land with a very low price.

   came because the lead soil stepped into the ten-tailed column force step by step as early as a few weeks ago, and stepped into the real "six-level", and had enough time to adapt to the strength of the "six-level".

The second reason is that after the Japanese mirror completed the ceremony and was promoted to "Blood Following the Net", the non-stop came to meet the soil. At the final stage of the ceremony, Chakra, which was wasted to hit the "Blood Following the Net", had no time to recover. .

But even if there are many disadvantages, the combat skills he sharpened in a hard battle, and the personality of "Blood Following the Snare" above the "six levels" still make him quickly occupy the advantage, and this kind of The advantages continue to expand.

   After all, actual combat is the best teacher!

  The earth-bearing, ten-tailed, and confrontational column force of ten tails can be said to be the best ‘accompaniment’ that the Japanese mirror can find in the entire ninja world.

The battle with the earth not only made him quickly adapt to the power of the "blood following the snare", but also allowed him to have the destructive power of his own speed, power, insight, perception, and even various ninjutsu and pupil skills. A very precise understanding.

  'S use of "Huang Quan Bi Liang Saka", the just-understood "time and space pupil technique", as well as the understanding of space, has also made great progress in dealing with the short soil.

   From a certain point of view, carrying soil is both an opponent and a good grindstone!


   was another blast, and the volcanic mountain collapsed again in a large area!

  Among countless falling rocks, heliotropes floating on the magma more and more easily, gazing at the opposite soil far away, said lightly: "Hey, is your so-called determination and will only have this degree?"

   Gasped with a heavy gasp while gritting his teeth: "Don't be proud!"

   "I'm not proud..." He paused and said to the mirror: "It's just a little... lost, I thought there would be a **** war!"

"You bastard..."

  With soil, he can see that the Japanese mirror is telling the truth, but because of this, he is extremely annoyed.

  Compared to the fear and hatred cast in the eyes of others, he hated the contempt cast in the eyes of others, especially the contemporaries who wore the Naruto Imperial God's robe in front of him, the tail of the crane that stood with him at the end of the team.

   At this time, the heliostat converged the'golden wheel rebirth' in his hand to a length of only one meter.

   With the infinite concentration of power, even if it is the soil with reincarnation eyes, when looking directly at the golden sword in the hands of the heliostat, it can't help but feel dazzling!

   said to the mirror slowly: "Take the soil, now hand over ten tails, I will give you a decent ending, this is as a contemporaneous student, I give you the last advice, and your last chance!"

   "How could I admit defeat to you!"

   screamed, and violently launched the ‘Vientiane Tianyin’, and pulled the heliostat together into the hot magma underneath.

However, the magma, which is a restricted area of ​​life, did not cause substantial damage to the two people who fell into it. They were wrapped in a reincarnation Chakra, a robe with a ten-tailed tail animal, and the hot magma was with them. The words were no different from the thicker mud. The two hit the depths of the volcano all the way and then left the ground directly through the space door.

   Thousands of years ago, the battle between the big barrel wooden feather coat and the big barrel wooden feather village brothers against Hui Yeji, the battle between the Japanese mirror and the soil was more fierce and more flexible.

   This is because regardless of Hui Yeji or Brother Datongmu, they can be regarded as natural gods, and they have the power of the "six levels" almost after birth.

  In the process of growing up, he has not encountered any strong enemies, nor has he experienced the battle of life and death. He lacks both combat experience and mastery of his own strength.

   It can be said that the war between mother and son was the first real life-death battle they experienced in their lives.

   Therefore, although they have all kinds of appalling pupil skills and ninjutsu, they have mastered many unimaginable mysteries and forbidden techniques, but the battle process is lackluster, and the veneer is not even as good as ordinary forbearance.

   So that battle was protracted and lasted for several months. It was turned upside down and the mainland was broken.

   On the contrary, both the current Japanese mirror and the lead soil are battle-hardened, and they endure step by step from the humbleness like ants, to the realm of today.

   So they are not born gods, but they know more how to use their own advantages and how to find the enemy's flaws.

  What kind of tactics to choose, what kind of shot timing should be selected, etc., almost all of them have been carved into their bones, forming an instinct!

   They are not like the war between the big brothers and Hui Yeji, the entire ninja world is turned upside down, the earth is broken, and the spirits are coated.

   They have stronger control over their own power, just think that there is no need to squander Chakra like that.

  Even so, the two of them are still like walking natural disasters. Wherever they hit, they will break up that area. It's just that once one party has the advantage, this advantage will be quickly accumulated, just like the heliostat at this time.

   Brothers Otsuki played with Hui Yeji for several months before gradually scoring the victory and defeat, and the Japanese mirror and the soil were only a moment's battle, and the situation began to become clear.

   Soon, the struggle became a chase!

  Using the earth to escape with the "Shenwei" all the way, and finally returned to the territory of the country of fire, and the Japanese mirror also followed all the way, biting the earth with every step.

  After another confrontation, the back of the soil was cut by the golden sword of the heliostat, and a long wound was drawn.

  However, the shocking wound on the back, with the soil but invisible, still fled, and from time to time he peered behind the heliostat.

   "There is only one chance!"

   The eyes with soil gradually sink.

  Now his other tricks are difficult to cause substantial damage to the heliostat. UU reading only has six levels of "Earthburst Star" to hope to reverse the situation.

  Like Udo, the Japanese mirror is looking for opportunities.

   And just after the Japanese mirror and the earth were once again killed in the territory of the country of fire, in the distance, Uchiha spot and Jue came to a high cliff and watched from afar.

   Uchiha spotted his hands on his chest: "Huh, a good fight, even I can feel bloody!"

  Bai Ju said at this time: "Senior Spot, strictly speaking, you are still a dead person, you can't feel the temperature of the blood."

   Uchiha's face turned black and he stared at Bai Jue.

   Bai Jue suddenly shrunk his head and whispered, "I can't feel it..."

   Suddenly, there was a roar from the far battlefield, and a dazzling golden light flashed at the same time!

   Uchiha spot quickly looked over and found that a huge sphere appeared in the sky in the distance, this sphere is still absorbing the soil on the ground quickly, the bigger and bigger, the higher and higher!

   And under the huge sphere, the body with soil was broken into two pieces, and Ten Tail was struggling to break out of the body with soil...


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