Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1353: Does ninja really need us to save?

Sasuke, who fell to the ground, was surprised at the moment, and his eyes were full of confusion.

After receiving the gift of "Liu Dao Xian Ren", he can clearly feel the change of his own strength, especially the left eye that has evolved, he can feel that this is only the reincarnation eye of Gouyu, and he has the horror pupil he had never imagined before. force.

   This improvement in strength is a qualitative improvement.

   Sasuke feels that he is not what he used to be. He can hold up the name of Uchiha alone, and he is a strong man who has already stepped into the realm of a fairy!

   is precisely because of this pride, so that he is now particularly confused.

   didn't understand why he couldn't even resist a "round tomb avatar" of Uchiha, and this "round tomb avatar" was clearly a punch in the hands of the Japanese mirror.

   "Damn, what the **** is wrong!"

  Under the mood, he couldn't calm down at all. Such a reality made him very embarrassed.

   Obviously, the appearance of the "Six Dao Immortals" and the sharply improved strength not only disturbed Sasuke's state of mind, but also made him a little irritable, but also magnified his shortcomings of advancing under the enemy!

The "round tomb prison" itself is a high-end pupil technique involving the reincarnation of the eye, and the current Uchiha spot is not only the ten-tailed column force, but also the magical chakra blessing, so his "round tomb" Doppelganger is not much weaker than his deity, at least in terms of body surgery, it is a very qualified'six levels.'

Sasuke wanted to use the "Suzunenghu" to shake Uchiha's "round tomb avatar", whether in the realm of the caster or the realm of Hitomishu, it was obviously in an absolute disadvantage. Naturally, it goes without saying.

   Naruto, who was also blown away, climbed from the ground at this time: "Sasuke, Uchiha spot is really strong!"

   "Bah!" After spitting out blood, Sasuke said bitterly: "That's why I need to talk!"

  The reason why Sasuke is aggressive is that in addition to his own character, there is also his father's secret instructions before departure.

Uchiha spot, as Uchiha, slaughtered tens of thousands of ninjas in the Ninja Alliance, and gave Uchiha too many enemies, so Fuyue Qiandingwan asked that Sasuke must play a role in this battle. The Uchiha family recovered some reputation, and this is one of the reasons for Sasuke's impulse.

  Naruto said: "Fortunately, there is a teacher!"

   Sasuke reminded: "Liu Dao Xianren said, we two are the hope to save the ninja world, so don't be careless!"

   on the field.

   Controlled the "Round Tomb Doppelganger" to repel Naruto. After Sasuke, Uchiha’s face didn’t have any joy, no, it should be said that there was no slight wave, as if it was just a trivial matter that didn’t need to be cared about.

   His gaze never left the heliostat from beginning to end!

  Hikari Mirror glanced at Naruto who was struck again, Sasuke, shook his head with a smile.

   Uchiha spot took the opportunity to recover the remaining two "round tomb avatars", and then re-launched the "round tomb penitentiary", once again allocating four new "round tomb avatars."

   At the same time, Uchiha spot also broke the periosteum on the forehead after becoming a ten-tailed man, revealing the scarlet ‘eye of the moon’ at the center of his eyebrow.

  Obviously, because the ten tail that Hui Yeji cultivated for thousands of years already has a ‘eye of the moon’, so as long as the realm of the ten-tailed man reaches the level, almost all have the ability to open the ‘eye of the moon’.

  Because of the loss of ten tails, the realm fell, so the ‘eye of the moon’ at the heart of the eyebrow closed.

  The Japanese mirror has no flaws in this respect, because he did not use the external forces of ‘Chakra Fruit’ or ‘Ten Tail’ to step into the ‘Blood Following Snake’.

He created a unique environment through ceremonies, and then honestly completed the thorough nature fusion of the five elements and seven kinds of Chakras of Yin and Yang, and became the "blood following snare" in the most simple way, so unless he died, or It was dug out artificially, otherwise the "eye of the moon" in his eyebrows will never disappear.

  As Uchiha's eyebrow at the center of her eyebrows was revealed, the eye of the moon at the center of the Japanese eyebrows also stared.

   "Ghost, you really gave me too many surprises, but that's it!"

   Uchiha said coldly, and because of the opening of the ‘eye of the moon’, the chakra fluctuations in his body increased once again, faintly approaching the ‘blood following snare’ of the heliostat.

   Sun smiled to the mirror.

The heliostat's silent smirk completely irritated Uchiha spot. At the moment, he slammed into the heliostat with a sonic boom, and even along the way, because Chakra's fluctuation was too large and the speed was too fast, it caused space barriers. Shock.

  From a distance, it looks like a transparent ripple appears around the Uchiha spot!


   Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, farther away, second or fourth generation, they were all stunned.

   This terrifying impact makes their hearts instinctively feel tremor and fear, regardless of whether they are timid or timid, it is a kind of suppression of life level.

   And at this moment, the heliostat was just looking around and caught Uchiha spot in the hand.

   The sharp sonic boom, concussive ripples, and the chakra fluctuations carried by Uchiha spot were all stopped at this moment, and then disappeared into the invisible, as if nothing had happened.


   Uchiha spot was shocked, subconsciously and a "round tomb avatar" in the distance replaced the position.

   And at the moment of Uchiha spot replacement position, the heliostat grabbed a bone blade in his palm, UU reading book www.uukanshu. com then pierced a'round tomb avatar' that had been replaced.

In a short time, the "round tomb avatar" hit by the bone blade in the palm of the Japanese mirror not only broke away from the invisible state, but also turned into fly ash under the eyes of everyone, and even the Chakra fluctuations were not left at all.

   Uchiha spot in the distance was shocked: "What... what is this technique?"

The heliostat did not answer, but stabbed the hand holding the bone blade forward, and stabbed into a deep space door out of thin air. At the same time, another space appeared without any sign behind Uchiha spot. The door, and the arm of the heliostat holding the bone blade quietly stabbed from it!

   Out of instinctive instincts, Uchiha didn't even return his head, and replaced the position with a "round tomb avatar" again.

   The scene of terror is repeated again, extremely strong, and can easily hit Fei Naruto, Sasuke's "round tomb avatar" turned into fly ash under the bone blade of the heliostat.

   For a time, Uchiha spot cold sweat DC, no war intentions!

far away.

   Naruto asked stunnedly: "Sasuke, does the ninja world really need us to save?"

   Sasuke also felt a little dazed: "Also...maybe!"


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